英语人>词典>汉英 : 内窗台 的英文翻译,例句
内窗台 的英文翻译、例句


window stool
更多网络例句与内窗台相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Body in the room, the soul floating in the window outside.


Since condensation can play havoc with an all-electronic camera, you want even greater protection for them.


Generally speaking, as long as you are a good measure of the total width of the window and the job can calculate the required amount of cloth, but if the measure on its own, then have to pay attention to some details, such as the window of a high degree of measurement from the start Chuang Lianhe To outweigh the lower edge of the window will not be emptied of its width is also probably have to pay more on the side of 5-10 cm, but if they are Banyao have to pay attention to whether there is a window sills, to be done within the window frame, then have to carefully Measure may not yield more than half a centimeter card does not go in and a half centimeters or less emptied of the situation, the track can be installed on the wall or ceiling should also note that some tracks can be linked to the ceiling can also be linked to the walls, some not I suggest you bring home a good-size windows notes, the regional states, take good pictures of each window to the stores, they will suggest you how to use the track and practice


Children may NOT climb on any furniture, window sills, sinks, book shelves, or any other object inside Starbugs.


更多网络解释与内窗台相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


紫色、白色和黄色的香雪球(Alyssum)也是非常好的窗台植物的选择. 不管怎样,你完全可以发挥出您的想象力,根据自己的喜好,把窗台装扮得绚丽多彩. 台阶也是十分有趣的种植空间. 番茄可以种植于8寸花盆内摆放在前面的门廊前的台阶上.

stony soil:石质土 ,坚硬土

stony ground 多石地 | stony soil 石质土 ,坚硬土 | stool 工具 ,用具,内窗台 ,踏橙 ,坐

stool pigeon:管子位置探测器

stoodite 一种镶焊钻头用的硬合金 | stool pigeon 管子位置探测器 | stool 凳子;垫凳;内窗台;平板;托架;平管支座

Saintpaulia ionantha:非洲紫罗兰

非洲紫罗兰(Saintpaulia ionantha)又名非洲堇,属苦苣苔科多年生常绿草本植物. 其叶厚有如丝绒,花形俊秀,花色丰富,花期颇长,只要室温在18-23℃范围内都开花,且能适应室内空调环境,特别适合室内盆栽观赏,是点缀案头、窗台和阳台非常理想的材料,

window stool:内窗台

window size ==> 窗口尺度=>ウィンドサイズ | window stool ==> 内窗台 | window sub ==> 侧眼短节


stool 凳子;垫凳;内窗台;平板;托架;平管支座 | stoolpigeon 管子位置探测器 | stoop 弯腰;屈服