英语人>词典>汉英 : 冬至的 的英文翻译,例句
冬至的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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We are used to eating glutinous rice balls on winter solstice.


In the north, people will eat dumpling and wonton while those in the south eat rice dumpling and long noodle.


Beginning in the week leading up to the winter solstice and continuing for a full month, Saturnalia was a hedonistic time, when food and drink were plentiful and the normal Roman social order was turned upside down.


It's cold at the winter solstice.


It has attempted to mount a winter solstice display at the capitol for the past two years.


Yule was the ancient Scandinavian celebration of the winter solstice, lasting for several weeks before and after.


In Scandinavia, the Norse celebrated Yule from December 21, the winter solstice, through January.


On the solstices, the sun sets farthest north or farthest south of due west.


If we complete these smaller boxes with the missing 45-degree line we will find that these points come out at $25 and $75 in price and also 25% and 75% in time or Sumer Solstice to Winter Solstice (June 21 st to December 21 st ).

如果我们缺少完成这些小箱45度线,我们会发现,这些论点出来25美元和75美元的价格,也25%,在时间或苏美尔冬至75%,冬至(6月21 日至12月21日)。

If we complete these smaller boxes with the missing 45-degree line we will find that these points come out at $25 and $75 in price and also 25% and 75% in time or Sumer Solstice to Winter Solstice (June 21st to December 21st).

如果我们用不见的 45 完成这些较小的盒子-程度排成一行我们将会找这些点出来在$25 和$75 在价格中以及 25%和 75%及时或总计对冬至的至。

更多网络解释与冬至的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


他的习惯称呼"契约"(indenture)的为期三年的一纸雇佣合同行将结束,渴望顺利在庆贺新年的冬至(12月28日)前返回家乡. 因为他们的进军不再是欢欣鼓舞的光荣之旅,敌对的情绪比边境随便哪个城市都要严重. 在临近科穆宁和尼科亚的地区,

lazy days:庸懒的一天

11 the first of autumn 冬至 | 12 lazy days 庸懒的一天 | 13 watermark 水印



Winter Solstice:冬至

相关专题:图说二十四节气 冬至(winter solstice) 冬至为二十四节气之一,并且是最重要的节气之一. 冬至是按天文划分的节气,古称"日短"、"日短至". 冬至这天,太阳位于黄经270度,阳光几乎直射南回归线,是北半球一年中白昼最短的一天,相应的,南半球在冬至日...

Tropic of Capricorn:南回归线

南回归线(tropic of capricorn)的英文名起源于二千多年前(命名这条线的时候),冬至日太阳直射到此处时,是处在黄道十二宫的摩羯座位置. 现在则由于星体运动,而移动到了人马座的位置.

Winter Solstice Festival:冬至

Double Ninth Festival 重阳节 | Winter Solstice Festival 冬至 | General Description of Traditional Sports and Activities 对传统体育与传统活动的总体说明


solstice /至/至日/至点/ | solstitial /至的/冬至的/夏至的/ | solubility /可溶性/溶解度/解决之可能性/


solstitial 至的 | solstitial 冬至的 | solubilitysolubleness 溶解度

winterized wing:有防冰装置的机翼

winter solstice 冬至 | winterized wing 有防冰装置的机翼 | wipe-ring 括油涨圈

The Spirit World Winter Solstice 1:靈魂的世界 - 冬至日1

006 Imprisoned 囚禁者 | 007 The Spirit World Winter Solstice 1 靈魂的世界 - 冬至日1 | 008 Avatar Roku Winter Solstice 2 神通羅庫 - 冬至日2