英语人>词典>汉英 : 凛冽的 的英文翻译,例句
凛冽的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
brisk  ·  brisker  ·  nippy  ·  nippier

更多网络例句与凛冽的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Where two mountains crash together; a snake that guards the path; the place of the green lizard; eight deserts and eight hills; the cold biting wind; the Chiconahuapan river and in the deepest level where the home of Mictlantecuhtli, Lord of the Fleshless, is found.


During the ride,a blue norther struck,coating the cowboys and their horses with ice.


Do you know?I has seen a polyanthus blow in December ... me friendly wall has sheltered it from the biting wind.


Air temperature about 20 degrees but those blustery winds made it feel much colder.


Ouvrira largement ses ailes de corbeau.


They deal with harsh winters every year and trudging through several feet of snow.


I am in a thousand winds that blow


Women in furs and men in greatcoats moved gaily in the wintry air.


I found he's shivering in a the wind-swept street.


The old man stood shivering in the wind-swept street.


更多网络解释与凛冽的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a sharp pain in the back:背部的剧痛

6 producing a physical sensation of cutting or piercing; keen 刺骨的; 凛冽的; 剧烈的 | * a sharp pain in the back 背部的剧痛. | 7 quickly aware of things; acute; alert 灵敏的; 敏锐的; 机警的

I feel so bitter about the way they treated me:他们对待我的方式真让我生气

2. adjective 辛酸的,痛苦的,悲痛的 | I feel so bitter about the way they treated me. : 他们对待我的方式真让我生气. | 3. adjective 剧烈的,尖锐的,严厉的;刺骨的,凛冽的


弥尔顿(Milton)说地狱的鬼火没有光亮,却能照见黑暗:from those fla鹰隼(hawk)翱翔于九天,自然不怕罡风凛冽. 速度与耐寒是它们与生俱来的才能Chain Mail相当于我国的连环锁子甲,用一个个小环(ring)相衔而成. 如果其色古希腊神话中,


nipponese /日本人/ | nippy /刺骨的/凛冽的/锐利的/ | nirvana /涅盘/天堂/

The four winds pounded:狂风大作

On an anvil of honour, with a hammer of blood在光荣铸成的铁砧上,铁锤如热血般激昂 | 2. The four winds pounded 狂风大作 | The heart of Turisas was forged by four winds战神的心在凛冽的风中炼造




时序已是初春,英国纽卡斯尔(New Castle)泰恩(Tyne)河岸的早晨,寒风依旧瑟瑟. 河岸两旁树木,虽然开始冒出新绿,却依然可见那是经历严冬凛冽的摧残,正逐步迎向早春的喜悦!尚原因为国民服役军官训练课程表现优异,在海军高层人员的鼓励下,

Gallantness and faith fills their hearts:勇敢与忠信是他们的信条

Their arms are tempered by the work of their swords作战使他们锻炼着他... | Gallantness and faith fills their hearts 勇敢与忠信是他们的信条 | The heart of Turisas was forged by four winds战神的心在凛冽的...

Rhacophorus taipeianus:台北树蛙

台北树蛙(Rhacophorus taipeianus)是全世界仅分布於台湾的特有种保育类蛙类,不同於多数青蛙,它选择在寒冷的冬季进行求偶繁殖. 每当寒风凛冽的冬夜,雄蛙已占据最佳的位置且挖掘好爱的小窝,并吹鼓起气球般的鸣囊呼唤出『葛-葛-葛...』低沈而连续的情歌,

Chilly wind sharp as a razor blade:凛冽的风就如刀口

牐燱asn't any difference to me 对我来说没有不同 | 牐燙hilly wind sharp as a razor blade 凛冽的风就如刀口 | 牐燞ouse on fire, debts unpaid 房子起火,债务未还