英语人>词典>汉英 : 冥想的 的英文翻译,例句
冥想的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
contemplative  ·  meditative  ·  musing

更多网络例句与冥想的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In these periods of stillness, the meditator has achieved the listening

在这 样的静默的时间间隔里,冥想者已经实现了冥想的聆听阶段。

In these periods of stillness, the meditator has achieved the listeningstage of meditation.


Because, when we talk about meditation - as we are going to - any form of effort on the part of the meditator denies meditation, because the meditator is more important than meditation.


The experience of meditating at least in my experience is extremely powerful and oft to be kind of revelatory about your internal state.


Again, I said to myself,'Who is it that meditates, and on whom does he meditate?'


This is not so easy to relax completely , even if you are one who meditates, meditation is still an activity of engagement and distinct focus.


It is when the thoughts, then, or when the cleansings of GROUP meditations are conflicting that such meditations call on the higher forces raised within self for manifestations and bring those conditions that either draw one closer to another or make for that which shadows


It is when the thoughts, then, or when the cleansings of group meditations are conflicting that such meditations call on the higher forces raised within self for manifestations and bring those conditions that either draw one closer to another or make for that which shadows

当各个思想体,或者当群组冥想的洁净发生了矛盾,这样的冥想要求更高的力量在自我里面升起以显明,并带来这样的状况,那就是或者把1个人更拉近到另1个人或者导致更多遮盖 shadow

Notice small adjustments . For beginning meditators, the slightest physical movements can transform a meditative practice from one of frustration to one of renewal.


These are: samadhi in which one gets Emancipated from the notion of matter by meditating on matter, samadhi in which one seeks Emancipation by meditating further on the external phase of matter, though internally the matter notion has already been done away with, samadhi in which one seeks Emancipation and its actualisation in one's own body through the meditation on purity, boundlessness-of-space Emancipation samadhi, boundlessness-of-consciousness Emancipation samadhi, existencelessness Emancipation samadhi, thoughtlessness-non-thoughtlessness Emancipation samadhi, and cessation Emancipation samadhi.


更多网络解释与冥想的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


24. cloistered 隐居的 | 25. contemplative 好冥想的人(如僧侣) | 26. the contemplative life 宗教上冥想的生涯


contemplative /沉思的/爱默想的/冥想的/ | contemplator /冥想者/静观者/ | contemporaneity /同时代/同世/同一时期/


> 对意志这类的控制是一种冥想(Mediation),人们经常无意识地冥想, 看电视也是一种 > , 但许多人总觉得这是一种神秘的精神活动, "心无杂念"可能是冥想的最高境界, 因为 > 那即是你要努力的方向上!



Meditative Techniques:有增加冥想的能力

Teras Kasi Artist - 這是使用空手的格鬥技術,完全不用買武器... | - Meditative Techniques:有增加冥想的能力(?) | - Balance Conditioning:防禦能力和令身體傷害平均化的能力

musing:沉思(的), 冥想(的)

alleged 声称的, 有嫌疑的 | musing 沉思(的), 冥想(的) | delude 欺骗, 哄骗, 愚弄

They will tear your mind away from contemplation:他们会把你冥想的大脑撕开

The whole wide world which people say is round /人们说世... | They will tear your mind away from contemplation /他们会把你冥想的大脑撕开 | They will jump on your misfortune when you're down /你倒霉时他们...

Meditation to Heal Addictions:治疗上瘾的冥想

Meditation on the Divine Mother 冥想圣母 | Meditation to Heal Addictions 治疗上瘾的冥想 | Meditation to Open the Heart 打开心灵的冥想

Master's Touch Meditation:大师的触碰冥想

Mala Meditation 念珠冥想 | Master's Touch Meditation 大师的触碰冥想 | Meditation into Being:I Am, I Am 生命本质的冥想:"我是,我是"

transcendental meditation:超觉冥想

过去40年,科学家已发现了很多线索:超觉冥想(transcendental meditation)--最广泛的冥想方式--能为健康带来诸多好处. 1960年代,当披头士乐队成员开始练习之后,由印度瑜伽大师Maharishi Mahesh Yogi创造的冥想方法逐渐流行开来. 超觉冥想已被发现能降低血压,