英语人>词典>汉英 : 其纤维 的英文翻译,例句
其纤维 的英文翻译、例句


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更多网络例句与其纤维相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There is thread inside abaca petiole, its fiber slightness, tough, qualitative light, immerse to decay not easily in seawater, it is to do flue and marine the high grade raw material of cable, still can braid matting and carpet and high grade hemp to weave dress material.


Similarly ,a equivalence relation is given on the fibrewise topology space we can also get its quotient space.


Result The fiber color was controlled by 4 pairs of genes at least. Whether the long fiber and linter were brown was controlled by a pair of dominant genes separately, the type of its fiber color was controlled by 2 pairs of minor genes at least, showing different types such as light brown and brown approaching white. The long fiber in F2 generation had 3 phenotypes altogether of brown long fiber and brown linter, white long fiber and white linter, white long fiber and brown linter, showing there was interaction among genes and the expression of dominant gene in brown long fiber inhibited the expression of recessive gene of linter color.


Yellow flowers, petioles containing fiber, the fiber slender, tough, lightweight, non-perishable immersion in sea water, fishing nets and marine cable is made of high quality raw materials, but also weave mats and carpets and high quality linen cloth, Manila hemp production in tropical and ...


Under lower potassium stress, the high efficiency ramie genotypes had higher growth potential (higher relative root dry weight, relative rootlet dry weight, relative root total and active absorb surface area), and higher relative fiber yield, decreased the negative effect of lower potassium stress on fiber quality validly.


In this paper, chemistry composition, fiber morphology and pulping property in Solidago canadensis were analyzed and determined preliminarily. The results showed that the content of holocellulose was 81.86%, the content of cellulose was 42.63%, the content of lignin was 18.86%, it is feasible for using Solidago canadensis pulping based on it's chemical composition. The ratio of fiber length to width in Solidago canadensis was 36.67, the average length of fiber was 440 μm, and the length of fiber was too short to pulping. The ratio of wall thickness of fiber cell to lumen diameter was 0.34, and it was smaller than that of other woody fiber. In this experiment, four different methods of pulping were as follows: kraft-AQ pulping Ⅰ, kraft-AQ pulping Ⅱ, alkaline pulping, alkaline sulfite adding AQ pulping, but it was difficult for lignin removal in Solidago canadensis.


She is shaped microfiber nylon bristles brush clearance axis function, with the function and application of clean water rolling every blade of tongue pressure to offset the removal of adsorbed functional integration, Trinity, and its fiber bristles of the softness and flexibility of the blade of tongue cleaning pursuit of the finer more comfortable, more clean brush principle, to create a S, C, L, M, U-shaped fiber brush tube axis by measuring the quality of Shenzhen Institute of test showed that the degree of its cleaning, and can be used as blade of tongue and mucous membrane, such as wrinkle-wall soft-tissue-specific cleaning products.


Results The anterior bundle of ulnar collateral ligament originates from the inferior aspect of the medial epicondyle and inserts immediately adjacent to the joint surface on the ulna near the sublimis tubercle. The posterior bundle originates from the medial epicondyle slightly posterior to its most inferior portion and inserts broadly on the olecranon process. The lateral collateral ligament arises from the inferior aspect of the lateral epicondyle. Two types of conjoined lateral collateral and annular ligamentous insertions on the ulna were observed. Type Ⅰ(61.2%) was bilobate and type Ⅱ(38.8%) was a single broad conjoined type with insertion on the ulna. The anterior band of anterior bundle was more tighten than the posterior band as the elbow flexed less than 60°. When the elbow flexed over 60°, the two parts of anterior bundle were equally tightened. The posterior bundle was tightened as the elbow was flexed more than 90°. The lateral collateral ligament was tightened gradually as the elbow moved in flexion.


Some of the recent results are summarized on the characteristics of HYP and its effect on the wet-end operations of the papermaking process in the production of printing and writing paper, including internal sizing and f iller retention.


Microfiber Products detail: Microfiber refers to the so-called 0.4uM of the micro-diameter fibers, its fiber silk degrees only 1 / 10 special wedge-shaped cross-section to enable it to more effectively capture even a few microns of dust particles, decontamination, to oil the effect is very obvious. 75:25 of polyester / nylon ratio, making material is extremely soft, on the swab surface without any harm, even in the field of high precision, such as lens coating, large scale integrated circuit manufacturing process can also be assured that the use of its water volume, water absorption speed is ordinary cotton fabric for more than 5 times.


更多网络解释与其纤维相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bast fibre:韧皮纤维

其纤维是韧皮纤维(bast fibre)的一种,可能原产于西非,包括H. sabdariffa var. altissima(栽种以取其纤维)和H. sabdariffa var. sabdariffa(栽种以食用其花萼). 西印度群岛早在16世纪就已知此种植物,到了17世纪,...


(5) 纤维(Fiber) 指长度大于其宽度的 3 倍的任何微粒状污染物. (6) 无纤维脱落的过滤器(Non-fiber-releasing filter) 指任何经过适当的预处理(如清洗或冲洗)后,不会将纤维脱落到已过滤的组分或药品 中的所有过滤器.所有含石棉过滤器均被认为是有纤维脱落的过滤器.


1 成纤维细胞的来源及其生物学特性 成纤维细胞(fibroblast)是结缔组织中最常见的细胞,由胚胎时期的间充质细胞(mesenchymal cell)分化而来. 在结缔组织中,成纤维细胞还以其成熟状态-纤维细胞(fibrocyte)......


但是大部份的病患,在软骨修复手术治疗后,其增生的软骨组织皆有纤维化的现象,而导致了纤维软骨(fibrocartilage)组织的生成,且其组织的持久性及物理强度皆远不如正常关节软骨─透明软骨(hyaline cartilage).


magslep 无触点式自整角机 | maguey 其纤维 | magueymescal 龙舌兰


55%苎麻纤维(ramie){苎麻是多年生宿根性草本植物,是重要的纺织纤维作物. 也称白叶苎麻. 其单纤维长、强度最大,吸湿和散湿快,热传导性能好,脱胶后洁白有丝光,可以纯纺,也可和棉、丝、毛、化纤等混纺(茎皮纤维长,柔韧色白,不皱不缩,

wood fiber:木质纤维

文章摘要:木纤维,又称木质纤维(Wood Fiber),其产品是当前国际新流行的植物纤维之一. 它采用2-3年快速生长期的天然无污染美洲落叶树木桦树(birches)为原料,经粉碎和高温蒸煮成木浆后,再提取纤维制成. 木纤维是树木木质部的组成部分,

collagenic fiber:胶原纤维

即管平衡听泡形成后其四周的间质组织 (mesenchymal tissue) 即变成听囊迷路,其与膜性迷路之间形成外淋巴间隙(perilymphatic space) 并蜗部分的外淋巴间隙分成二个部分,即鼓阶(scala tympani)及前庭成,其中间的胶原纤维(collagenic fiber)则为第一第二鳃弓的

commissural fibers:连合纤维

(1)连合纤维(commissural fibers)是连合左、右两大脑半球的纤维(图10-39). ①胼胝体(corpus callosum)是大脑半球中最大的连合纤维. 它在两半球中间形成一个弧形板,其纤维向四面投射到大脑皮质. 胼胝体在种系发生上出现较晚,


纤维 FIBRES:纤维(FIBRES)是肉眼可见的毛状物体. 一般用来纺纱(SPINNING)的纤维,其长度由半寸到数寸不等. 纤维纺成纱线后,便可用作织成各类布料制衣(GARMENT MANUFACTURING)或其它用途..