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内皮分解的 的英文翻译、例句


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Hemoglobin in the blood is made into unconjugated bilirubin in the reticuloendothelial system, then into conjugated bilirubin in the liver, which is in turn made into urobilinogen in the intestines.


The gaseous monoxides nitric oxide and carbon monoxide, generated within the blood vessel wall, have been identified as important cellular messengers involved in the regulation of intracellular cGMP levels, platelet aggregation and smooth muscle relaxation, The mechanism by which carbon monoxide activates soluble guanylyl cyclase is similar to that of nitric oxide, and involves binding and dislocation of its heme-iron to induce a conformational change and activation of the catalytic site of guanylyl cyclase.


更多网络解释与内皮分解的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Hornig用放射自显影(autoradiography)研究证明,大动脉壁中维生素C含量较多. Villis报告,维生互素C缺乏可致动脉内壁脂质沉着,给予维生素C可见消失. 另有许多作者报告,维生互素C不足引起的高脂血症,系因内皮细胞脂蛋白脂酶活性下降,导致促进胆固醇分解的7α-


老化的红细胞,主要在脾脏及肝脏的网状内皮系统中破坏分解,血色素(heme)变为胆红素(bilirubin),血球蛋白和铁. 血浆的颜色就是由胆色素所构成的,因此血色素变为胆红素的这一过程使血浆变为淡黄色,被释出的铁离子大部分都会被保留起来,

nitric oxide:氧化亚氮

由于上述过程的作用使前激肽酶变成激肽酶,激肽酶酶解激肽原释放出缓激肽;再加上血管内皮细胞分解放出的弛缓因子、巨噬细胞产生的氧化亚氮(Nitric oxide)、心肌抑制因子(MDF)以及内源性阿片类(Opiod)释放入血均可见血压下降.

Kupffer cell:库普弗细胞

2.库普弗细胞(Kupffer Cell)1898年Kupffer用氯化金浸染法发现,这种星形细胞以其突起横跨窦状隙,因而认为它是位于窦状隙内,固定于内皮上. Kupffer细胞内常常含有各种分解阶段的红细胞、色素沉集物和富含铁质的颗粒,