英语人>词典>汉英 : 冷却效果 的英文翻译,例句
冷却效果 的英文翻译、例句


cooling effect
更多网络例句与冷却效果相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Because it designs forced cooling inlet cavity between body bottom oil pan mounting face and air cylinder cooling water jacket, the present invention make connecting passage distance short, and is propitious to chilled water circulate, which has the advantage of compact conformation, good cooling effect, no-vapor loc, and is a new type structural horizontal type single-double cylinders diesel engine cooling inlet cavity.


The paper also makes effort to research the influence of cooling waters velocity on cooling effect.


The connetion between cooling way,cooling water flux ,cooling water temperature and cooling effect is not clear.


It discovers that the cooling effect of the improved decalescence boxes is better than the primary, and attains the goal.


A test model of four co-rotating disks was developed as the simplified version of a typical internal cooling system of a gas turbine compressor. The investigation was on the distribution of local heat transfer coefficient and the averaged nusselt number of the downstream main disk. Experimental analysis may lead to following conclusions: the distribution is not of monotony and multi-peaks were found along the disk surface,Nu increases with the decrease of the rotational reynold number Re(subscript w,Nu increases with the axial reynold number and the grasholf number.


By varying the flux of water in the water jacket, we could seethat the cooling effect was correlated to the flux of water in the water jacket.


The cooling effectiveness of effusion cooling in the regions with holes and downstream the last row of holes on hot side is much higher than that of conventionary film cooling with the same operation conditions.


In accordance with the problems such as lower cooling effect and corrosion of the water treatment of the cooling water system of ammonia condenser ,the water treatment program of the water quality was optimized,and the water treatment effect before and after the program were summarized.


The process and application of the cooling system of horizontal catenary continuous annealing line for stainless strip are introduced.


Given the same total flow effusion from holes, the results show that the heat shield gets a higher average cooling effectiveness when the opening ratio is 3% compared with 6%; cooling effectiveness is sensitive to the height of ripple board, the heat shield gets the highest cooling effectiveness when the dimensionless height of ripple board is 1% compared with 2% and 3.33%; but there is a little influence on the cooling effectiveness of the liner with the change of the diameter of holes and the height of cooling passage.


更多网络解释与冷却效果相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


铝合金体的轻量化,可防止主轴轴承(bearing)的过度负荷,适用于所有高速加工,并在同一刀盘上共用刀片型和Blade,可以进行广范围的Tooling. 另外,利用 Coolant Bolt 及 Cover,从刀盘中心喷射 Coolant,具有强有力的冷却效果及提高了碎片(chip)排出效果.

cold snap:急速冷却

Quote: Kael,召唤师(Invoker) 急速冷却(Cold Snap) 第一次晕眩将被抵挡同时触发冷却. 接下来的所有效果会完全作用到你身上. 幽灵漫步(Ghost Walk) 若Kael用攻击打破隐形状态,这次攻击将被完全且完美地抵抗.

cooling effect:冷却效果

1274 冷却盘管 cooling coil | 1276 冷却效果 cooling effect | 1277 散热片 cooling fin

sensible cooling effect:显热冷却效果

sensibility 敏感性 | sensible cooling effect 显热冷却效果 | sensible heat cooler 显热冷却器

total cooling effect:总冷却效果

total cooling capacity 制冷量(制冷能力) | total cooling effect 总冷却效果 | total cooling power 总冷却功率


没有内置冷却, 但不会叠加, 所以和激烈狂怒一样, 随情况切换战术充分的发挥吧.专注思绪(Focused Mind)/等级20 等级2士气技能, 无距离 接下来10秒, 你将会移除及无视所有沉默, 缴械(Disarm), 定身(Root)及缓速效果,

Lead Frame:引线框

传统的封装技术中,大多利用引线(wirebond)或引线框(lead frame)的方式,将晶粒所产生的热引导至PCB,散播到空气中,而其表面的黑色塑料封装外壳与晶粒之间并未能紧密结合,其上层冷却能力有限,即使外加散热器,散热效果也仍然有限.


2.冰冻(Freezing),为维京与主角(斧)的招牌技能,即时施放,影响同一行上的3个敌人. 效果是使地方玩家失去对被冰冻目标的控制权,持续1回合(敌方). 除此之外还附加降低物防/魔防(冰冻斧降物防高,冰壁斧降魔防高)的后果.冰冻的优点是只要冷却够就能使用,

air inlet:进气口

此外,为了降低CD值与前轮轴上扬(Front Wheel up),亦卸除了引擎盖左后方的进气口(Air Inlet),保险杆左下方的开口部亦以盖子(Cover)加以封闭. 新形状的大型车底护板(Under Cover)有助于增加下压力(Down Force)、提升冷却性能覆盖引擎下方的大型车底护板对降低CD值发挥极大的效果.


Quote: Kardel Sharpeye,矮人狙击手(Dwarven Sniper) 榴弹(Shrapnel) 若林肯持有者进入榴弹的影响范围内,减速效果将被抵挡但是伤害仍将起作用. 若榴弹施放在了林肯持有者所在的 地方,林肯将进入冷却同时没有任何效果.