英语人>词典>汉英 : 军事当局 的英文翻译,例句
军事当局 的英文翻译、例句


military authority
更多网络例句与军事当局相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is the tendency of Bonapartism and military-police dictatorship to shift from one position to another, from concessions to repression and back again.


The Korean military authorities announced that signs of such diggings have been detected at about 20 spots.


We are raising this question in the War of Resistance in order that the nation's military authorities and the guerrilla com manders in all areas should place on the agenda the development of guerrilla warfare behind the enemy lines and the establishment of base areas wherever possible, and carry this out as a strategic task.


In the case where it is necessary to declare the martial law in a certain locality as a matter of urgency, the military authority may do so under the Martial Law.


Army Corps of Engineers as military or civilian management engineers; or in semiautonomous regional or city authorities or similar organizations. They may also manage private engineering firms ranging in size from a few employees to hundreds.


America has thousands of helicopters but is already worried about its ballooning, billion-dollar bills for wear and tear on its military equipment (and the administration flinches at the thought of military involvement in yet another Muslim country).


Further more, in order to make its military action in Taiwan strait legitimized, the United States Suppressed Taiwan authorities to negotiate with Japan, The Kuomintang authorities had to accept U.S.


This is a job for the Nation's lawmakers, not for its military authorities.


The military authorities, however, said no sign has been observed from either its eastern Musudan-ri base or a new Tongchang-ri base on its west to conclude that an intercontinental ballistic missile launch is imminent.


But When the First World War broke out in August, 1914, the European situations had tremendously changed, inconstract to that originally anticipated by the military authority in Berlin. His successor, Helmuth von Moltke, therefore, did not execute the entire plan left by the predecessor. As a result, the German army failed to achieve its initial objectives, which had immeasurableimpact on the course of the remaining war.


更多网络解释与军事当局相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Arms Race:扩军备战

台湾当局, The Taiwan authorities | 扩军备战, Arms race | 军事挑衅, Military provocation


冲突模式2:福克兰群岛(Falkland)模式. 1982年4月2日,阿根廷军队侵占了福克兰群岛 -- 一个坐落在南大西洋、距离阿根廷海岸480千米、被英国控制而被阿根廷所争议岛群. 阿根廷战胜了驻扎在岛上的少量英国军队. 印度军事当局近日向部分媒体公开了基地.

military authority:军事当局

military attache 武官 | military authority 军事当局 | military band 军乐队

"What matters is that the political authority or the military authority:最重要的是政治机关或军事当局

26 00:02:27,230 --> 00:02:... | 27 00:02:36,549 --> 00:02:42,800 "最重要的是政治机关或军事当局 "What matters is that the political authority or the military authority | 28 00:02:44,130 --> 00:02:46,200...

three-year cycle:三年周期

three-way military authorities talk;三方军事当局会谈;; | three-year cycle;三年周期;; | threshing machine;打谷机;;