英语人>词典>汉英 : 再婚 的英文翻译,例句
再婚 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
deuterogamy  ·  digamy  ·  remarriage  ·  remarry  ·  remarried  ·  remarrying  ·  remarries

marry again
更多网络例句与再婚相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Apart from a few audited classes at the city's Washington University, Savant's formal education ended in her late teens when she had her two children. She divorced in her twenties and married again, all the while working with her brothers and father to expand the business to about 40 dry cleaners and a firm that sold dry cleaning equipment.


If your spouse committed adultery against you, you can divorce and remarry.


When my mother remarried, it was to an Indonesian with an equally skeptical bent, a man who saw religion as not particularly useful in the practical business of making one's way in the world, and who had grown up in a country that easily blended its Islamic faith with remnants of Hinduism, Buddhism, and ancient animist traditions.


Several Lingayat practices, now largely abandoned, such as the remarriage of widows and the burial of the dead, are deliberately antinomian.


The Spaniard have it that a buxom widow must be either married, buried, or shut up in a convent.


Also, it analyzed the similarity and difference in the relation between income satisfaction and marriage nowadays in China: among those who have been married, the average income satisfaction degree is obviously higher than those who are not married; among them, males have comparatively higher average income satisfaction, which indicates that men obtain more eudemonia factors from marriage. In China, because of the economic and mental difference between the city and the country, the relation between income satisfaction degree and marriage has manifested some diversity, mainly as follows: 1. those who divorced in rural area has the lowest average income satisfaction among all the different marrital statuses; those who divorced in urban area has the intermediate average income satisfaction.


For example, when the story first broke that Abdullah Ahmad Badawi had remarried, or will be remarrying, the Prime Minister remarked at an official press conference that it was merely rumours.


Objective To inquire into the influence of family environmental factors on the blood pressure of remarries spouses.

目的 探讨共同生活环境因素对再婚夫妻血压的影响。方法对赵各庄矿区392对再婚夫妻进行高血压现况调查。

Marriage of old age ask forring is inputted on Baidu, old age remarries, old age is asked for in marriage, old age remarries to fail to find major to be in middleaged or the platform of marriage of old age ask forring, at that time with respect to bud build a such website.


Adopting stepchildren by the stepparents is one kind of adopting method in the Adoption Act and it has been one good measure to adjust the relationship of remarried family with more and more people selecting remarriage.


更多网络解释与再婚相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

在他1973年离婚后不久,Asimov再婚了:1)Soon after his divorce in 1873,Asimov married again

(1)Lying on the ground was a schoolboy of not more than seventeen. 躺... | (1)Soon after his divorce in 1873,Asimov married again. 在他1973年离婚后不久,Asimov再婚了. | (2) Divorce is on the increase.离...

1)Soon after his divorce in 1873,Asimov married again:在他1973年离婚后不久,Asimov再婚了

(1)Lying on the ground was a schoolboy of not more than seventeen. 躺... | (1)Soon after his divorce in 1873,Asimov married again. 在他1973年离婚后不久,Asimov再婚了. | (2) Divorce is on the increase.离...


deuterocanonical 续经的 | deuterogamy 再婚 | Deuteronomic 申命记的

deuterogamy:再婚; 再娶; 再嫁 (名)

deuterium 重氢, 氢的同位素 (名) | deuterogamy 再婚; 再娶; 再嫁 (名) | deuteron 重氢子, 氘核子 (名)


digamous 再婚的 | digamy 再婚 | digastric 二腹的


diacid 二酸 | digamy 二婚,再婚 | diarchy 双头政治

digamy:再婚 (名)

digametic 异配子的 (形) | digamy 再婚 (名) | digastric 二腹肌 (名)


remarque 标记 | remarriage 再婚 | remarry 再婚

remarriage:再婚 (名)

remarkable 不平常的, 显著的, 值得注意的 (形) | remarriage 再婚 (名) | remarry 再婚 (动)


digamist 再婚者 | digamous 再婚的 | digamy 再婚