英语人>词典>汉英 : 再嫁 的英文翻译,例句
再嫁 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Marriage and dowry by pressing Hindu customs, to mention but early marriage, the implementation of caste endogamy and advocated widow sati ("Sati" system) and the prohibition of widow remarriage.


She sees his flustered, also saw his hesitating, said:"I may remarrythe others."


A historical region of southwest France between the Pyrenees and the Garonne River. The duchy of Aquitaine was joined with France after the marriage of Eleanor of Aquitaine to King Louis VII in1137, but its possession was disputed after her subsequent marriage to Henry II of England.


In the 17 years that followed his death, his widow remarried; his daughter graduated from high school


This thesis makes a study of the womens remarriage in Song dynasty from three respects.


The first part introduces the phenomenon of womens remarriage in Song dynasty.


The third part objectively appraises the right of womens remarriage in Song dynasty.


I bet if she saw this, she'd remarry you.


In fact, there are many passive even forced reasons under the general phenomenon, and, its also unsufficient for the rights of remarriage enjoyed by women in Song dynasty .


After graduates for five years, everybody respectively had respectivelife, goes abroad, studies abroad, the marriage gives birth to a boy,but also has like me equally to drift in Beijing, certainly, also haswith Xia Bingyan such as soon as marries remarries.


更多网络解释与再嫁相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


用圣经的实例来说,再嫁的路得(Ruth)是有福的,但守寡的亚拿(Anna)更有福. 也就是说,只要出于信实,二次婚姻并非可恶的,只是在荣耀上低了一等;婚姻的纯洁是一种善,但寡居的自制是更大的善.

A buxom widow must be either married, buried or shut up in a convent:丰满漂亮的寡妇要么再嫁,要么死掉,要么关进修道院

235. The more woman look in their glass, the le... | 236. A buxom widow must be either married, buried or shut up in a convent. 丰满漂亮的寡妇要么再嫁,要么死掉,要么关进修道院. | 260. Like mother, like...

deuterogamy:再婚; 再娶; 再嫁 (名)

deuterium 重氢, 氢的同位素 (名) | deuterogamy 再婚; 再娶; 再嫁 (名) | deuteron 重氢子, 氘核子 (名)


江城子(Ultima)和韵笛儿(Ever) 的故事是先冷后热型. 套句韵笛儿自己的话说:也许西游记再没有这样的夫妻了. 两人到谈婚论嫁的时候,仍像个陌生人,多奇怪的感觉. 有人呢,竟然把新婚老婆丢在家里坐了整整一天的冷板凳,

lady silkworm:蚕花娘子

silkworm n. 蚕 | lady silkworm 蚕花娘子 | remarry vi. 再婚;再娶;再嫁

I will remarry you:我愿意

will you remarry me?|愿意再嫁给我吗? | Yes, Trey MacDougal...|崔, | I will remarry you.|我愿意

will you remarry me:愿意再嫁给我吗

Charlotte York MacDougal...|夏绿蒂, | will you remarry me?|愿意再嫁给我吗? | Yes, Trey MacDougal...|崔,

my Rakshasas will slaughter you for my breakfast:罗刹妖就会把你宰了 做成我的早餐

If you do not marry me,|如果你不嫁给我 | my Rakshasas will slaughter you for my breakfast.|罗刹妖就会把你宰了 做成我的早餐 | Your ugly yellow eyes should fall out of your head|罗婆那 你再盯着我不放


我立马晕倒!仔细一看乖宝深渊(abyss)告诉你:好困,要下线了. 再没有看到深渊(Abyss)这个ID在哪个频道上说过话了,我知道Abyss是她最心疼而嫁给笑问天的深海,深渊的另一个ID-深海(Deepsea)的描述却是:只见深海那