英语人>词典>汉英 : 再娶 的英文翻译,例句
再娶 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与再娶相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And I chid them, and laid my curse upon them. And I beat some of them, and shaved off their hair, and made them swear by God that they would not give their daughters to their sons, nor take their daughters for their sons, nor for themselves, saying


A concubine? Fine. You want my friend didn't you?


Besides,his sisters were only his half-sister,being that his father had married Mrs.


He did not have a happy childhood because his mother died in childbirth and his father remarried, and living with his stepmother and her own children, he had to eat humble pie.


If you try divorce and remarriage it is very unlikely that there will be any chance in this respect.


You try divorce and remarriage it is very unlikely that there will be any chance in this respect.


If I were to die first, would you remarry? the wife asks.


Wife :- No! I'll stay with my sister. But if I die will u remarry?


There you are, I'm fat and forty-four.Then I'll marry a staid body. See!


I was skeptical."Suppose he married a sexy young starlet. Would you wish him to be happy with her?"


更多网络解释与再娶相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

screwball comedy:神经喜剧

据说,某部好莱坞"神经喜剧"(screwball comedy)里有这么一段经典台词,女的问男友:"你想不想娶我?""不想!""拜托,别再逃避问题了!给我个痛快点的答案!"其实,类似的我们都听过,比如完美的"家庭守则":第一条:太太永远是对的;第二条...


项测试检验你是否符合第二条症状:对牙科(dentistry)/发型(hairstyle)的强暴反应这项测试检验你是否符合第三条症状:想娶自己的老妈(marry your mom)/想了解同伴的年龄(learn your peer's age)再点击装面包圈的盒子(donuts box),

deuterogamy:再婚; 再娶; 再嫁 (名)

deuterium 重氢, 氢的同位素 (名) | deuterogamy 再婚; 再娶; 再嫁 (名) | deuteron 重氢子, 氘核子 (名)


就如月亮从太阳得其光辉,国家也是从教会得其权力,而君王的权力则是由教宗而来. 因此教宗有权力将他们开除教籍,罢绌,或发布禁令(Interdict)禁止该国神职人员职行圣职. (一)阻止法王腓利奥古斯督(Philip Augustus)离婚再娶:

lady silkworm:蚕花娘子

silkworm n. 蚕 | lady silkworm 蚕花娘子 | remarry vi. 再婚;再娶;再嫁

wedding cake:结婚蛋糕

rstyle)的强暴反应这项测试检验你是否符合第三条症状:想娶自己的老妈(marry your mom)/想了解同伴的年龄(learn your peer's age)再点击装面包圈的盒子(donuts box),选择"结婚蛋糕"(wedding cake)再点击装面包圈的盒子(donuts box),

The Veronicas : In Another Life:来生再相聚

The Veronicas : In Another Life / 来生再相聚 | I have known you my whole life / 你与我自幼青梅竹马 | When you were ten you said you'd make me your wife / 你十岁时就对我说,将来一定会娶我为妻