英语人>词典>汉英 : 写传奇 的英文翻译,例句
写传奇 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
romance  ·  romancing  ·  romanced  ·  romances

更多网络例句与写传奇相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

THERE are, writes Robert Clark, two concepts of the legendary city on the banks of the Arno in northern Italy.


Finally, I determined to make legendary, PW wrote down the birth process.


A Middle High German epic poem written in the early13th century and based on the legends of Siegfried and of the Burgundian kings.


Also from the legend to switch to the journey of fantasy, the feelings of my characters to write the article, there has been quite mixed, I have always been due to speak harsh words known for aggressive cutting edges, but not offended countless people, in fact, is the husband's generosity and vision has first time for me to resolve to resist the numerous仇怨and accusations, and I also sharp Caltrop husband gradually softened by the gentle water, the so-called近朱者赤, although I can not reach the level he did, but at least knew almost Cat channel in the world with the end of the唇枪舌战not to humiliate the enemy was not ridiculed还嘴will never give up the power of the scene is vibrant with life itself, the broader picture, not less obedient, and friends will be more natural the.


When I Have Fears That I May Cease to Be》 When I have fears that I may cease to be Before my pen has gleaned my teeming brain, Before high-piled books, in charactery, Hold like rich garners the full-ripened grain; When I behold, upon the night's starred face, Huge cloudy symbols of a high romance, And think that I may never live to trace Their shadows, with the magic hand of chance; And when I feel, fair creature of an hour, That I shall never look upon thee more, Never have relish in the fairy power Of unreflecting love --- then on the shore Of the wide world I stand alone, and think Till love and fame to nothingness do sink.


Afterwards, some people have written down this song, and is sung in all directions by the biography, David Crowe Cott has also become in the American history legendary hero.


In addition, he also wrote of "Cymbeline" and "Winter's Tale" and other three legendary plays and historical drama "Henry VIII."


His late plays, often known as the Romances, date from 1608 to 1612 and include Cymbeline, The Winter's Tale and The Tempest.


The luxuriantly green 1997, 2000 be on the wane, 2003 arisen, in that Internet tide, a lot of people made the history really, but still some of person insists to come down to write romance with add of additionally one kind of means.


Fires, floods and drought are part of Australia's national legend:"her beauty and her terror", as Dorothea Mackellar wrote in a 1908 poem recited by every Australian schoolchild ever since.

如从那时起就被每个澳大利亚学童广泛引用的Dorothea Mackellar所写的诗中所写,大火、洪水和干旱都是澳大利亚国家传奇的组成部分:她的美丽和她的恐怖。

更多网络解释与写传奇相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Julian Bream:布里姆

少女时代她曾师从于伊利.卡斯纳尔(Eli Kassner)、纳斯科.叶佩斯(Narcisco Yepes)、阿里里奥.迪亚兹(Alirio Diaz)、朱利安.布里姆(Julian Bream)等吉他大师,古典吉他的传奇人物安德雷斯.塞戈维亚(Andres Segovia)曾经写下这样的话:"我


中新网4月9日电 据美国>综合报道,美国印第安纳波里斯(Indianapolis)巴特勒大学(Butler)男子篮球队在全美大学篮球赛(NCAA)跌破专家眼镜一路过关斩将,5日以59:61两分之差输给杜克(Duke)大学获得亚军,写下一页"灰姑娘传奇".





Johannes Kepler:[开普勒]

斯 开普勒(Johannes Kepler)写了一本名为>(The Six-Cornered洛克 福尔摩斯(Sherlock Holmes)之于证据. 这位具有传奇色彩的大侦探能根据雪茄烟蒂来推断出吸烟者的年龄、职业和收入状况. 然而他的搭档华生(Watson)医生对此种事情却不敏感.


由此开始了辛尼传奇的歌唱事业. Cranberries 的原意是酸蔓橘的果实,1990年,霍根兄弟、鼓手洛勒登报招聘女歌手,于是能唱会写的多洛蕾思正式加入Cranberries. 她来参加面试的时候,带着自己创作的>(Linger)的原稿.


全球四亿美元的票房让两人的笑容再次绽放在世界影坛的每个角落. 影评人为此展开一场形容词大赛,从影片到波顿再到德普,无一不赞,为两人的传奇合作史写下完美注脚. 其实还有第五部的.> (Midnight Sun)是以爱德华的口吻写的~~

Tilda Swinton:蒂尔达.斯温顿

布拉德 皮特(Brad Pitt) 蒂尔达 斯温顿(Tilda Swinton) 影片简介: "我的出生非比平常. "影片以此作为开场,本杰明 巴顿布满传奇的一生由此开始. 影片改编自F 斯克特 芬兹杰拉德于1920年所写的故事,


我们反对将足球与政治挂钩,但我们也没有必要把土耳其(Turkey)称为"突厥"(Turk),也别把土耳其人塑造成"突厥骑士"、"突厥铁骑"或"突厥武士". 土耳其可能还会续写传奇,但历史的车轮无法倒转,"突厥"只是历史长河中一朵小小的浪花,

