英语人>词典>汉英 : 决一死战 的英文翻译,例句
决一死战 的英文翻译、例句


do or die · wage a life-and-death struggle · determine to fight to the death · fight sb. to the death
更多网络例句与决一死战相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Some when faced with a bloody batt le simply give in, but for some surrender is unacceptable, even though they kn ow it would be a fight to the death.


See to will not escape of, perhaps still want with oneself come to definitely one dead war.


Do or die, you'll never make me


Unexpectedly, Alan Tam language proficiency and guard dogs talking dog, the five lucky star to escape the imprisoned, together with Japan and Hong-gang fight to the death.


Heavy blow to nasdaq tired, but he shall not make war, war JiaJi can no longer aggrandizement steel, change "iron man" and each lock Nemesis!


He turned for one instant to the front line, and swinging his arms a little, with the awkward, lumbering gait of a man always on horseback, he walked forward over the uneven ground.


Ply give in, but for some surrender is unacceptable, even though they know it w


The stronger the wind the stiffer his resistance , as if it were a fight to the death.


The stage is set for a gruesome battle between the two nemeses, but only one can survive.


The stage is set for a gruesome battle between the two nemeses , but only one can survieve...


更多网络解释与决一死战相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ehud Barak:埃胡德.巴拉克

中东地区紧张局势持续升温是推高原油合约价格的主要原因. 以色列对加沙地区的空袭仍在继续. 有消息称,以色列国防部长埃胡德-巴拉克(Ehud Barak)表示将与哈马斯决一死战. 以色列称哈马斯向其境内发射了数十枚火箭.

burn one's boats:破釜沉舟,背水一战,决一死战

These trees burned themselves out. 这些树都烧光了. | burn one's boats破釜沉舟,背水一战,决一死战: | We decided to burn out boats. 我们决定背水一战.

Do or die:决一死战

do oneself well 养尊处优 | do or die 决一死战 | do out 打扫

do out:打扫

do or die 决一死战 | do out 打扫 | do over 重做

find fault with :挑毛病

Fight with one's back to the wall 决一死战 | find fault with 挑毛病 | finishing touches 收尾工作


OutBurst | 火山爆发 | ShowDown | 决一死战 | snowbound | 雪海求生

Fight with one's back to the wall:决一死战

Fifth Column 第五纵队 | Fight with one's back to the wall 决一死战 | find fault with 挑毛病

Show-off. I'm gonna have to check the rule book:爱现,我必须查一下规则

I am victorious!|我胜利了! | Show-off. I'm gonna have to check the rule book.|爱现,我必须查一下规则 | Mortal combat!|决一死战!