英语人>词典>汉英 : 内分生孢子 的英文翻译,例句
内分生孢子 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The Cork was consisted of five or six layer long cells. The secondary phloem occupied 46% of the diameter of root, and the parenchymas cell was abundant of the inclusions. The secondary xylem consisted of vessel, xylary radial ,and a little of xylary parenchyma cells. Some segment of hypha, swelled hypha, pelotons and conidiophore were colonied in cork and secondary phloem.

周皮由木栓层,木栓形成层和栓内层组成,其中木栓层由5~6 列长形细胞组成;维管组织中次生韧皮部所占根径的比例达46%,其薄壁细胞中内含物较丰富,次生木质部中分布有导管和木射线及少量木薄壁组织;在格木木栓层和次生韧皮部中分布有菌丝片段、膨大的菌丝和菌丝团及分生孢子。

The most suitable range of temperature is 25~30℃ and lethal temperature is 56℃ for hypha growth, the most suitable temperature is 25℃ for produce more conidiospore and lethal temperature is 56℃ for conidiospore. Within the pH range of 3~11 the hypha could grow and produce conidiospore. The optimum pH is 5~7 for hypha growth and 3, 9, 10 for produce more conidiospore. The range of glucose concentration is 2%~8% for hypha growth, the most suitable glucose concentration is 2% for hypha growth and produce more conidiospore. The effect of illumination on Bipolaris cynodontis was significance to the growth hypha and spore numbers. The whole light is advantage of hypha growth, but could not produce conidiospore. Alternation of light and darkness for 12 hours is advantage of hypha growth, as well as produce conidiospore.

菌丝最佳生长温度是25~30℃之间,在25℃时最利于产孢,菌丝生长和分生孢子的致死温度是56℃;该菌在pH 3~11范围内均能生长,产生分生孢子,菌丝生长的最适pH 5~7,产孢量最大的pH是3,9,10;糖浓度在2%~8%菌丝能生长,在糖浓度为2%时菌丝生长最好,产孢量最高;光照对病原菌的菌丝生长和产孢有明显影响,在全光照的条件下有利于菌丝的生长,但不会产孢,黑暗12h光照12h既利于菌丝生长又利于产孢,而全黑暗的条件下不利于菌丝生长和产孢。

The optimum pH is 8-10 for hypha growth and 7-9 for conidiospore germination; The hypha could not grow on the culture medium which nitrogen source comes from urea and asparagines, but it could grow fast and produce more conidiospore on the culture medium which carbon source comes from maltose, glucose and lactose, and nitro0gen source come from glycine, histidiane and peptone.

该菌在PH 4~12范围内均能生长、产生分生孢子并萌发,菌丝生长的最适pH 8~10。,孢子萌发的最适PH 7~9;该菌不能在以尿素和天门冬酰氨为氮源的培养基上生长,但以麦芽糖、葡萄糖、乳糖、淀粉、甘氨酸、组氨酸和蛋白陈为碳源和氮源时,菌丝生长快、产孢量大;光照处理对该菌菌丝生长、产孢和孢子萌发无显著影响。

Isolates isolated from maize and 3 isolates from rice, wheat, adzuki bean in ten provinces were identified as Curvularia lunata. Based on the culture characters, such as color of colony, aerial myeelia, the number of conidia, there were some difference among 43 isolates. Meanwhile, five types of conidium were compared in culture characters and virulence. In each single conidia culture there were different morphic conidia also and no difference in virulence was found among five single-conidium cultures.


The diseased leaf rate and the disease index were related closely to temperature, humidity and illumination etc. The study also showed that the conidium germinating of Pestalotiopsis versicolor started after inoculated for four hours and germinated well at pH5 to pH7. In addition, there was great appetency between the pathogen and the tea trees because the conidia germinated well on tea leaves rather than other habitats obviously.


Order of imperfect fungi lacking conidiophores of having conidiophores that are superficial and not enclosed in a pycnidium.


In this paper, the biological characteristics of florescence, spikelet and inflorescences structure, morphogenesis formation of inflorescence, megasporogenesis and the development of female gametophytes were studied systematically by using anatomy structure, scanning electron microscopic and paraffin section methods. The results were as followed:(1) Phyllostachys praecox was the bamboo flowering fragmentarily; the cultivation changed the characteristic of flowering; the plantlets of flowering were complex and splitted into three kinds: the plantlet flowering before continued flowering; the plantlet flowering before stopped flowering and the plantlet changed into flowering. The inflorescence of Ph. praecox was indefinite inflorescence or called false inflorescence, and actually it was flower stress structure. Its basal unit was pseudospikelet with two kinds: apical spikelet and lateral spikelet. The floret had one lemma, one pelea, three stamens, one pistil and three lodicules.


Analysis of these mutants revealed that the expression level of the neutral trehalase gene in RNAi mutant (Ma688 strain) was reduced to 42% of which found in wild-type strain and the over-expression mutant (Ma113 strain) showed approximatlely 2-fold higher levels of neutral trehalase mRNA than that found in wild-type control. Then the transformants Ma688 and Ma113 were chosen for closer examination, including trehalose content, storage longevity , thermotol

利用Northern blot 分析这几个突变菌株中性海藻糖酶基因mRNA 的含量,选择中性海藻糖酶基因超表达2 倍和中性海藻糖酶基因被抑制到42%的两个转化菌:Ma113 和Ma688,将其与出发菌株进行分生孢子内海藻糖含量的测定,孢子储藏

Additionally, the growth of the pathogen was obviously affected by cultural media. The morphological characters such as colony color and diameter, and production of fruit body of the fungus growing on PDA, 10% V8, apple leaves dextrose agar and apple leaves extraction dextrose agar media were different. The fungus formed colonies of about 8mm in diameter and did not produce fruit bodies and aerial hyphae in 1 month incubation on PDA. However it formed the similar size colonies as on PDA and produced fruit bodies and aerial hyphae on 10% V8 and LDA media in the same incubation period. Very small colonies (2mm in diameter) and fruit bodies were found on LEDA media in the same incubation condition. These results indicated that successful isolation of M. coronaria from apple leaves depended on suitable isolation method and cultural media as well as fresh samples.

不同培养基上菌落形态、大小和产孢情况差异也很大,培养1个月(25℃)后PDA上菌落黑褐色隆起,表面蚯蚓粪状,无气生菌丝,无子实体和基内菌丝;10% V8培养基上菌落中央隆起,黑褐色,表面生少量气生菌丝,边缘放射状,基内菌丝深褐色,有子实体;苹果叶片葡萄糖琼脂培养基上菌落平坦,黄褐色,表面生茂密的金黄色气生菌丝,基内菌丝深褐色,有子实体;苹果叶片煎汁葡萄糖琼脂培养基上菌落有明显的不规则隆起,黄褐色至黑褐色,表面生少许气生菌丝,菌落生长缓慢,无基内菌丝,分生孢子盘菌落表面生,菌落直径仅2mm左右,而在其他培养基上的菌落直径可达6-8mm,说明培养基质、分离方法均对苹果盘二孢的分离培养和生长发育有明显的影响。

After division in conidial cell, the nuclei entered into germ tube and divided repeatedly, and therefore the number of nuclei in germ tube variably multiplied. The mitosis of F. graminearum has four phases.


更多网络解释与内分生孢子相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


在Ainsworth(1973)的分类系统中,半知菌亚门分3个纲: 芽孢纲(Blastomycetes):营养体是单细胞或发育程度不同的菌丝体或假菌丝,产生芽孢子繁殖. 丝孢纲(Hyphomycetes):营养体是发达的菌丝体,分生孢子不产生在分生孢盘或分生孢子器内.


endoconidium 内分生孢子 | endocranium 内颅 | endocrine 内分泌的


endoconidium 内分生孢子 | endocrine 内分泌(的) | endocrinology 内分泌学


小菌核属(Sclerotium) 菌核外表褐色或黑色,内部浅色,组织紧密. 观察水稻小菌核病(S.oryzae-sativae)的症状,注意受害部位及菌核颜色,大小. 丝孢纲真菌的特点是分生孢子不产生在分生孢子盘或分生孢子器内,该纲分为四个目,


(1)游动孢子(zoospore):形成于游动孢子囊(zoosporangium)内. 游动孢子囊由菌丝或孢囊梗顶端膨大而成. 游动孢子无细胞壁,具1-2根鞭毛,释放后能在水中游动. (3)分生孢子(conidium)产生于由菌丝分化而形成的分生泡子梗(conidiophore)上,


壳囊孢属(Cytospora) 分生孢子器着生在瘤状或球状子座组织内分生孢子器腔不规则地分为数室;分生孢子香蕉形. 色二孢属(Diplodia) 分生孢子器散生或集生;分生孢子初时单细胞,无色,椭圆形或卵圆形,成熟后转变为双细胞,顶端钝圆,


软骨内骨化 endochondral ossification | 胞内色素 endochrome | 内分生孢子 endoconidium


endoconch 内壳 | endoconidium 内分生孢子 | endocrine 内分泌(的)

Endothia parasitica:栗疫病

板栗疫病(Endothia parasitica)是由子囊菌亚门、核菌纲、球壳目、间座壳科、内座壳属的栗疫菌侵染引起的. 病菌子座直径0.7~2.0毫米,内生分生孢子器和子囊壳. 分生孢子器不规则形,大小不一,单室或多室. 内生的分生孢子单胞、无色、长椭圆形或圆柱形,


(3)茎点霉属(Phoma) 分生孢子器球形或扁形,或有乳头状突起,有孔口,埋生于寄主组织内,部分自组织内突出或以短啄穿出表皮. 分生孢子梗生于分生孢子器的内壁上,极短,单生不分枝. 分生孢子很小,单胞无色,卵圆形或椭圆形.