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内唇的 的英文翻译、例句


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Besides the conventional rotator cuff tear, acromion plasty, labrum repair, and surgeries for ennis elbow, osteoarthritis, ankylosis of elbow and teoid osteoma, new techniques have been developed including the arthroscopic repair of large tear of rotator cuff and labrum, tendon transposition, arthroscopic removal of benign tumor around the shoulder joint.


Labellum formed from lateral 2 staminodes of inner whorl.


Lamar Odom is expected to see a specialist on Monday for his torn labrum in his shoulder, and Phil Jackson says we won't know his status for a few weeks.

Odom将在周一的时候去专家那看他的左肩关节唇的伤势,Phil Jackson说道会在几周内都不知道他的情况。

e-PTFE was implanted into the pitting area after subcuntaneous disjunction. Results: 15 cases were followed for about 3 and 6 momths after implant of e-PTFE, including cases with saddle nose, pitting deformity of orbit, congenital lip cleft with depressed soft tissue around pyriform opening, parbial defect of helix. In these cases, satisfaction rate is evaluated as high as 97.9%, unexpected tissue response was not shown in this clinical trail.Conclusion: Depended on this clinical trail, we believe local e-PTFE manufactured by Shanghai Suo-kang Medical Implants Co., Ltd.


The 28S rDNA molecular phylogenetic trees showed: 1 entoprocts and phylactolaemate ectoprocts constituted a sister group, strenghthening the opinion that entoprocts should be reunited into phylum Bryozoa; 2 the cheilostome gymnolaemates was obviously non-monophyletic; 3 bryozoans itself was polyphyletic beyond any doubt, its main lineages were scattered in different positions of the lophotrochozoan trees; 4 to our great interests, the phylogenetic position of cheilostomes was between the diploblastic and the triploblastic, indicating they may play an important role during the evolution route from the diplobastic to the triploblastic animals.

28S rDNA分子系统树显示,内肛动物和被唇类外肛动物聚在一起并互为姐妹群,支持将内肛动物重新归入苔藓动物门的结论;唇口目裸唇类外肛动物绝非单系发生;苔藓动物本身也不是单系发生的,其主要类群分别位于触手冠担轮动物系统树的不同位置,特别是,唇口目苔藓动物的系统地位介于二胚层动物和其它三胚层动物之间,可能是二胚层动物向三胚层动物演化过程中的一个关键类群。

As a prime of nourishing soup, the soup combine pig marrow and several kinds of famous herbal medicine such as Chinese caterpillar fungus,decocted for sevral hours, fully dissolve similarity of mucilage glue in soup,milky soup gathered plenty of calcium, phosphorus,iron,amino acid,collagen which is very important to people's helthy,the taste is savory,lubricative,mellow without heavy,having healthy preserving and hairdressing dual effect.


Methods 49 cases with unilateral cleft lip were repaired on modified Millard's method. These ways include: The improved type"Ⅰ"didn't make cut under the anterior naris;the distinction between the wet and dry vermilion of the lip, and the application in the operation; closed in the wound near at pyriform aperture edge by"L-flap"and"M-flap"; relaxed alae nasi and made a slack cut in the nasal cavity; flexible use for"5~x"back cut and "C-flap".


Results: Before the fixed bridge was applied, under vertical load, the high-stress region was near around the apical of periodontal ligament with mainly compressive stresses. Under oblique load, the high-stress region was near around the cervical of periodontal ligament with both tensile and compressive stresses. After the fixed prosthodontics, stress and strain distributions were similar with that when the fixed bridge was not applied. But the maximum stress, strain and displacement increased apparently. The stresses in exterior surface of periodontal ligament were larger than that of interior surface; this character of periodontal ligament under vertical load was more obvious than that under oblique load.


By Month 1 and beyond, deep vertical lip lines look lifted away, helping redefine the contours around your lips so they appear fuller, softer, more sensual.


The main features of the new oil seal in the oil seal lip and the axis of rotation between the design of a wavy-coated layer of rubber oil seals inside the wheel, work together within the hub coaxial with the rotation, and the oil seal lip in its the outer surface of hub and inner dynamic seal between.


更多网络解释与内唇的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


(apex),是壳最先形成的部分,由壳顶围绕中心壳轴(columella)连续放多海产螺由壳口外翻,形成外唇(out lip)与内唇(inner lip). 壳表面如海牛(Doris)等. 壳的多样性不胜枚举. 螺(Natica)、蝾螺(Turbo)是石灰质的,这是由于角质板上大量沉积的碳身体前进.




infrahyoid 舌骨下的 | infralabial 唇内甲 | inframarginal 缘下的


ladyoungfellowyoungstergossoonshavelingspalpeenspringalyob 小伙子 | ladyship 夫人的身分 | laeotorma 左内唇根


蚊的口器常称为喙(proboscis),属刺吸式口器,由上内唇、舌各1个,上、下颚各1对,共同组成细长的针状结构,包藏在鞘状下唇之内. 上内唇细长,腹面凹陷构成食物管的内壁,舌位于上内唇之下,和上颚共同把开放的底面封闭起来,组成食管,


唇(labia)和颊(bucca)主要由粘膜、肌肉和皮肤构成. 上、下唇的左、右两端汇成口角,唇的游离缘围成口裂. 上、下唇内面粘膜中线各形成一条纵行粘膜皱襞,连于上、下牙龈的前面,称上唇系带(frenulum labii superioris)和下唇系带(frenulum labii inferioris).


corynebacteria 棒状杆菌 | corypha 内唇前区 | coryphate 具细长毛的


epipelagiczone海洋光合作用带 | epipetalous上位的 | epipharyngealorgan内唇器官


前缘的中央凹入,外壁骨化,内壁膜质而有密毛和感觉器官,称为内唇(epipharynx). 上唇盖在上颚的前面,形成口前腔的前壁,其内部有肌肉,可以前后活动或稍作左右活动. (图1)2. 上颚(Mandibles) 由头部的第一对附肢演变而来,不分节,

Labium superius:上唇

唇由上唇(labium superius)与下唇(labium inferius)所组成. 具有开口于口腔前庭的口唇腺(labial gland)及口轮肌(orbicularisoris muscle). 只有人才具有所谓红唇 在其他动物中这一部分是位于内侧 在人的唇里由于这部分向外翻捲 并且这部分的乳头较高 乳头内的毛细血管很发达 表皮比较透明等原因 所以带有红色.