英语人>词典>汉英 : 几何分布 的英文翻译,例句
几何分布 的英文翻译、例句


geometric distribution
更多网络例句与几何分布相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this paper, the formula of Expect Bayes estimation of the reliability under entropy loss function and square loss function for geometric distribution have been given, when the prior distribution of the reliability is power distribution.


The example are also given to show that the two Expect Bayes estimation formula are both steady and the precision of Expect Bayes estimation of the reliability for geometric distribution under the entropy loss function is higher than that of the square loss function.


For simply research, HMM assume the time of continuous states staying obey geometry distributing.


Finally, we make researches on the statistical approach of geometric distribution and discrete life distribution class.


The relationship of the optimal geometric distribution of the constellation and the positioning error is given.


This article gives the key results for geometric distribution with respect to the following three aspects:1. The statistical character for geometric distribution.


Part one: The statistical analysis for geometric distribution The geometric distribution is one of the better known discrete probability distributions and has many useful applications.


Part one: The statistical analysis for geometric distributionThe geometric distribution is one of the better known discrete probability distributions and has many useful applications.


For example, we use geometric distribution to describe the life distribution of runs of a species in transect surveys of plant populations and inventory demand distributions. In the theory of reliability, geometric distribution is one of the most important discrete probability distributions because of its loss of memory.


I have calculated the species diversity for 3 layers (i.e. tree layer, shrub layer and herb layer) by means of various biodiversity index formulas and analyzed the relative species abundance using 9 models of the probability density distribution functions, such as, 3 Distribution (or Beta Distribution, Weibull Distribution, Lognormal Distribution, Poisson Distribution, Binomial Distribution, Negative Binomial Distribution ,Geometric Distribution, etc.. chi-square analyses were conducted on species distribution by using the chi-square test formulated by Pearson to test which distribution function is better, the result of chi square test made it possible to reject the other 8 distribution functions, theβdistribution function performs better than other probability density functions, it has a very close approximation, which can be used for the description of relative abundances of species in forest communities in this data set.


更多网络解释与几何分布相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

geometric distribution:几何分布

几何分布(Geometric distribution)是离散型机率分布. 其中一种定义为:在第n次伯努利试验,才得到第一次成功的机率. 详细的说,是:n次伯努利试验,前n-1次皆失败,第n次才成功的机率.

geometric distribution:几何分布,几何分布

geoboard 几何板 | geometric distribution 几何分布,几何分布 | geometric sequence 等比数列,几何数列

hyper geometric distribution:超几何分布

Poisson distribution 泊松分布 | hyper geometric distribution 超几何分布 | Continuous random variable 连续型随机变量

hypergeometric distribution:超几何分布

如上所述,质量数据分类可以概括如下: 计件值 计数值 离散型随机变量 质量特性值 计点值 计量值 连续型随机变量 (2)计数值的变异规律及度量 1.超几何分布(hypergeometric distribution) 超几何分布的研究对象是有限总体无放回抽样,

hypergeometric distribution:超几何分布;超几何分布

超立方体 hypercube | 超几何分布;超几何分布 hypergeometric distribution | 超几何机率 hypergeometric probability

negative hypergeometric distribution:负超几何分布;负超几何分配

负因子多项分布;负因子多项分配 negative factorial multinomial distribution | 负超几何分布;负超几何分配 negative hypergeometric distribution | 负动差 negative moments

multivariate hypergeometric distribution:多变量超几何分布;多变量超几何分配

多变量指数分布;多变量指数分配 multivariate exponential ... | 多变量超几何分布;多变量超几何分配 multivariate hypergeometric distribution | 多变量递增故障率分布 multivariate increasing failure rate (MIFR...

positive hypergeometric distribution:正超几何分布;正超几何分配

正定的 positive definite | 正超几何分布;正超几何分配 positive hypergeometric distribution | 正递回状态 positive recurrent state

compound hypergeometric distribution:复合超几何分布;复合超几何分配

混合次数分布 compound frequency distribution | 复合超几何分布;复合超几何分配 compound hypergeometric distribution | 混合所得 compound income

extended hypergeometric distribution:广义超几何分布;广义超几何分配

广义可分组设计 extended group divisible design | 广义超几何分布;广义超几何分配 extended hypergeometric distribution | 可测量 extensive magnitudes