英语人>词典>汉英 : 减数性 的英文翻译,例句
减数性 的英文翻译、例句


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Meiotic pachytene bivalents were obtained from porcine testes using prolonged hypotonic treatment combined with high chloroform Carnory's fixative solution. Mitotic metaphase chromosomes were prepared from blood cell culture. Comparative studies on division index and length of pachytene bivalents and mitosis metaphase chromosomes showed that those of the former are 5 times higher and 3.42(1.87~5.98) times longer than the latter, respectively. Chromomere maps of bivalents are more abundant than mitotic metaphase G-bands, while they are correspondent with mitotic early-metaphase G-bands. The result was found by using the chromosome 12 as a sample.


To investigate whether the expression of cdc2 and cyclin B1 in spermatogenic cells during spermatogenesis is actually a temperature dependent event, in situ hybridization, Western blotting and immunohistochemistry analysis were used to study the expression of cdc2 and cyclin B1 in normal and cryptorchid testis. Results showed that heat would differentially hurt male germ cells in different developmental stages during spermatogenesis, especially the pachytene primary spermatocytes. Most of spermatogonia in contralateral cryptorchid testis were not harmed fatally by heat as yet, indicating that spermatogonia could resist to beat to a certain extent. In this case spermatogonia could develop to pachytene/diplotene primary spermatocytes, but they could not acquire the ability to complete the transition from mitosis to meiosis, and then appeared to go through apoptosis. Therefore, we could not find the descendants of meiosis: secondary spermatocytes and round spermatids, elongated spermatids and spermatozoon. The abdominal temperature had no significant influence on the transcription of cdc2 and cyclin B1 in the spermatogonia and pachytene/diplotene primary spermatocytes. In normal rabbit testis, cyclin B1 increased in the pachytene/diplotene primary spermatocytes before meiosis and reached its peak in the spermatids.

为了解精子正常发生过程中cdc2和cyclin B1表达的低温依赖性,我们利用原位杂交和免疫组化等方法,研究了正常和隐睾精子发生过程中cdc2和cyclin B1的转录和翻译调控活动,结果表明:(1)热对各阶段的雄性生殖细胞都有损害,粗线期的初级精母细胞尤为敏感,实验性隐睾内的精原细胞尚未完全受到"致命"影响,说明精原细胞对热有一定的耐受性,但即使成为粗线期/双线期初级精母细胞,却未能获得由有丝分裂过渡到减数分裂的能力,呈现不同程度的凋亡,所以在整个切片中找不到源自减数分裂的产物----次级精母细胞、圆形精子细胞,更谈不上长形精子细胞和精子的形成;(2)腹腔高温未明显地影响隐睾精原细胞和粗线期/双线期初级精母细胞中cyclinB1和cdc2的转录,说明高温并不是通过影响cyclin B1和cdc2的转录活动而导致生精过程阻断的;(3)正常兔睾丸组织中,〓在精原细胞和粗线期/双线期精母细胞中均有表达:cyclin B1蛋白在减数分裂前期的粗线期/双线期初级精母细胞中的表达量增加,于变态末期的精子细胞中达高峰。

Results indicated : The meiosis stages of megaspore of white poplars are different, while there was a association between MMCs and PMCs meiosis in the same hybrid.


Now the research has made progress.(1) The meiosis stages of megaspore could be discriminated timely through observing the meiosis of microspore under the same environmental conditions, according to the association of female and male buds during development.


It was thought that space induction caused the variation of size, fertility and the abnormal meiosis.


The development of Peiai 64S and IR36 did not differ up to microsporocyte formation stage; but since meiosis stage, male reproductive cells of Peiai 64S underwent several structural changes and ultimately terminated by early bicellular stage.


At time of 5mm length of alabatrum, the miosis in microsporecyte and the sex differentiation was found, thus in female flowers, pollen mother cell showed a abnormal meiose then the pollen cells gradually disintegrated, final, contabescence had taken, and in male flowers, the stamen normally developed.


2N gametes are the result of meiotic mutation during micro- and mega-sporogenesis that bear the sporophytic rather than the gametophytic chromosome number. This paper reviewed the genetic markers including the morphologic, cytological, isozymes and DNA markers, which have been employed in the generation, inheritance, heterozygosity and marker-assisted breeding of 2n gametes based on the frequency of large pollen grains, cytological analyses, unexpected occurrence of polyploidy progeny and the associations between parents and progenies.


Thus it is obvious that the weak homology existedamong genomes A, B, D and 〓. However, the rare unreduced gemetes and near-unreduced ones with the loss of several chromosomes could be produced by the highlyunequtional division of univalents at the first meisis and the normal second division,which gave the F1 hybrid the partial fertility.


For further studying the genetic mechanism of the reproductive isolation phenomenon of interspecific hybrid, paraffin sections of testes from 13 sexually mature male mules (Equus asinus×Equus caballus) and 12 hinnies (Equus caballus×Equus asinus) were prepared, and the samples of Giemsa meiosis and AgNO 3 synaptonemal complexes were observed and compared with spermatocyte meiosis of horse and donkey under light microscope and electronic microscope.


更多网络解释与减数性相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


单倍性生物(haplont)包括绝大部分单细胞生物、鞭毛藻类和原生动物. 在这类生物的生活史中(图1-1),单倍体(haploid)时期占主导地位,贯穿全部营养体时期. 只有合子是二倍体(diploid),减数分裂发生在合子时期.

somatic meiosis:体细胞减数分裂

此外某些生物还具有体细胞减数分裂(somatic meiosis)现象,如在蚊子幼虫的肠道中,有一些由核内有丝分裂形成的多倍体细胞(可高达32X),在蛹期又通过减数分裂降低了染色体倍性,增加了细胞数目.


早期抽苔 premature seeding;premature bolting | 早熟性 prematurity | 前减数分裂 premeiosis

oligolecithal; isolecithal:(散布于细胞质中的)少量卵黄

寡盐生物 oligohalobion | (散布于细胞质中的)少量卵黄 oligolecithal; isolecithal | 减数性 oligomery


meiosis 减数分裂 | meiotaxy 少列性 | meioticdivision 成熟分裂


oligomer 寡聚物 | oligomery 减数性 | oligonucleotide 寡核苷酸

oligopyrene sperm:减(染色体)数精子

减数性 oligomery | 减(染色体)数精子 oligopyrene sperm | 寡糖类 oligosaccharide

zygotic sterility:合子不孕性;合子不育

合子减数 zygotic reduction | 合子不孕性;合子不育 zygotic sterility | (全合子的)愈合核 zygotonucleus


"变形虫性脓疡","amebic abscess; amoebic abscess" | "无减数分裂","ameiosis" | "无减数分裂的单性生殖","ameiotic parthenogenesis"


\\"痉挛性瞳孔缩小\\",\\"miosis,spastic\\" | \\"脊髓性瞳孔缩小\\",\\"miosis,spinal\\" | \\"缩瞳的,缩瞳药,减数分裂的\\",\\"miotic\\"