英语人>词典>汉英 : 关联 的英文翻译,例句
关联 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
relating  ·  relationship  ·  relevance  ·  relevancy

be related
更多网络例句与关联相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ifσ: I→C is an incidence coloring of G and |C|=k, k is a positive integer, then we say that G is k- incidence colorable andσis a k - incidence coloring of G; The minimum value of k such that G is k -incidence colorable is called the incidence chromatic number of G, and is denoted byχ_i, namelyχ_i = min {|C||σ: I→C is an incidence coloring of G}.


ABSTRACT To improve the parametric design method which is based on points, lines and circles, this dissertation presents the theory and methodology of parametric design which is based on relating-graph. The expression, organization, cyclic problem, covariation and extension method of relating-graph are studied.


What is more, the taches can be divided into two parts. One is fundamental-derivative relation, the other is cross sectional relation. On this base, we point out the asset pricing models are exactly studying the taches. And the anomalies are divided into three parts according to where the anomaly is produce.


The second part includes Chapters from Three to Six. In this part, I review the correlations between economy and tax. including the narrations on the relationships of tax allowance, division and growth, structure, and their characters, potential problems.


The law of industry correlation, which hides behind the phenomenon of industry correlation, is the specific one of the universal relation law formed in the industrial domain. This law could not be changed or eliminated, but it could be understood through the research of industry correlation phenomenon. The industry correlation theory focuses on understanding and making use of the law of the industry correlation.


They are: conceptual meaning (logical, cognitive, or denotative content), connotative meaning (what is communicated by virtue of what language refers to), social meaning (what is communicated of the social circumstances of language use), affective meaning (what is communicated of the feeling and attitudes of the speaker/writer), reflected meaning (what is communicated through association with another sense of the same expression), collocative meaning (what is communicated through association with words which tend to occur in the environment of another word), thematic meaning(what is communicated by the way in which the message is organized in terms of order and emphasis).


The results indicated that both binary interactive parameters of water/isobutanol system from this work and the parameters of water/ethanol from literature can be used to precdict the liquid-liquid equilibria of water/ethanol/isobutanol. But the parameters of ethanol/isobutanol from the literature were not appropriate for the prediction. Furthermore, the model parameters from 30℃ can can be used to predict the liquid-liquid equilibria under 35 ℃. The model parameters of water/isobutanol are independent on the temperatures, so constant parameters irrelative to temperature can meet prediction accuracy. Othmer-Tobias/Bancroft equation was also used to fit the liquid-liquid data of water/ethanol/isobutanol system, but it didnt possess the performance of predicting the liquid-liquid equilibria.The partition coefficients of dipotassium glycyrrhizinat were determined in the liquid-liquid two-phase system of water/ethanol/isobutanol and corrected by experiential equation.


Based on the definition of congruent relation, the algorithm and concept of generalized relation were put forward, and statistic linear correlation and gray relation were unified in the reflectional relation.


Based on the definition of congruent relation , the algorithm and concept of generalized relation reflective relation were put forward , and statistic linear correlation and gray relation were unified in the reflectional relation .


Moreover, A hybrid algorithm, ALHybrid, which is made of the algorithm LIDBSO and the algorithm AprioriIpv, is designed. Two algorithm, MQC_Apriori and MQC_LIDBSO, are given to mining multiple level quantitative association rules with item constrains. Two algorithm, PMARⅡ and PMARⅢ, which are based on different sequential mining algorithms, are given for parallelling mining association rules. In order to solve the mining association rules problem when we add a set of data to a database or delete a set of data from a database, two incremental updating algorithm, EUAR and EUAR, are given. Three incremental updating algorithm for association rules mining, DIUAⅠ, DIUAⅡ and DIUAⅢ, are dedigned to solve the three kinds of association rules incremental updating problem in distributed databases.

另外,文中还设计了一个算法LIDBSO与算法AprioriIpv相结合的混合采掘算法ALHybrid;对于多层次、带约束、多值属性关联规则的采掘问题,给出了两个采掘算法:算法MQC_Apriori和算法MQC_LIDBSO;在关联规则的并行采掘方面,还设计了两个基于不同顺序关联规则采掘算法的并行算法:算法PMARⅡ和算法PMARⅢ;在关联规则的增量式更新问题上,还给出了两个改进算法:算法EUAR和算法EUARˉ,分别用于解决当数据库增加或删除一个数据集合时的关联规则增量式更新问题;针对分布式数据库中的关联规则增量式更新的三类问题,提出了三个增量式更新算法:算法DIUA Ⅰ、算法DIUAⅡ和算法DIUAⅢ。

更多网络解释与关联相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


索引数组:索引(indexed)索引值是整数,以0开始,当通过位置来标识东西时用索引数组. 关联数组:关联(associative)关联以字符串做索引值,索引值为列名,用语访问列的数据.

associative hatches:关联填充 关联式剖面线

associative dimension 关联标注 关联式标注 | associative hatches 关联填充 关联式剖面线 | attach v.附着 贴附

associative dimension:关联标注 关联式标注

Assist 助理 辅助 | associative dimension 关联标注 关联式标注 | associative hatches 关联填充 关联式剖面线

associative dimension:关联干系标注 关联干系式标注

Assist 助理 帮助 | associative dimension 关联干系标注 关联干系式标注 | associative hatches 关联干系添补 关联干系式剖面线

associative memory:关联存储器

associative lookup 关联检索 | associative memory 关联存储器 | associative rules 关联规则

correlate vi to,with:相关,关联vt 使相互关联

crops n 队,部队;一组 | correlate vi to,with 相关,关联vt 使相互关联 | correspondence n 通信,通信联系;信件,函件;相当,相似处


D.关联(Correlation)模块 用以关联(Correlate)事故收集器所收到的安全事故与日志,其相关的功能如下:1.规则(Rule)式关联功能:利用多个参数以组成不同的规则,对于已发生的或已列入观察或已知弱点的安全事件进行侦测,归纳与分析.

correlation analysis:关联分析

态 势评估:包括关联分析(Correlation Analysis)、态势分析(Situation Analysis)、态势评价(Situation uation),核心是事件关联分析. 关联分析就是要使用采用数据融合(Data Fusion)技术对多源异构数据从时间、空间、协议等多个方面进行关联和识别.

associated file extension:相关扩展名 关联的副档名

assignment 分配 指派 | associated file extension 相关扩展名 关联的副档名 | associated 关联关联


这些表之间可能具有相关联的关系,然而,数据集 不象数据库,它并没有关于关联关系的相关信息,所以当用户在处理关系表的时候,可以创建一些关联(relations)来描述这些在数据集中各个表之间的关联关系.关联关系可以通过一些代码,