英语人>词典>汉英 : 写作语言 的英文翻译,例句
写作语言 的英文翻译、例句


authoring language
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BALI? BackWeb Authoring Language Interface?


Therefore, the third part tries to work out a series of practical composition teaching strategies based on how to waken the writing motivation, expand the writing materials, train the expression and cultivate the writing habits.


It discusses the important meaning of synesthesia in the composition of advertising case, dissertates the important function of synesthesia in the expression of advertising case, and has proved further that synesthesia is a kind of extremely innovative rhetoric.


Pragmatic presupposition determines the choice of information focus and its position in a sentence,organizes the discourse into a coherent whole,concise,clear and smooth,and achieves the expected stylistic effects.in college english teaching,if teachers teach the knowledge about pragmatic presupposition in listening teaching,introduce the frequently-seen patterns of presupposition, increase the presuppositional sensitivity of students to certain words and structures,guide students to use the theory on presuppositional information to make forecasts on base of written listening material,listen purposefully,and get rid of the distraction of the minor and redundant information,the ability of students to obtain major information and linguistic inference will be strengthened and their listening competence will improve remarkably.george yule divided presuppositional triggers into factive presupposition,non-factive presupposition,counter-factive presupposition,existential presupposition,lexical presupposition and structural presupposition.presuppositional triggers are helpful for us to understand the true intention of the speaker or writer.in college english reading teaching,if teachers introduce the discourse organizing function of pragmatic presupposition and the relevant presupposition triggers,and teach students to use these triggers to communicate with the writer,the comprehension competence of students will be greatly enhanced.the essential function of presupposition is to build a framework for the further development of discourse.in college english writing teaching,teachers can use the theory on pragmatic presupposition to construct a handy training program for textual organization,increase the textual coherence, economy and structural perfection of the english writings by students.in college english translation teaching,teachers should focus on developing the pragmatic presuppositional thinking of students,enable them to grasp the presupposed information in source text / speech exactly,understand the original thoroughly,correctly reorganize and reproduce the pragmatic presuppositions in the target language,carry out the functional equivalence in translation and successfully realize the smooth and accurate communication.with the instruction of pragmatic presupposition in college english teaching,the complete understanding and integral acquisition of english and chinese of students will come true.in conclusion,to implement the curriculum requirements for college english teaching promulgated by the ministry of education of china,we should emphasize the instruction of the theory on pragmatic presupposition in college english teaching,carry it through from beginning to end.it's one of the important means to realize the college english teaching reform, improve the effects of college english teaching,strengthenr the practical and integrative language abilities of students,in order to cultivate the compound talents to adapt to the global integration and meet the requirements of the reform and opening in china.

在大学英语教学中,教师将语用预设知识贯穿于听力教学过程中,讲授一些常出现的预设类型,提高学生对一些特定的词语和结构的预设敏感度,引导学生运用预设信息理论对听力文字材料进行预测,有的放矢,排除次要、冗余信息的干扰,增强获取主要信息的能力和语言推理能力,从而提。。。更多高学生的听力理解水平。george yule将预设触发语分为事实预设、非事实预设、反事实预设、存在预设、词汇预设和结构预设,触发语有助于我们在阅读当中理解作者的真正用意。在大学英语阅读教学中,介绍语用预设的语篇组织功能和有关的预设触发语,并利用触发语来与作者进行交流,会极大地提高阅读理解能力。预设的基本功能就是为语篇的进一步发展建立一个框架。利用语用预设理论可以为大学英语写作教学构建一个易于操作的篇章组织训练方法,提高学生英语写作的语篇连贯性,经济性和结构优化。在大学英语翻译教学中,注重培养学生的语用预设思维,准确把握源语的前提信息,透彻理解原文,使语用预设在目的语中正确重组和再现,实现翻译的功能对等,交际的流畅性和准确性,并增强学生对英汉双语的全面性认识和整体性习得。综上所述,为更好地贯彻和实施教育部颁布的《大学英语课程教学要求》,在大学英语教学中重视语用预设理论的传授,使语用预设贯穿于大学英语教学的始终,是实现大学英语教学改革的重要手段,改善大学英语教学效果,增强学生的实用综合语言能力,培养符合全球一体化趋势,适应改革开放要求的复合型人才。

For instence they have free and agile way for writing,interaction during comprosing,humous and living words.


Therefore,Helene Cixous put up the deconstruction strategy-"Body Writing",with a body language to express the women's all experience of overall resistance to logocenterism.In the 1990s, Chen Ran and Lin Bai,two representative of a group of women writers,and boldly to women has long been accumulated in the body and suppress all taboos in the end of the discourse on the aesthetic.They fully tap the female body revolutionary and let the body writing become an important trend in female literary writing,extended to the beginning of the 21st century now,until it became a kind of fashion writing.Under the consumptive culture erosion,the body writing has exhausted any ideological resistance in female body and eventually became the most tempting symbol of consumption and consumption strategy in consumer society.


This paper is based on the analysis of an authentic recorded experiment of Chinese college students' grammar errors in English Writing , attempting to utilize language learning and teaching theories related to errors in the light of thinking mode to probe a more effective way to treat the second language (L2) writing errors.

摘 要:本文基于真实实验,在思维模式的层面上探索中国大学生英语写作中的语法错误,利用与错误相关的语言学习和教学理论进行分析,讨论怎样更有效地处理第二语言写作中的错误。

Her works are written in French, but the words she used in narrating her environment and the characters depict alien life sceneswith non-French cultural characteristics.


Her works are written in French, but the words she used in narrating her environment and the characters depict alien life sceneswith non-French cultural characteristics. When language as a form conflicts with the narrating content, Duras chose to adapt the former to the latter.


The language experience approach is an activity-based writing lesson that helps students to see the connections between experiences, what is spoken, and the written language.


更多网络解释与写作语言相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

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Occam language:采用Occam 程式语言的使用案例写作风格

Object-oriented design from use cases 直接根据使用案例进行物件导向设计, | Occam language 采用Occam 程式语言的使用案例写作风格, 126-127 | Offstage actors 幕后(第三级)参与者, 30, 53-54

Roberts:谈语言:写作读本 外研社

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process writing:过程写作

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