英语人>词典>汉英 : 其树皮 的英文翻译,例句
其树皮 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Its bark is used as a powerful astringent and a purgative throughout its range.


A buckthorn native to northwest North America, the bark of which is the source of cascara sagrada.


Any of several trees and shrubs of the genus Cinchona,native chiefly to the Andes and cultivated for bark that yields the medicinal alkaloid s quinine and quinidine,which are used to treat malaria.


"Cinchona:any of several trees and shrubs of the genus Cinchona, native chiefly to the andes and cultivated for bark that yields the medicinal alkaloids quinine and quinidine, which are used to treat malaria."


Any of several trees and shrubs of the genus Cinchona, native chiefly to the Andes and cultivated for bark that yields the medicinal alkaloids quinine and quinidine, which are used to treat malaria.


Chinese Cinnamaldehyde Cinnamaldehyde alias, Lauraceae plants are dry skin and cinnamon bark obtained by steam distillation of volatile oil in the main component of research in recent years are more root canal sterilization drug, it can seriously undermine the bacterial cell surface structure, and thus has a wider antibacterial spectrum and strong antibacterial activity; gallnut hundred, also known as worms, insect species are Schlechtendalia Schlechtendalia or times aphid eggs in their parasitic plants Anacardiaceae Rhus chinensis, Green bran Yang Yang, such as bran or red tree gall formation, the main ingredient for gallnut tannin, can solidification microbial protoplasts and a variety of body enzymes, a wide range of bacteria, fungi, yeasts are inhibited.


The diseased tree is marked by protuberance on their bark.


In recent years, according to the zoopery of the extract of different medicine position such as root, nut and bark, the aqueous extract of leaf, nut and bark of canarium pimela koening can decrease blood pressure rapidly and effectivly, the liquid extracts of leave of canarium pimela koening also have a quick effect of the negative inotropic action on heart.moreover fructus canarii pimelae can also resist oxidation and help fight against senium,guangdong has abundant resource of canarium pimela koening, but its medicinal efficacy has not been widely applied, which makes canarium pimela koening has important meaning and function of exploitation.


While biblion is really a diminutive of biblos, it has lost this sense in the NT. See Rev. 10:2 where biblaridion is used for a "little scroll." More exactly, a biblion was a roll of papyrus or byblus, a reedlike plant whose inner bark was dried and fashioned into a writing material widely used in the ancient world.

同时biblion实在是一个微小的biblos ,它已经失去这个意义上讲,在新台币见牧师10时02分那里biblaridion是用一个&小涡旋&),更确切地说,一个biblion被唱名的纸莎草纸或毕布勒, 1 reedlike植物,其树皮内被乾燥和年代成为书写材料被广泛应用在古代世界。

To make new adsorbents for processing heavy metals wastewater, black wattle bark with high content of tannin was reacted with formaldehyde to fix the tannin in the bark.


更多网络解释与其树皮相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


[摘要]白桦(Birch)也称桦树,欧亚大陆最古老的树种之一. 也是北半球寒冷地区最常见的树木. 因其树皮呈白色纸质薄片,可整块剥落用于书写作画,我国明朝李时珍在>中又称其为"画树".


calipers | 弯脚器, 测径器 | caliphate | 伊斯兰教国王的职权或其领域 | calisaya | 黄金鸡纳树皮

Cascara:[植]鼠李, 用其树皮制成的缓泻剂

breach of arrest [军]越禁闭罪 | cascara [植]鼠李, 用其树皮制成的缓泻剂 | exploringly 探索地


cascading 级联效应 | cascara 用其树皮制成的缓泻剂 | cascophen 酚醛树脂粘合剂


香奈儿发现一种稀有植物:原产於太平洋菲律宾的森林小岛上、高约40 - 60公尺的树木(Manila elemi)榄香(elemi),其树皮切口所产生的树脂,具有良好的功效,自古以来就被广泛应用.


viburnum 其树皮 | viburnum 荚莲属的植物 | vicar 传教牧师


cascara | 鼠李, 用其树皮制成的缓泻剂 | cascarilla | 西印度苦香树(产于西印度群岛) | cascarilline | 卡藜灵


cascara [植]鼠李, 用其树皮制成的缓泻剂 | exploringly 探索地 | KTV Keyboard Tape Verifier 键盘磁带检孔机


山鸡椒树皮含生物碱六驳碱(Laurotetanine)、异紫堇定(Isocorydine)、N一甲基六驳碱、木兰箭毒碱(Magnocu- rarine). 树皮含柠檬醛,但不含香茅醛. 果实含挥发油2%~6%,其主成分为枸橼醛(citral) 含量达70%~90%,

