英语人>词典>汉英 : 内源的 的英文翻译,例句
内源的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
endogenic  ·  endogenous

更多网络例句与内源的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Study of microbial consortia structure is the basis of microbial enhanced oil recovery.


It also means, however, that endogenous enzymes are active under these conditions as well, and this can be beneficial or deleterious


We also measured the content of indogenous IAA in different nodes in monoecium and gynoecium, and the variation of indogenous IAA and gibberellic acid at the different developing stages in cucumber after being treated with exogenous GA〓: the variation of ethylene release and the activities of ACC oxidase at the different developing stages after being treated with exogenous IAA and GA〓.


Any traffic demand distributes on certain space structure. As a result, highway transport network structure analysis aims at match traffic demand of urban agglomeration highway transport network, and pertinently improving urban agglomeration highway transport supply ability and highway transport network service level from the ontic and indwelling angel.


The contents of putrescine were apparently higher than the control, then decreased with the increase of lead mass concentration and the time of treatment.


GA treatment restrained the respiration rate and ethylene production. 100mg.L-1ABA and 1000 L.L-1 ethephon evidently increased TSS and total titratable acidity acid content of green-mature fruit. The effect of ABA was more significantly than 1000 L .L-1ethephon, this suggested'ABA was the main hormone of influencing scenescence of'brumal jujube'fruit.


During the incubation of purified α-synuclein with fructose or glucose, it was observed that the protein intrinsic fluorescence at 308 nm decreased while the fluorescence of glycated derivant at 447 nm increased.

将纯化后的α-synuclein分别与果糖和葡萄糖孵育,通过内源荧光、非酶糖基化衍生物特征荧光、圆二色光谱以及电子显微镜等技术进行检测发现:α-synuclein 与还原糖共同孵育后,308 nm内源荧光强度明显降低,同时在447 nm产生一个非酶糖基化衍生物特征荧光。

The treatment increasing femaleness madethe formation of 1st female flower earlier by making the appearance of thepear value of endogenous GA3 content earlier while the treatment increasingmaleness made the GA3 content drop at first,then pick up gradually.


Atlantica and PGI are improved respectively; soaked in GA〓 solution for 24 hours, the seeds germinate rate of Pistacia vera L.


In order to disclose the adaptive strategies and capacity of Potaninia mongolica Maxim, acquired during its evolution history, the whole response system, which was composed of individual morphology plasticity response, organs anatomy structure response, physiological function response of anti-arid and anti-hotness, activities of protective enzymes response, endogenous hormone adjustment response, sexual reproduction strategies response of seeding, dispreading, sprouting and renewing, asexual reproduction strategies response of clonal growth patterns, clonal growth architectures, clonal growth architectures plasticity, heterogeneous resources utilization strategies, endogenous hormone distribution in clonal organs, foraging behavior, risk-spreading, and resource sharing, individual density allocation patterns response, niche differentiation response, species connection response, allelopathy response and biodiversity components response of the plant was profoundly explored in this paper.The studies come to at least four important results:(1) Taking the sensitive response and evading strategy to adapt to environment stress, Potaninia mongolica Maxim is a successful species has lived through the long-term evolution. Nevertheless, it is narrow climate and soil niche and characteristic of vegetation reproduction which has made the plant a rare and endangered species.


更多网络解释与内源的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


endogastric 位于腹中的 | endogen 内长茎植物 | endogenesis 内生,内源


endogen 内长茎植物 | endogenesis 内生,内源 | endogenetic 内生的

Endogenesis Hypothesis:相关词的翻译

Endogenesis Hypothesis的翻译: | Endogenesis Hypothesis相关词的翻译: | 内源激素:Endogenesis plant hormone


authigenic mineral 自生矿物 | authigenic 内源的 | authigenous constituent 自生成分


autochthonous variable 內因變數 | autochthonous 內源的 | autocide 自我毀滅


最后产物 end products | 木质部的内源型 endarch | 内源型维管束 endarch bundle

endarch bundle:内源型维管束

木质部的内源型 endarch | 内源型维管束 endarch bundle | 内源型先成木质部 endarch protoxylem


这些细胞可能来自肝脏外源(exogenous)或内源的(endogenous)细胞. 在人类慢性胆道病变(11)(chronic ductular reaction)与大鼠的四氯化碳或酒精诱导的慢性肝硬化模型中,均可於肝脏中发现这些上源干细胞的存在(12),

endogenous rhythm:内源节律

动物体内的自发性和自运性的内源节律(Endogenous rhythm)被称为"生理钟"(physiological clock),她是地球万物(动物、植物、微生物和人类)同步发育的证据之一.


entity 实在,本质,实体 | entogenous 内生的,内源的 | entome 尿道刀