- 更多网络例句与内切圆相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
For fuller information on the special requirements of bearing running clearance, inscribed circle and accuracy grade, please contact this company.
Carried out generalized Mises yield criterion , yield curve on the n flat face was circle curve, and different elected parameters correspond to external angular point circumcircle、 internal angular point circumcircle and incircle of Mohr-Coulomb unequiangular hexagon. According to unequiangular hexagon, circle yield curve which had the same area as hexagon can be found, and corresponding yield criterionwas equilateral circle yield curve.
Moreover, a new and feasible means is provided, and a new thinking is exploited for measuring the diameters of inscribed and circumscribed circle of hexagonal prism.
The optimization algorithms are commonly used to approach the minima of the roundness objective functions through iteration when a microcomputer is applied to assess roundness errors by minimum zone, minimum circumscribed circle, and maximum inscribed circle methods.
On the basis of brief introduction to fundamental theory of FD8, a new algorithm to accurately calculate the effective contour length in the accumulated flow partitioning involved in 1n computation by using internal tangent circle on conical surface method was proposed.
Rod material specification regarding to the diametre of round rod.
A new method for solving the coordinates of circular points in an image of an equilateral triangle and its inscribed circle was proposed.
This is a similar picture inscribed circle, I believe that there is help for beginners.
Simplified the complex assembly access identification is simplified to the polygonal largest inscribed circle computation. Determined the pipe route by the spline interpolation whose nodes were the centers of polygonal largest inscribed circle list.
Introduced in this paper is a new method by which the camber line of the turbine blade profile is described by a number of high order polynomial function sections, and which ensures the absence of flex point that is usually accompnied with that function.
- 更多网络解释与内切圆相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
apochromatic lens 复消色差透镜 | apothem 内切圆半径 | apparatus 装置
standard parallel 标准纬线 | incircle 内切圆 | economic constraints 经济约束
incircle:内接圆 内切圆
incipientwilting 暂时萎蔫 初萎 | incircle 内接圆 内切圆 | incisaledge 切缘
inscribed circle, incircle:内切圆
内切|internally tangent | 内切圆|inscribed circle, incircle | 内容量|inner capacity
Inkreis inscribed circle; incircle:内切圆
injektiv injective 单射的 | Inkreis inscribed circle; incircle 内切圆 | innerer Automorphismus inner automorphism 内自同构
incircle","intersection of three angle bisectors:内切圆
"内心","in-centre","family of straight lines intersect together" | "内切圆","incircle","intersection of three angle bisectors" | "外心","circumcentre"," "
inscribed circle:内切圆
词汇覆盖了包括数学,地理,历史,艺术,物理,生物等在内的很多学科. 这一点在数学部分和阅读部分体现的尤为明显. 如数学中的专业词汇:分母(denominator),内切圆(inscribed circle),矩阵(matrix)等;阅读则会涉及到自然科学和人文科学中的众多方面.
inscribed circle radius:内切圆半径
内泥饼 internal filter cake | 内切圆半径 inscribed circle radius | 内烯烃 isomerised olefins
Maximum Inscribed Circle:最大内切圆
Material Standard Of Size 尺寸实物标准器 | Maximum Inscribed Circle 最大内切圆 | Maximum Permissible Error Of Indication Of A CMM For Size Measurement 坐标测量机尺寸测量的最大允许示值误差
inscribed circle of a triangle:三角形的内切圆
inscribed circle 内接円 | inscribed circle of a triangle 三角形的内切圆 | inscribed cone 内接圆锥