英语人>词典>汉英 : 内孢子 的英文翻译,例句
内孢子 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

endogenous spore
更多网络例句与内孢子相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

By the support of the present project, 3 articles have been published, 4 articles have been submitted to Grana and Acta Botanica Yunnanica etc and some papers is in preparing.


The optimum pH is 8-10 for hypha growth and 7-9 for conidiospore germination; The hypha could not grow on the culture medium which nitrogen source comes from urea and asparagines, but it could grow fast and produce more conidiospore on the culture medium which carbon source comes from maltose, glucose and lactose, and nitro0gen source come from glycine, histidiane and peptone.

该菌在PH 4~12范围内均能生长、产生分生孢子并萌发,菌丝生长的最适pH 8~10。,孢子萌发的最适PH 7~9;该菌不能在以尿素和天门冬酰氨为氮源的培养基上生长,但以麦芽糖、葡萄糖、乳糖、淀粉、甘氨酸、组氨酸和蛋白陈为碳源和氮源时,菌丝生长快、产孢量大;光照处理对该菌菌丝生长、产孢和孢子萌发无显著影响。

The diseased leaf rate and the disease index were related closely to temperature, humidity and illumination etc. The study also showed that the conidium germinating of Pestalotiopsis versicolor started after inoculated for four hours and germinated well at pH5 to pH7. In addition, there was great appetency between the pathogen and the tea trees because the conidia germinated well on tea leaves rather than other habitats obviously.


Following 72 h co-culture, desquamate, sporozoites, trophozoites, meronts, microgametocytes, macrogametocytes, zygote, thin-wall oocyst, and thick-wall oocyst appeared orderly. Between the 60th and 72th hour, many oocysts emerged. Inoculated by the C. parvum -infected cell culture supernatant at the 48th hour, the immunosuppressed mice became infected.

在感染后72 h内,隐孢子虫出现连续发育阶段,包括脱囊、子孢子、裂殖子、裂殖体、滋养体、配子体、合子、薄壁卵囊和厚壁卵囊,在60~72 h内形成卵囊;用感染48 h的细胞培养上清接种于免疫抑制小鼠, 10 d后有隐孢子虫卵囊排出。

The sporulated oocyst holds 2 sporocysts and each sporocyst contains 2 sporozoites,i.e.each oocyst contains a total of 4 sporozoites.


Microspore Ye as the feather, small sporophyll sac formed by the polymerization, each polymer capsules formed by four small sporangia, small spores with dual airbags, and airbag Pinaceae pollen is similar to large sporophyll from the central axis and arranged in Brachypodium feather composition, Each Yibing has a shell bucket, each bucket containing shell upright ovules 10-12 months.


With American botanist cypress apply reach Halier, the really beautiful doctrine that British botanist breaths out Qin Song to be a delegate thinks the flower of angiosperm is come by evolution of ball of leaf of primitive gymnospermous bisexual spore, consequently tentative idea angiosperm is the Benneisu that in coming from gymnosperm, eradicates already iron eye, draft Su Tie especially , the bud on ball of its spore leaf piece evolve for perianth, sporule leaf evolves for stamen, big spore leaf evolves for pistil , axis of ball of its spore leaf shortens for rachis.


Microscopically, globular or ovoid cells, a number of round, ovoid shaped endospores could be observed. No hypha, ascus or blastic conidia was found upon cultivation on SDA. Based on the morphological characteristics, this isolate could be identified as Prototheca species.

结果 该菌在25℃、37℃均可生长,沙堡弱培养基、马铃薯培养基见光滑湿润的白色酵母样菌落,镜下圆形、椭圆形的孢子及裂殖成圆形或不规则形的内孢子,无菌丝、子囊、芽孢,根据形态学特征鉴定为无绿藻。

Study on disease resistance assessment of corn ear rot by F.moniliforme showed that the method of injection spore suspension into corn ear was the best inoculation method.This method is to be close to the natural condition, and the disease occures very sufficiently.The best inoculation time is milk stage.In this period, the disease occures very sufficiently and the data are statisticed very easily.The best inoculation concentration of spore suspension was 1×10~6 spores/mL,and the inoculation volume was 3mL/ear.


This two species of Gloiopeltis could mature and release spores at illuminance 2 500~8 500 lx. For no nutrient addition to the stocking water the two species of Gloiopeltis could mature and release spores, while nutrient addition too high (80 mg·L-1 NaNO3 and 8 mg·L-1 KH2PO4) it was not good for the mature and spores release of this two species alga.

结果表明,在水温10~20℃培养条件下,海萝能成熟放散孢子;在水温12~24℃时,鹿角海萝能成熟放散孢子;在光照2 500~8 500 lx的范围内,2种海萝均能成熟放散孢子;培养海水中不添加营养盐对这2种海萝的成熟没有影响,培养液的浓度高达硝酸钠80 mg·L-1、磷酸二氢钾8 mg·L-1时反而不利于藻体的成熟及孢子放散附着。

更多网络解释与内孢子相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Ⅰ.锈孢子(aeciospore):锈孢子双核,单细胞,产生在锈孢子器内. 锈孢子器(aecium)和锈孢子是由性孢子器中的性孢子与受精丝交配后形成的双核菌丝体产生的,因此锈孢子器和锈孢子一般是与性孢子器和性孢子伴随产生.


(3) 子囊孢子(ascospore):子囊菌的有性孢子. 通常是由两个异型配子囊--雄器和产囊体相结合,经质配、核配和减数分裂而形成的单倍体孢子. 子囊孢子着生在无色透明、棒状或卵圆形的囊状结构即子囊(ascus)内. 每个子囊中一般形成8个子囊孢子.


(3)子囊孢子(ascospore):子囊菌的有性孢子.通常是由两个异型配子囊 --雄器和产囊体相结合,经质配,核配和减数分裂而形成的单倍体孢子. 子囊孢子着生在无色透明,棒状或卵圆形的囊状结构即子囊(ascus)内.每个 子囊中一般形成 8 个子囊孢子.子囊通常产生在具包被的子囊果内.子囊果 一般有四种类型,




(3)内生孢子(endospore)和外生孢子(exospore):只在管藻目和其他目的少数属中发生,不很普遍. 在母细胞内由原生质分裂成许多小型、圆球形的内生孢子,母细胞破裂后,孢子释放、萌发成新的藻体. 一些种类孢子在顶端细胞内形成并释放,


为了便于叙述,锈菌的不同孢子常用代号表示: 0.性孢子(pycniospore):性孢子单细胞,单核,产生在性孢子器内,其作用是与受精丝进行交配. 性孢子器(pycnium)是由担孢子萌发形成的单核菌丝体侵染寄主形成的一种有孔口、近球形的结构,


endospore 孢子内壁 | endosporous 内孢子的 | endosteitis 骨内膜炎


enhematospore 裂殖子 | enhemospore 血细胞内孢子,裂殖子 | eniotypy 同种异型(性)(基因产物)

blood Sporozoa:血内孢子虫

blood splashes | 溅污血斑 肌肉组织中的瘀血斑 | blood Sporozoa | 血内孢子虫 | blood spot | (鸡蛋上的)血斑点


链霉菌在菌丝的末端可长出一长串孢子,即是外孢子(exospores). 外孢子产生的形式和真菌十分相似. 内孢子(endospores)是在细菌内形成的孢子. 多数细菌都能产生内孢子,内孢子的外面包有外衣. 内孢子耐受不良环境的能力很强,