英语人>词典>汉英 : 再干 的英文翻译,例句
再干 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与再干相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If you had it all to do over again, you'd do no differently.


Be sure not to do that again.


Americans would prefer UK troops to remain in position as long as they do Ewen MacAskill in Washington, Julian Borger and Patrick Wintour The Guardian The Bush administration is becoming increasingly concerned about the impact of an imminent British withdrawal from southern Iraq and would prefer UK troops to remain for another year or two.


LADY CAPULET Ay, you have been a mouse-hunt in your time; But I will watch you from such watching now.


The company simply has a compendium of charges that have been compiled against you and they just don' t want you to work here any more!


"I'm not saying I will do three more years," he said in advance of today's FA Cup sixth-round tie at home to Portsmouth.


I like Grotto. Maybe I'll stay, and join the colonists, or something.


Pull sb's chestnuts out of the fire (亦作pull the chestnuts out of the fire for sb)— to help sb out of a difficulty at one's own risk; to assure another's burden or hardship代某人火中取栗,替某人冒险;为某人挑重担 I had pulled the chestnuts out of the fire for him on several occasions and was unwilling

to do it again。我已经替他冒险过好几回,我不愿意再干了。

The escort troop cursed, the men in chains did not utter a syllable; from time to time the sound of a blow became audible as the cudgels descended on shoulder-blades or skulls; some of these men were yawning; their rags were terrible; their feet hung down, their shoulders oscillated, their heads clashed together, their fetters clanked, their eyes glared ferociously, their fists clenched or fell open inertly like the hands of corpses; in the rear of the convoy ran a band of children screaming with laughter.


The movie "Red Cliff" is such an interpretation of "蒋干of dollars" of:蒋干a child to school on斗不过Zhou Yu, grew up two each for its own, Zhou captaincy general allow small Act as a scapegoat.


更多网络解释与再干相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Listen to me, kid. Let's not antagonize this any more, okay:听我说,孩子 别再跟他们对着干了

Get it fucking done!|妈的给我... | Listen to me, kid. Let's not antagonize this any more, okay?|听我说,孩子 别再跟他们对着干了 | If we push this, they are gonna revoke your protective status|要是把他们...


Pregnant lady, wants a lift. Yabba, dabba, Do!|孕妇来也... | Don't ever, yabba, dabba, do that again!|以后别再这么干! | - I feel so... puny. - How do you think I feel?|- 我觉得自己好...小啊 - 那你知道我...

Don't ever, yabba, dabba, do that again:以后别再这么干

Pregnant lady, wants a lift. Yabba, dabba, Do!|孕妇来也... | Don't ever, yabba, dabba, do that again!|以后别再这么干! | - I feel so... puny. - How do you think I feel?|- 我觉得自己好...小啊 - 那你知道我...

recoat time:再涂时间[第一道漆涂后干到可涂第二道漆时所需要的时间]

recoat adhesion 再涂附着力 | recoat time 再涂时间[第一道漆涂后干到可涂第二道漆时所需要的时间] | recording thermometer 记录温度计

Stop beefing about pay and do some work:别再抱怨工钱少了,还是干点活吧

223.Stop barredling beer and let's go home. 不要拼命... | 224.Stop beefing about pay and do some work. 别再抱怨工钱少了,还是干点活吧! | 225.Stop messing around and get down to the nitty-gritty. 别再兜圈...

Fine, fine, just stop pestering me:艾德温:好了,好了,不要再烦我了

艾德温:总有一天......有那么一天......One... | 艾德温:好了,好了,不要再烦我了. Fine, fine, just stop pestering me. | 艾德温:艾德温干这个,艾德温干那个. 拜托哪个人拿跟香蕉给这只猴子. Edwin do this, Edwin d...

But you promised no arcades:你保证不会再干了

She said she was 18.|她说了她18岁了 | But you promised no arcades.|你保证不会再干了 | You said you'd only hustle Big & Tall.|你说过你只在"又高又大"里面胡搞了

Goal Tending:籃上干擾(當投出的籃球已經過最高點下墜的 時候,把它拍走或干擾其路線)

Give and Go傳球後走位再接回隊友傳的籃球上籃或投球 | Goal Tending籃上干擾(當投出的籃球已經過最高點下墜的 時候,把它拍走或干擾其路線) | Gunner頭號射手

work for a dead horse:干不可能再得到报酬的工作

win the horse or lose the saddle [口]孤注一掷 | work for a dead horse 干不可能再得到报酬的工作 | work like a horse 拼命干活

No needle shall ever touch my skin again:绝不允许别人再这么干了

I have been marked once, my dear. Let me assure you.|我被标记过一次,亲爱的 我保... | No needle shall ever touch my skin again.|绝不允许别人再这么干了 | You know who you're talking to?|你知道在跟谁说话吗...