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The name of the God of Harvests is Qi who is believed to be an ancient agronomist .
One of these groups brings the homeless teenage girls it serves to the farm for farmwork, and then the girls sell some of the food at a stand they run to raise money for activities.
By avarice and selfishness, and a grovelling habit, from which none of us is free,of regarding the soil as property, or the means of acquiring property chiefly, the landscape is deformed, husbandry is degraded with us, and the farmer leads the meanest of lives.
Ancient poetry and mythology suggest, at least, that husbandry was once a sacred art; but it is pursued with irreverent haste and heedlessness by us, our object being to have large farms and large crops merely.
Men hunted bison and other game and went to war. Along with maintaining the lodges, women did most of the farming and grew corn, squash, and beans. During the 19th century, Hidatsa warriors often went on raiding parties like the one where they captured Sacagawea.
So Brad McLaughlin mingled reckless talk Of heavenly stars with hugger-mugger farming, Till having failed at hugger-mugger farming, He burned his house down for the fire insurance And spent the proceeds on a telescope To satisfy a life-long curiosity About our place among the infinities.
In the winter of '46-7 there came a hundred men of Hyperborean extraction swoop down on to our pond one morning, with many carloads of ungainly-looking farming tools —— sleds, plows, drill-barrows,turf-knives, spades, saws, rakes, and each man was armed with a double-pointed pike-staff, such as is not described in the New-England Farmer or the Cultivator.
Apart from the similarities to the lunar calendar of the Han, the calendar calculation method of the Kachin gives own characteristics.
This is determined by the seasonal distribution of rainfall. Also serious erosion is brought by frequent farming activities.
Most CSAs range somewhere in between, with members volunteering for special workdays on the farm, helping with distribution or defraying part of their payment by doing "working" shares.
- 更多网络解释与农事相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
agronomic 农艺学的,农事的 | agrology 土壤学 | agrobiology 农业生物学
Tom Swift and Air Scout:(汤姆.史威夫特和侦察机) Victor Appleton(维克多.阿普尔顿)
208-423 Tom Swift and Big Tunnel(汤姆.史威夫特和大遂道) Victor Ap... | 208-424 Tom Swift and Air Scout(汤姆.史威夫特和侦察机) Victor Appleton(维克多.阿普尔顿) | 208-425 THE GEORGICS(农事诗集) Virgil(维...
Farm family environment improvement project:农家环境卫生改善计划
农事研究班 Farm discussion group | 农家环境卫生改善计划 Farm family environment improvement project | 农事论坛 Farm forum
agronomic:农艺学的, 农事的
agronomy 农艺学,农学 | agronomic 农艺学的,农事的 | agrology 土壤学
agromelioration 农业土壤改良 | agronomic 农事的 | agronomic 农艺学的
husbandlike:丈夫似的; 可妥善管理农事方法的 (形)
husband 节俭地管理; 节约地使用 (动) | husbandlike 丈夫似的; 可妥善管理农事方法的 (形) | husbandly 节俭地 (副)
味吉尔(Virgil,公元前30年左右)在<<农事诗>>)(Georgics)中描写农事技术和农事的诗意. 瓦罗(Varro)也写过一本关于农事的书,其中记载了观察植物生长的结果,并且暗示疾病的传染是由于肉眼看不见的微生物所致. 公元14年左右,
The Georgics:农事诗
他有一些诗作受到希奥克利特斯的影响,因为喜欢乡野和田园生活,他写出了<<牧歌>>(The Eclogues)这个名作;他甚至因为热爱土地,特意将义大利人的兴趣引回到耕种方面,写了<<农事诗>>(The Georgics),以一种特殊的准确性描写了田间的生活和工作.
The Georgics:(农事诗集)
The Fifth String(第五根线).pdf | THE GEORGICS(农事诗集).pdf | THE GREAT GOD PAN(潘恩大帝).pdf
The Georgics:(农事诗集) Virgil(维克多.麦克库勒)
208-424 Tom Swift and Air Scout(汤姆.史威夫特和侦察机) Victor Appleton(维克多... | 208-425 THE GEORGICS(农事诗集) Virgil(维克多.麦克库勒) | 208-426 SHE STANDS ACCUSED(她是被告) VICTOR MacCLURE(维克多.麦...