英语人>词典>汉英 : 冰上舞蹈 的英文翻译,例句
冰上舞蹈 的英文翻译、例句


figure dance · ice dancing
更多网络例句与冰上舞蹈相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The types of competition also include speed, figure, and dance.


Under his guidance, the first ice show got under way in 1959 and since then, it hasn't looked back .


I know that they are working on the "Dancing on Ice" show, where professional skaters skate with celebrities.


Ice dancing is a relatively new addition to the Games, making its debut at the 1976 Winter Olympics in Innsbruck, Austria.


I thumb through the contents of the envelope: five hundred bucks and two tickets to Sesame Street on Ice.


Ice dancing developed from ballroom dancing, particularly the waltz, and was very popular in the early 1900s.


I know that they are working on the "Dancing on Ice" show, where professional skaters skate with celebrities.


Within this group, there are two separate events for pair figure skating: pair skating and ice dancing.


Belbin says ice dancing itself has changed in the past few years, with new acrobatic and more physically challenging choreography, moves and lifts.


Ice dancing differs from pairs skating in that ice dancers are restricted to lifts no higher than the man's shoulders and there are no jumps.


更多网络解释与冰上舞蹈相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cherry Blossom Time:樱花时节落英缤纷

Ice Dancing 冰上舞蹈 | Cherry Blossom Time 樱花时节落英缤纷 | Pretty Cool Noodles 酷面

a choreographer:你需要一个教练 一个助理 一个舞蹈指导和私人的冰上练习时间

You got some raw talent. That's not enoug... | You need a coach, a valet, a choreographer, private ice time.|你需要一个教练 一个助理 一个舞蹈指导和私人的冰上练习时间 | Nikki's parents took out a second...

Essex University:埃塞克斯大学

还有一位Dr Diana Entwistle,拿到埃塞克斯大学(Essex University)的体育学博士学位,专业研究--滑冰!她是全世界滑冰研究领域屈指可数的博士,在2007年夺得英国冰上舞蹈大师赛冠军.

figure dance:冰上舞蹈

field hockey 草地曲棍球 | figure dance 冰上舞蹈 | figure skating 花样滑冰

Mice Follies:冰上舞蹈

12 Jerry and the Lion 傑瑞與獅子 | 13 Mice Follies 冰上舞蹈 | 14 The Little Orphan 可憐小孤兒

Mice Follies:冰上舞蹈(老鼠荒唐记)

030 cat fishin 钓鱼记 | 031 mice follies 冰上舞蹈(老鼠荒唐记) | 032 the cat concerto 鼠猫协奏曲(猫咪音乐会)


该表演在英国引起了巨大的轰动,比第一系列"新婚夫妇"(Newlyweds)取得了更高的评价. 同时,它成为英国排名第二位的最成功音乐电视作品,后来丽莎在MTV的黄金时段表演了冰上舞蹈(Dancing On Ice)-至此,我们的流行音乐公主成为了全国的冰上女皇,

The Last Emperor:(末代皇帝)電影《末代皇帝>

在1995年世锦赛中,她的自由滑选曲是电影>(The Last Emperor)的配乐. 在这套自由滑中,她有一段长达1分11秒的冰上舞蹈(背景音乐是电影>的主题曲),在场的观众忍不住附和着音乐为她打拍子.


翻车事故:上周四在美国新泽西收费高速公路(Turnpike)的高架桥上发生车祸,图为一名困在被撞翻的轿车内的妇女等待救援时与亲友通电话. 冰上舞蹈:上周六在美国华盛顿州斯波坎举行的美国花样滑冰锦标赛上,

ice dancing:冰上舞蹈

冰上舞蹈 Ice Dancing | 侧弓身转 sideways leaning spin | 单人跳 solo jump