英语人>词典>汉英 : 养育 的英文翻译,例句
养育 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
breed  ·  foster  ·  fosterage  ·  nursing  ·  nurture  ·  parenting  ·  rear  ·  suckle  ·  uprear  ·  breeds  ·  fostered  ·  fosters  ·  nurtured  ·  nurtures  ·  nurturing  ·  reared  ·  rears  ·  suckled  ·  suckles  ·  upreared  ·  uprearing  ·  uprears  ·  Foster  ·  nurturance

更多网络例句与养育相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Gay marriage supporters argue "genderless parenting" is just as good for children as opposite-sex parenting.


Godliness is the child of truth, and it must be nursed...with no other milk than that of its own mother.


After bearing babies, the altered females, like males, became " insouciant about raising their offspring and keen on having more sex ."


Objective To analyze the relationship between parental rearing styles and personality traits of juvenile delinquent, it can guide juveniles' parents to adapt better rearing styles, and promote the level of mental health.

目的 分析犯罪青少年父母养育方式与其个性特征之间的关系,以便指导广大儿童青少年的父母采取正确的养育方法,促进青少年的身心健康。

Childhood trauma history: the patients with BPD had significantly higher scores of emotional abuse, physical abuse, sex abuse, emotional neglect and physical neglect than the non-personality disorder patients. 2. The parental rearing style: comparing with the Chinese norm, the scores of emotional warmth / comprehension of BPD group were lower; the scores of punishment/rigorousness and rejection /deny of BPD group were higher; The differences were significant.

BPD 父母养育方式: BPD 患者的父母养育方式与中国常模相比存在较多显著差异,父亲在情感温暖理解、过度保护方面远低于对照,而在惩罚、严厉,拒绝、否认方面远高于对照;母亲在情感温暖、理解方面远低于对照,而在拒绝、否认,惩罚、严厉方面远高于对照。

Results: 1. Childhood trauma history: the patients with BPD had significantly higher scores of emotional abuse, physical abuse, sex abuse, emotional neglect and physical neglect than the non-personality disorder patients. 2. The parental rearing style: comparing with the Chinese norm, the scores of emotional warmth / comprehension of BPD group were lower; the scores of punishment/rigorousness and rejection /deny of BPD group were higher; The differences were significant. 3. Family environment: comparing with Chinese norm, the scores of intimacy/ affection expression/ independence/ success/ culture/ entertainment/ morality and religion/sense of organization of BPD group were lower; the scores of contradictory were higher.4. Correlation analysis revealed that the childhood trauma history of BPD was correlated with the unhealthy parents' rearing style and family environment. 5. Logistic regression analyses revealed that gender, emotional abuse, physical abuse, emotional neglect are the risk factors for BPD.

结果1、BPD儿童期创伤经历:BPD患者在情感虐待、躯体虐待、性虐待、情感忽视、躯体忽视及总体虐待程度显著高于精神科门诊中非人格障碍患者。2、 BPD父母养育方式:BPD患者的父母养育方式与中国常模相比存在较多显著差异,父亲在情感温暖理解、过度保护方面远低于对照,而在惩罚、严厉,拒绝、否认方面远高于对照;母亲在情感温暖、理解方面远低于对照,而在拒绝、否认,惩罚、严厉方面远高于对照。3、 BPD家庭环境:患者家庭的亲密度、情感表达、独立性、成功性、文化性、娱乐性、道德宗教观、组织性等方面均显著低于中国常模;而矛盾性方面显著高于常模。4、 BPD儿童期创伤与不恰当的父母养育方式和不良的家庭环境显著相关。5、BPD的影响因素:经Logistic回归分析,性别、年龄,情感虐待、躯体虐待、情感忽视是影响BPD患病与否的关键因素。

The welfare homes and some social welfare institutions that also accept orphans oer guardianship and rearing mainly to children who have lost their parents during natural disasters or accidents, and also to those abandoned by their parents because they are seriously or almost irremediably disabled mentally or physically, or because they have contracted a serious illness.


Oer'.'' guardianship and rearing mainly to children who have lost their parents during natural disasters or accidents, and also to those abandoned by their parents because they are seriously or almost irremediably disabled mentally or physically, or because they have contracted a serious illness.


The inner parent is constructed of all of the records of one's own experience of being parented as a child by one's mother or father, grandparents, aunts or uncles, or whoever raised oneself.


A call decider analyzes bring-up call information associated with a phone number mapped to a predetermined character among the collected bring-up call information, numerically quantizes the analyzed bring-up call information, and determines the growth stage of the character according to the numerical bring-up call information.


更多网络解释与养育相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


beaded 饰以珠的 | beadhouse 养育院 | beading 玻璃珠

beadhouse:养育院, 养老院

beader | 加珠饰者 卷边器, 卷边工具 弯边装置 | beadhouse | 养育院, 养老院 | beading die | 卷边压模


breastbonesternum 胸骨 | breastfeed 以母奶养育的 | breastmilklacto 乳

bred bred:养育

break=打破 broke broken | breed=养育 bred bred | bring=拿来 brought brought


foster-mother 保育器 | fosterage 养育 | fosterer 养育


fosterage 养育 | fosterer 养育者 | fosterling 养子

fosterer:养育者; 鼓励者 (名)

fosterage 养育; 养子身份; 寄养 (名) | fosterer 养育者; 鼓励者 (名) | fosterling 养子; 养女 (名)

That nurtures you:养育你的草原

养育你的雪山 That fosters you | 你把美丽献给草原 You give your beauty to the grassland | 养育你的草原 That nurtures you

nurtures the hometown that nurtures me:养育了养育了我的故乡

reticent sail, grandeur sea 沉默的帆,壮丽的海 | nurtures the hometown that nurtures me. 养育养育了我的故乡 | A shellboy wades through shallow warm tide, 拾贝的男孩淌过浅而暖的潮

child?rearing practice:儿童养育方式

child?rearing 儿童养育 | child?rearing practice 儿童养育方式 | child?study movement 儿童研究运动