英语人>词典>汉英 : 再碳酸化 的英文翻译,例句
再碳酸化 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Adenosine was used as the raw material, dissolved in triethyl phosphate and then esterified with thiophosphoryl chloride under 0~5℃ for 8h without water and oxgen, in alkaline condition provided by 2,6-dimethylpyridine, introducing thiophosphoryl ester to adenosine.Then superfluous triethylamine was added and reacted under 5℃ for 1h to synthesize rough 5'-AMPS.The unpurified product was appled to a DEAE Sephadex A-25 column and eluted with triethylammonium bicarbonate.

用腺苷为起始原料,溶解于磷酸三乙脂中后,在无水无氧环境中及2,6-二甲基吡啶提供的碱性条件下与三氯硫磷以0~5℃下发生酯化反应8h,将硫代磷酸酯引入腺苷,然后再与过量三乙胺在5℃下反应1h,合成粗产品,再用碳酸氢三乙胺作洗脱液,过DEAE Sephadex A-25凝胶柱纯化。

It is convenient for sinter to be leached, and the secondary reaction appears little. The slurry after sinter leaching is transferred into autoclave for desilicification at about 170℃, and the siliceous modulus of solution reaches more than 200. Then some lime is added for deep-desilication at normal pressure, the siliceous modulus of solution increases more than 600 even if the Al2O3 content is more than 200g/L.The SiO2 coefficient in hydrate garnet from deep-desilication is more than 0.28. Under conditions of the addition of seed and application of novel technology of carbonization, the contents of Na2O and SiO2 in product are less than 0.37% and 0.025%, respectively.

实验结果显示:烧成的熟料溶出条件宽松,二次反应程度弱;溶出浆液在170℃左右直接进行加压脱硅,脱硅后溶液的硅量指数大于200,再加入适量的石灰进行深度脱硅,即使溶液中氧化铝浓度超过200g/L时,精液的硅量指数也大于600,且得到的水化石榴石中二氧化硅饱和系数大于0.28;通过加入晶种和采用新的碳酸化分解工艺制度,产品中的SiO2 含量降至0.025%, Na2O含量小于0.37%;加入表面活性剂,不仅能将碳分母液蒸发至Na2OT浓度大于300g/L,而且还可有效减缓表面上结疤的形成速度。

The plant's treatment train includes chemical clarification, recarbonation, multimedia filtration, granular activated carbon, reverse osmosis, chlorination and blending.


更多网络解释与再碳酸化相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


再煮器;再煮锅 reboiler | 再碳酸化(作用) recarbonation | 接受器 receiver


reactive muffler,resonance type 共振式抗性消声器 | recarbonation 再碳酸化 | reciprocating pump 往复泵

recarbonation feed:再碳酸化料液

rear-feed horn 螺形喇叭 | recarbonation feed 再碳酸化料液 | reciprocal feed pump 往复式给水泵


recarbonationtower 再碳酸化塔 | recarbonization 再碳化 | recarbonize 再碳化

reciprocal feed pump:往复式给水泵

recarbonation feed 再碳酸化料液 | reciprocal feed pump 往复式给水泵 | reciprocating feeder 往复加料器; 往复式供料器