英语人>词典>汉英 : 出乎意料 的英文翻译,例句
出乎意料 的英文翻译、例句


exceeding one's expectations · against expectation · contrary to expectation
更多网络例句与出乎意料相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Like a bolt out of the blue.


Italian consumer confidence fell for a third month running in December but French consumer spending rose unexpectedly in November, driven by purchases of household goods and despite a continued slump in car sales.


By what ruse , what unsuspected good luck, could Actaeon manage from that point to penetrate the " cruel principle of her virginity"?


Do you want to find unexpected love and admiration ?


But amazingly, in the end, it comes back to the initial height.


When Miriam meets Amina, their unexpected attraction throws them both off balance.

当Miriam 邂逅了Amina,她们之间的出乎意料的吸引使两个人都慌了手脚。

Your comments may backfire and cause you a lot of trouble.


A mountain of trouble .Your comments may backfire and cause you a lot of trouble .


She was unexpectedly cheerful, and her dining-room had the decency of clean bareness.


HIgh on a Throne of Royal State, which far Outshon the wealth of Ormus and of Ind, Or where the gorgeous East with richest hand Showrs on her Kings Barbaric Pearl and Gold, Satan exalted sat, by merit rais'd [ 5 ] To that bad eminence; and from despair Thus high uplifted beyond hope, aspires Beyond thus high, insatiate to pursue Vain Warr with Heav'n, and by success untaught His proud imaginations thus displaid.

V1:撒旦带着王者赫赫的气概,坐在宝座上,高高在上,那宝座的豪华,远远胜过奥木斯和印度地方的富丽,或鲜艳的东方,毫不吝惜蛮夷的金银珠宝,像雨一样洒在他们君王的头上;他凭实力登上高位,心高气傲,在绝望之余,出乎意料地,能升到如此高度,更激发了他的雄心壮志,虽经对天交战而徒劳、败绩,却不灰心,向大众宣告自己傲慢的遐想: V2:撒但带着王者赫赫的气概,高高地坐在宝座上,那宝座的豪华,远远胜过奥木斯和印度地方的富丽,或鲜艳的东方,不惜蛮夷的金银珠宝,象雨一样洒在他们君王的头上;他凭实力登上高位,意气扬扬,出乎意料地,在绝望之余,能升到如此高度,更引起他的雄心壮志,虽经对天交战而徒劳、败绩,却不灰心,向大众披露傲慢的遐想

更多网络解释与出乎意料相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

absurdly... random:荒谬地、出乎意料地

So completely...|这么完全地 | ...absurdly... random.|荒谬地、出乎意料地 | Come on, Lex. I figured you'd be stoked he's finally gone.|得了,雷克斯,我认为你该为他的死而高兴才对啊

a dark horse:出乎意料的嬴家

34.On hold 尚未办理的事情 | 35.A dark horse 出乎意料的嬴家 | 36.The bottom line 本质内容

caught off guard:出乎意料

dibs 优先权 | caught off guard 出乎意料 | get somebody through the door 让某人通过

Out of Character:出乎意料

25.TO Battl!战斗吧! | 26.Out of Character 出乎意料 | 27.Harsh Parents 严厉的父母

a surprise party:一个出乎意料的聚会

9. on this special day 在这个特别的日子 | 10. a surprise party 一个出乎意料的聚会 | 11. paint a picture 画画

Surprisingly, no:出乎意料, 不用

Do I have to get rid of the implants?|我得把种植进去的东西拿出来吗? | Surprisingly, no.|出乎意料, 不用. | But your E.K.G. Shows a slightly decreased heart rate.|但你的心电图显示你的心率略有下降.

unexpected news:出乎意料的新闻

爆炸式新闻 --- breaking news | 出乎意料的新闻 --- unexpected news | 把不好的消息透漏给某人 --- to break the news to sb


但作者在上句谈到室内设计的重要性时说"我们还期望每个地方都适合其作用"(We also expect each place to be appropriate to its use),本句举出了设计式样与作用不相符的具体例子,说使人感到"出乎意料"(unexpected)才能支持上文观点,

Unexpected Song:出乎意料的歌

01 The Ohantom of The Opera 歌剧魅影 | 02 Unexpected Song 出乎意料的歌 | 03 Chanson D'enfance 儿时之歌

Unexpectedly awesome:出乎意料的好

unexpected. 出乎意料 | Unexpectedly awesome. 出乎意料的好 | go ahead.Answer that.I'mstarving, and I smell waffles. 接电话吧 我快饿死了 闻到华夫饼的味道了