英语人>词典>汉英 : 凌厉 的英文翻译,例句
凌厉 的英文翻译、例句


swift and fierce · quick and forceful
更多网络例句与凌厉相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Budget, it also reveals the potential of a film auteur with sharprealistic narration.


As we arrived at the edge of the village, a blood curdling yell from a sentry rang out.


Just a note on the CZ-52.We expected a hard kicker and ear-splitting muzzle blast.


They ran very fast, attacked very hard and passed the ball very fast.


Water is very humble, it is always down, down, may it flow into rivers and lakes; Hill is very humble, it is always silent, silent, be it in the stands as a silent picture; the spring is very humble, It is always fierce winter to hotels specifically catering, be it the warmth of life; autumn is very humble, it is always in the quiet after the noisy arrival of summer, it can be brought about gains and maintain a humble heart, Life there is a dignity and value can not be conveyed in words.


The fierce images and the surrealistic narration of story run through every piece of work of the director.


Armies are now made up of meticulously detailed troops built with unique heads, body, weapons and armour with unique animations and poses that gives each individual unit character and depth.


Both of them have the brushy eyebrows of musculine beauty and thick lips closed tightly with their eyes flashed defiance.


At the end of 2008, global financial crisis swept around the world, Wuhan Marco Polo Hotel face the storm, take a swift and fierce attack and get a good achievement, thus we have specially invited Mr. Henk Meyknecht to discuss with us on the forms of Wuhan hotels and influence taken by the centurial financial crisis storm to Wuhan hotel industry.

08岁末,全球性的金融大风暴席卷各地,武汉马哥孛罗酒店直面风暴,凌厉出击且取得了不错的成绩,为此我们特别邀请了Henk Meyknecht先生和我们共同探讨武汉的酒店形式及这场世纪金融风暴给武汉酒店业带来的影响。

About the style I study the close intrinsic relationship between his preferring to prose and his philosophy of life and how the changes of his prose style show the ones of his thoughts. Concerning the subject matter of writing I discuss how Zhou" s loving life and "common humanity influenced it. For example, he like to write the fate of unimportant person, the local snacks, the folk arts, the slight changes in nature and so on. As regard to the genre of writing, I set forth that the contradiction of his philosophy of life make his works present the contradictious style which not only is peaceful but also shows his teeth.


更多网络解释与凌厉相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

King Arthur:(王者無敵)

这位拍广告、MV出身的导演,以擅拍风格动作片见称,无论是>、>(King Arthur),或与周润发合作的>(The Replacement Killers),均可见其凌厉影像、紧凑迫力的特色,>当然亦不例外.


这种油的辛烷值(octane)和十六烷(cetane)的含量更高,结合更加清洁的发动机,动力输出可以提高7%以上. 这种提高你在驾驶当中就能体会到,比如发动机响应更加敏捷,加速更凌厉.


由于爱康在许多交易中耍花招,因此她管他叫"多观众厅电影院"(Cineplex). 他们最喜爱的娱乐项目是网球. 盖尔说,爱康的球风极为凌厉,与他打球就好像经历了"巴丹死亡行军"一样. 爱康定期在对冲基金晚宴上表演个人脱口秀,为他的慈善机构筹款.


五个中场分别是:英格兰21岁以下国家队星级球员西恩.戴维斯 (Sean Davis),极具天份的葡萄牙中场球员曼德斯 (des)他是球场上的全能战士,爱尔兰国脚安迪.里德 (Andy Reid),进攻中场伦农 (但这位少年天才具备足以威胁任何快速后卫的凌厉变速.

Double Team:反击王

他的三部荷里活投资的电影>(Double Team)、>(Knock Off )和>(Time and Tide)只能说是好坏参半,野心勃勃的反而无能为力,后面这部却营造出凌厉的视觉效果,尤其是土瓜湾旧楼中的一场凌空大战,

Or soft as eiderdown fluff:还是柔软若鸭绒

Is it prickly to touch as a hedge is, 它摸起来是犹如多刺的树篱, | Or soft as eiderdown fluff? 还是柔软若鸭绒? | Is it sharp or quite smooth at the edges? 它的棱角是凌厉还是光滑?


除此之外,门将弗赖(Frey)亦是菲奥伦蒂那本仗最重要的人物之一. 众所周知,AC米兰的攻势凌厉,因此主队能否保持城池完璧,就要看其门将有多少功力. 弗赖本季表现出色,再加上球队近来状态甚佳,近5仗取得4胜1和,看来AC米兰今仗恐怕将面临一场硬仗.

TSUI Hark:导演: 徐克

21:00~23:05 导演: 徐克(Tsui Hark) 演员: 谢霆锋 伍佰 卢巧音 恭硕良 黄秋生 高捷 徐子淇 (2000)[顺流逆流]一片结合了香港、好莱坞电影的特长於一身,动作场面连绵不绝,调度手法高明凌厉,许多场戏都是在枪林弹雨、惊险万分的环境下拍摄完成.


其中以最佳女主角奖项竞争最激烈,入围者包括>的金亚中、>的全度妍、>的金慧秀,以及>(Herb)的姜蕙姃等等. 由于金亚中走势凌厉,凭着片中的肥妹角色横扫韩国多个电影颁奖礼影后殊荣,

Knock Off:(雷霆一击)

他的三部荷里活投资的电影>(Double Team)、>(Knock Off )和>(Time and Tide)只能说是好坏参半,野心勃勃的反而无能为力,后面这部却营造出凌厉的视觉效果,尤其是土瓜湾旧楼中的一场凌空大战,