英语人>词典>汉英 : 冲积作用 的英文翻译,例句
冲积作用 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Alluvium, alluvial material accumulation and the damaging effects are not too much intensity.


Its universality: its democratic equality and constancy to its nature in seeking its own level: its vastness in the ocean of Mercator's projection: its unplumbed profundity in the Sundam trench of the Pacific exceeding 8000 fathoms: the restlessness of its waves and surface particles visiting in turn all points of its seaboard: the independence of its units: the variability of states of sea: its hydrostatic quiescence in calm: its hydrokinetic turgidity in neap and spring tides: its subsidence after devastation: its sterility in the circumpolar icecaps, arctic and antarctic: its climatic and commercial significance: its preponderance of 3 to 1 over the dry land of the globe: its indisputable hegemony extending in square leagues over all the region below the subequatorial tropic of Capricorn: the multisecular stability of its primeval basin: its luteofulvous bed: its capacity to dissolve and hold in solution all soluble substances including millions of tons of the most precious metals: its slow erosions of peninsulas and islands, its persistent formation of homothetic islands, peninsulas and downwardtending promontories: its alluvial deposits: its weight and volume and density: its imperturbability in lagoons and highland tarns: its gradation of colours in the torrid and temperate and frigid zones: its vehicular ramifications in continental lakecontained streams and confluent oceanflowing rivers with their tributaries and transoceanic currents, gulfstream, north and south equatorial courses: its violence in seaquakes, waterspouts, Artesian wells, eruptions, torrents, eddies, freshets, spates, groundswells, watersheds, waterpartings, geysers, cataracts, whirlpools, maelstroms, inundations, deluges, cloudbursts: its vast circumterrestrial ahorizontal curve: its secrecy in springs and latent humidity, revealed by rhabdomantic or hygrometric instruments and exemplified by the well by the hole in the wall at Ashtown gate, saturation of air, distillation of dew: the simplicity of its composition, two constituent parts of hydrogen with one constituent part of oxygen: its healing virtues: its buoyancy in the waters of the Dead Sea: its persevering penetrativeness in runnels, gullies, inadequate dams, leaks on shipboard: its properties for cleansing, quenching thirst and fire, nourishing vegetation: its infallibility as paradigm and paragon: its metamorphoses as vapour, mist, cloud, rain, sleet, snow, hail: its strength in rigid hydrants: its variety of forms in loughs and bays and gulfs and bights and guts and lagoons and atolls and archipelagos and sounds and fjords and minches and tidal estuaries and arms of sea: its solidity in glaciers, icebergs, icefloes: its docility in working hydraulic millwheels, turbines, dynamos, electric power stations, bleachworks, tanneries, scutchmills: its utility in canals, rivers, if navigable, floating and graving docks: its potentiality derivable from harnessed tides or watercourses falling from level to level: its submarine fauna and flora, numerically, if not literally, the inhabitants of the globe: its ubiquity as constituting 90 percent of the human body: the noxiousness of its effluvia in lacustrine marshes, pestilential fens, faded flowerwater, stagnant pools in the waning moon.


During the course of acid rain eluviation, Zn shows the most activation. Although Zn does not seem to be obviously anomaly, it has the highest concentration in soil solution and eluviation solution, the most activation heavy metal element in acid rain effect. Other elements including Hg, As, Cd, Cu, Pb etc.


Then, three kinds of approaches to simulating the bank erosion process are systematically discussed, which are empirical, extremal hypothesis and mechanical approaches.


The results show that when the depth gradually reduces, pH values gradually increase, but conductivities and (superscript – subscript 3) content gradually reduce. There are also obvious differences between the groundwater in loess, alluvial deposit and acidity rock in the south of Chang'an, which relates to the depth, the characters of loess, the lixiviation and the evaporation. The element content of groundwater is high in the loess tableland, so it's fitter for drinking than the groundwater in the Cuihua mountains, which is of acidity and low element content.

结果表明,长安南部黄土塬随着层位的降低,pH值有逐渐增大趋势,电导率和HCO(上标–下标 3)含量有逐渐减少的趋势;黄土地下水、冲积层地下水和酸性岩石地下水的化学成分存在明显差异,这与其理深、地层性质、溶滤与蒸发作用不同有关;长安南部少陵源黄土地下水元素含量较高,比呈酸性、元素含量低的翠华山泉水更适于饮用。

The shock starts to stall, but it is re-invigorated by neutrino interaction.


The results show that these gravel silty clays distributed at the range between the rock slope with an altitude lower than 190m and the rock platform with an altitude about 140-150m are formed from sliding; and that those gravel silty clays distributed above 190m of the rock surface are residual, colluvial and talus deposits; and that the gravel sand layer located along Zhuxi River is a kind of alluvial deposit.


From nature factor, there is arid and strong wind and plenty of sand material that derives from alleviation of rivers in Shiquanhe basin. The vegetation ecology system is very vulnerable. From human being action, the actions of secular excessive firewood and herd and disorder exploitation sandrock make origin vegetation completely destroy and alleviation including plenty of sand material whose structure is loose expose under the effect of wind force.


更多网络解释与冲积作用相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

continental alluvium:大陆冲积层

大陆冰川(作用) continental glaciation | 大陆冲积层 continental alluvium | 大陆段;陆块 continental segment


作用于挡土结构物的侧向土压力可根据弹塑性法进行计算,对于开挖基底面,它的静止土压力由于超固结比(OCR)的增加而发生变化. 上述的设计法没有考虑这种影响,因此挡土墙设计有可能出现过于不经济. 本文从路基开挖工程取得冲积沙试料,

rhomboid ripple mark:菱形波痕

释文:又称菱形波痕(rhomboid ripple mark)、干扰波痕(interference ripple mark)等. 一般认为是至少二组以上沙纹的相互干涉作用而产生的. 例如,在滨海带有沿岸流的情况下,流动沙纹与浪成沙纹相互干扰可以产生多角形波痕,但在冲积相的泛滥平原沉积物中也常见之,因此这类波痕不总是由于两方向的介质互相干涉所造成的

alluvial terrace:冲积阶地

alluvial soil冲积土 | alluvial terrace冲积阶地 | alluviation冲积作用

alluvial terrace:冲积台地

"冲积土,淤积土","alluvial soil" | "冲积台地","alluvial terrace" | "冲积作用","alluviation"

allogenic river:外源河

alkalization碱化(作用) | allogenic river外源河 | alluvial cone冲积锥

alluviation:冲积; 冲积作用

alluvial deposit 冲积物; 冲积层 | alluviation 冲积; 冲积作用 | allyl chlorocarbonate 氯甲酸烯丙酯


alluvial terrace冲积阶地 | alluviation冲积作用 | alluvium冲积物;冲积层

allyl chlorocarbonate:氯甲酸烯丙酯

alluviation 冲积; 冲积作用 | allyl chlorocarbonate 氯甲酸烯丙酯 | alterant 备用方案

aggrading river:冲积河流

aggrading action ==> 加积作用 | aggrading river ==> 冲积河流 | aggrading stream ==> 冲积河流,加积河