英语人>词典>汉英 : 内应 的英文翻译,例句
内应 的英文翻译、例句


inside job · a planted agent · a plant
更多网络例句与内应相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Should be able to handle basic communication in own field.


If the audit or inspection reveals an underpay m ent that exceeds 5 per cent of the Fee due during the relevant period, Licensee shall rei m burse the Publisher for its reasonable costs associated with such audit or inspection.


Simulation result for an actual boom shows that the incremental equations, derived from infinitesimal increment, can be used widely, and the computational error makes a slightly trajectory deviation from reference straight line, which would not influence the final position, which is important in actual situation.


Identification of conjugate points in the overlap areas should be done in advance as tie points.


The variance of stress about particular points that situate on the edge where maximum stress point locates as the object function, we introduce complex method to optimize the position of exterior load point about pylon along the voyage direction and the angle between anti-swing stop and right-and-left symmetry plane about pylon under the determinate loads. We also compare the unoptimizable stress curves with the optimized to validate the feasibility and correctness of the optimization method.


I've got a hookup with one of my boys in the kitchen.


It was concluded that fluid intake in the first few days of life should be restricted for infants receiving intermittent positive uentilation for hyaline membrane disease.


In an visibility analysis sight, expressed avoids in this scenic spot sight scope planted agent constructing some not beautiful artificial facility or carrying on the artificial destruction, but may establish some appropriate artificial scenic spots, builds the scenic forest and so on; The line sight is a set which regards by the innumerable spots is composed, because the traffic lane is the tourist mainly watches during the route, in its sight scope landscape exquisite degree has directly affected scenic area comprehensive esthetic sense; Two intervisibility, contained two scenic spots respectively to see the region scope, as well as building the exquisite landscape in the public sight.


Mainlander property buyers to "purchase orders approved" after six months and the trade center should be recognized as soon as the real estate developers and agents signed housing contracts of sale.


If pregnant woman contacted nettle rash patient, the placental globulin of large dose of inject of 5 days of a person operating from within in coordination with outside forces, undertake passive immunity.


更多网络解释与内应相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

market access:市场准入

接到协商申请的成员自收到申请之日起,10天内应做出答复,并在30天内(紧急情况下10天内,如(第16条至第18条)为"具体承诺"(specific commitments)是该协定的中心内容,包括"市场准入"(market access)和"国民待遇"(national treat ment)两个方面,


申请前18个月内应具备12个月的工作经验;如果指定的是经济师(Economist)、档案员(Archive)、销售代表(Sales Representative)、编辑(Editor)等仅需要学位的职业,


行李箱必须锁好,如果旅客要求托带钥匙,可以接收,但应装入封好的信封内,并随附在货运单上带往目的地货运单上必须说明旅客客票号和旅客客票中的航程、航班号和日期. 在客票"签注"(ENDORSEMENT)栏内应注明"UBAG"字样、货运单号、件数和重量.


标准约束理论预测照应语与代词在其最小(minimal)管辖域内应处于一种互补分布,而实际上来自各种语言的例证都显示,这种互补分布并不存在. 就是在英语中,代词也可以在局部区域(local domain)内受约束,如下所示:而在弗里斯兰语(Frisian)中,


图5.2 中,人简约法(Parsimony)明显注重每一物种观测的特征值,而不是概括特征值之然估计. 对所有Bootstrap 样本范围内应注意单源(monophyletic)物种的集合.

He okayed it, so here we are:他答应了我们才会在这里 )

Warden called in a favor to the Bureau chief. ( 典狱长打电话请调查局长帮忙 ) | He okayed it, so here we are, ( 他答应了我们才会在这里 ) | Should be there in about an hour, ( 一小时内应该会抵达 )


inspection openings 检查孔 | Inspectors 检查师 | access to plant 在厂内应有的便利


What are you doing here so early?|你怎么这么早来? | Salinger.|萨林吉 | I found the insider.|我找到内应