英语人>词典>汉英 : 写湖的 的英文翻译,例句
写湖的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Similarly, a safari he took in 1933-34 in the big-game region of Tanganyika resulted in The Green Hills of Africa (1935), an account of big-game hunting.

后来他在1933~1934年间前往坦干伊喀湖的狩猎区游猎,也因此写成《非洲的青山》(The Green Hills of Africa, 1935)一文,描写大型猎物的狩猎运动。

Cornell honors Cayuga Lake in its school song, which begins: Far above Cayuga's waters / With its waves of blue / Stands our noble alma mater / Glorious to view.


Lakers fan wrote an open letter to Ron Artest pleading with the newest Lakers not to muck up the season with his antics and basically telling him what to do and what not to do.


In addition, essays by Anne Wilkes Tucker, Stuart Alexander, Martin Gasser, Jeff L. Rosenheim, Michel Frizot and Luc Sante offer focused analyses of Frank's relationship with Louis Faurer, Edward Steichen, Gotthard Schuh, Walker Evans, Robert Delpire and Jack Kerouac, while Philip Brookman writes about his work with Frank on several exhibitions in the last 30 years.


Platina puts Martino's "Libro" in regional context, writing about ingredients coming from the regions, including perch from Lake Maggiore, sardines from Lake Garda, grayling from Adda, hens from Padua, olives from Bologna and Piceno, turbot from Ravenna, rudd from Lake Trasimeno, carrots from Viterbo, bass from Tiber, roviglioni and shad from Lake Albano, snails from Rieti, figs from Tuscolo, grapes from Narni, oil from Cassino, oranges from Naples and moray from Campania.

普拉提纳了马蒂诺的"书"的区域范围内,写成分来自各地区,包括来自马焦雷湖鲈鱼,沙丁鱼从加尔达湖,格雷从阿达,母鸡从帕多瓦,橄榄从博洛尼亚和皮切诺,大菱鲆从拉文纳,陆克文湖Trasimeno ,胡萝卜从维泰博,低音从伯, roviglioni和鲥鱼阿尔巴诺湖,蜗牛从瑞耶提,从Tuscolo无花果,葡萄从Narni ,石油从蒙特卡西诺,橙子从那不勒斯和鳝由坎帕尼亚。

Platina puts Martino's "Libro" in regional context, writing about ingredients coming from the regions, including perch from Lake Maggiore, sardines from Lake Garda, grayling from Adda, hens from Padua, olives from Bologna and Piceno, turbot from Ravenna, rudd from Lake Trasimeno, carrots from Viterbo, bass from Tiber, roviglioni and shad from Lake Albano, snails from Rieti, figs from Tuscolo, grapes from Narni, oil from Cassino, oranges from Naples and moray from Campania.

普拉提纳了马蒂诺的&书&的区域范围内,写成分来自各地区,包括来自马焦雷湖鲈鱼,沙丁鱼从加尔达湖,格雷从阿达,母鸡从帕多瓦,橄榄从博洛尼亚和皮切诺,大菱鲆从拉文纳,陆克文湖Trasimeno ,胡萝卜从维泰博,低音从伯, roviglioni和鲥鱼阿尔巴诺湖,蜗牛从瑞耶提,从Tuscolo无花果,葡萄从Narni ,石油从蒙特卡西诺,橙子从那不勒斯和鳝由坎帕尼亚。

The Lakers hemmed and hawed their way through another playoff game against the Utah Jazz, leaving Phil Jackson plenty of possible options for the locker-room whiteboard.


From the window of my home, I could see that the lake is just in front of me.


Also read Rev.20:15 - here it says that if your name is not written in the Book of Life, you will be cast away in the Lake of Fire.


With visions of their 0-3 road swoon this month still in mind, not to mention two unspectacular home victories this past weekend against the dregs of the NBA, here are 10 reasons the Lakers might not repeat as champions, five supplied by readers of the Times' Lakers Blog (complete with rejoinders by Times beat writer Mike Bresnahan) and five supplied by Bresnahan, who is in his sixth season covering the Lakers.

这个月的客场3连败还在脑海中,就不提周末对阵NBA弱旅时的主场并不光荣的2场胜利了,这里有10条理由,湖人可能不能如愿卫冕,其中五条是由湖人时代博客的网友们提供的(同时还结合着时代的写手Mike Bresnahan关于这五点相对应的回复),另外五条由Bresnahan提供,他已经是第六个赛季报道湖人的赛事了。

更多网络解释与写湖的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

LA Lakers:湖人

而且使鲍嘉不再是四四年之前那个"禁欲主义者","他突然让人感到他是个性感的男人. "就在几个月前,就是KOBE得到81分的那晚,有人在网上写到"即使再痛,我也陪科比走完这一遭",当时是比赛第三节,湖人(LA Lakers)落后19分;


lagoon sediments 泻湖沉积 | lagoonal 写湖的 | lahar 火山泥流