英语人>词典>汉英 : 凉爽 的英文翻译,例句
凉爽 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
cooled  ·  coolness  ·  cool  ·  cools

pleasantly cool
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September is the wettest month, while from October to May the temperatures are cooler and can drop to 15C.


This cool spy gadget seems perfect for folks who lazy to find a source of power.


Mother nature almost always provides a moderate, cool ocean breeze to keep things cool and comfortable.


Crisp clear nights and frosty mornings; a nipping wind; a nippy fall day; snappy weather;('parky' is a British term).


Because of its excellent hydroscopic property, the wool fabric feels cooler than polyester and facilitates the development of air conditioning product.


Although, it can bring some of the cool, but cool it will be more after the Yu heat - right, yes ...... thunderstorms smothery We did not step away from, that is, to a flash, we can not tolerate a little preparation.


During the hot summer nothing is more refreshing than going swimming.

在炎热的夏天,没有什麼事是比游泳更凉爽的了。(凉爽 refreshing

Besides the previous wool scale peeling-off method, they include functional finish, slenderizing of wool, compound weave, and so on.


This approach to writing is reflected in Ezra Pound's advice to young writers (in his 1937 book The ABC of Reading) to "buy a dictionary and learn the meanings of words" and TS Eliot's response when asked the meaning of the line "Lady, three white leopards sat under a juniper tree in the cool of the day" from Ash Wednesday (1927):"It means 'Lady, three white leopards sat under a juniper tree in the cool of the day'", he replied.

这种做法书面反映在庞德咨询青年作家(在其1937年的美国广播公司的图书阅读),将&购买字典和学习的意义&和艾略特的反应时问的含义线&夫人,三个白豹坐在了Juniper树在凉爽的一天&从圣灰星期三( 1927年):&这意味着'夫人,三个白豹坐在了Juniper树在凉爽的一天&,他回答。

Most teammates are germans or from surrounding german speaking countries the cool projects are rare here, and even if we are on a cool project we still want to work on that baby, i started in 2006 and some concepters found the idea cool, so we worked it out a bit more, then other friends who are modellers saw that stuff and wanted to join.


更多网络解释与凉爽相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



Keep Cool:放置冷处,保持凉爽

joint enterprise 合办事业,共同事业 | keep cool 放置冷处,保持凉爽 | keep dry 保持干燥


coolly 沉着 | coolness 凉爽 | coolth 冷静


coolly /冷然/沉著/自若/冷淡/厚脸地/ | coolness /冷/凉爽/冷静/ | coolometer /冷却率测定仪/

coolness coolnessn:冷静, 冷, 凉爽

ecstasy n.入迷 | coolness coolnessn.冷静, 冷, 凉爽 | inquiring adj.咨询的, 打听的, 爱追根究底的

frais m:凉爽

fort a.强壮的 | frais m.凉爽 | franc a.坦率的


60. discontent:不满的 | 61. invigorating:凉爽的 | 62. blow off:发泄

It's rainy, cool and humid:下雨,凉爽又潮湿

天气怎么样? How's the weather? / What's the weather like? | 下雨,凉爽又潮湿. It's rainy, cool and humid. | 他们在做什么? What are they doing?

Cool and refreshed:凉爽

Ocean your spray anoints me你的海洋喷雾利库德我 | Cool and refreshed凉爽 | My spiritual renewal我的精神重建

Refreshing:提神的, 凉爽的, 使人喜欢的

boxcar lengthener 脉冲扩展电路 | refreshing 提神的, 凉爽的, 使人喜欢的 | ram head 滑枕刀架 侧刀架