英语人>词典>汉英 : 关税 的英文翻译,例句
关税 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
duties  ·  duty  ·  impost  ·  tariff  ·  tariffed  ·  tariffs

customs duty · tariff duty
更多网络例句与关税相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ad valorem duties on imported goods.Thus, an ad valorem tariff of 15 per-cent on television sets would come to $ 15 on a set that costs $ 100 to import and would come to $ 30 on a set that costs $ 200 to import .


Tariffs are commonly levied in one of two ways:ad valorem tariff or specific tariff .


The procedures concerning application of duty rates, customs value and duty determination, drawback and duty recovery, as well as the procedures concerning duty exemptions and reduction, were also published.


Article 1 With a view to effectively implementing the administration of import tariff quotas of agricultural products and to establishing the system for administering the import tariff quotas of agricultural products that is uniform, fair, just, transparent, predicable and nondiscriminatory, the present Measures have been formulated in accordance with the Foreign Trade Law of the People''s Republic of China, the Customs Law of the People''s Republic of China, the Regulations of the People''s Republic of China on the Administration of Import and Export of Goods and the Regulations of the People''s Republic of China on Import and Export Duties.

第一条 为有效实施农产品进口关税配额管理,建立统一、公平、公正、透明、可预见和非歧视的农产品进口关税配额管理体制,根据《中华人民共和国对外贸易法》、《中华人民共和国海关法》、《中华人民共和国货物进出口管理条例》和《中华人民共和国进出口关税条例》制定本办法。

In cases where any country or region violates the provisions of trade agreements and related legal instruments signed with China or to which it and China are parties by adopting prohibitive, restrictive or levying extra tariff duties or other measures affecting normal trade against the People's Republic of China, retaliatory customs duties may be levied on imported goods originated from the said country or region and the retaliatory tariff rate will be used.


In cases where any country or region violates the provisions of trade agreements and related legal instruments signed with China or to which it and China are parties by adopting prohibitive, restrictive or levying extra tariff duties or other measures affecting normal trade against the PRC , retaliatory customs duties may be levied on imported goods originated from the said country or region and the retaliatory tariff rate will be used.


A tariff cut comparable to that in panel A would have yielded less, but since it would include the revenue from the higher new tariff, it might still be larger than the gain in panel A. In contrast, if the new tariff were zero in this case, then again area f would be added to the country's net gain.


The equipments to be imported within the projects total investment in terms of value and for internal use and the unappraised equipment provided by foreign investors in their processing terms are exempted from tariffs and VAT related to import .


Article 12 Where the quantity of import goods that are subject to tariff quota administration in accordance with the provisions of the State is within the tariff quota, the tariff quota duty rates shall apply; if such quantity exceeds the tariff quota, the application of the duty rates shall be governed by the provisions of Article 10 or 11 of these Regulations.


Article 4 The State Council shall establish the Tariff Commission, which is responsible for making adjustment to and interpretation of tariff items, tariff headings and duty rates in the Tariff and the Flat Duty Rates on Inward Articles and implementing such adjustment and interpretation after they are submitted to and approved by the State Council; determining the goods subject to temporary duty rates and the rates and

第四条 国务院设立关税税则委员会,负责《税则》和《进境物品进口税税率表》的税目、税则号列和税率的调整和解释,报国务院批准后执行;决定实行暂定税率的货物、税率和期限;决定关税配额税率;决定征收反倾销税、反补贴税、保障措施关税、报复性关税以及决定实施其他关税措施;决定特殊情况下税率的适用,以及履行国务院规定的其他职责。

更多网络解释与关税相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

tariff concession; tariff diminution; concession of Tariff:关税减让,关税让步

关税及国内货物税税务局[英国]|Board of Customs and Excise (BOCE) | 关税减让,关税让步|tariff concession; tariff diminution; concession of Tariff | 关税鉴定人员|duty appraiser

Tariff Concession:关税减让;关税优惠

*tariff classification 关税分类 | *tariff concession 关税减让;关税优惠 | *tariff concession rate 关税减让税率;关税优惠税率

Tariff Escalation:关税升级

所谓"关税升级"(Tariff Escalation),指关税水平随着农产品加工程度的深化而上升. 如原料、初级产品的关税较低,而其加工品的关税随着加工程度的提高而逐步上升. 关税升级为发达国家国内加工业提供了额外的保护,使其国内生产成本高于国际成本时仍能继续维持生产,

tariff peaks:关税高峰

关税高峰(Tariff Peaks)是指在总体关税水平较低的情况下少数产品维持的高关税. 经过GATT八个回合的谈判,WTO各成员的平均关税水平已大幅下降,但一些成员仍在不少领域维持着关税高峰.

prohibitive tariff:禁止性关税

禁止性关税(Prohibitive tariff) 什么是禁止性关税 禁止性关税是保护关税的一种,是指对某些商品加重课征,所征收的关税超过了没有国际贸易时的国内价格与世界市场价格之差,使之进口减少到很低水平的一种关税.

tariff quota:关税配额;关税配额制

*tariff preference 优惠关税 | *tariff quota 关税配额;关税配额制 | *tariff quota at a reduced rate of duty 低税率或零税率关税配额

revenue tariff:财政性关税税率,(为财政收入而征收的关税)岁入关税

revenue stock split 析产分股 | revenue tariff 财政性关税税率,(为财政收入而征收的关税)岁入关税 | revenue tax 岁入税,财政收入税,财政税收

Tariff Rate:关税税率

关税税率(Tariff Rate) 什么是关税税率 所谓关税税率是指海关税则规定的对课征对象征税时计算税额的比例. 关税税率的设置 1.法定税率 根据新的>规定,我国进口关税的法定税率包括最惠国税率、协定税率、特惠税率和普通税率. (1)最惠国税率 最惠


关税税则(Tariff) 关税税则概述 关税税则又称海关税则、关税税率表,是指一国制定和公布的对进出其关境(customs boundary)的货物征收关税的条例和税率的分类表.

Tariff Bindings:约束关税 / 关税约束承诺

Tariff Anomaly 关税异常 | Tariff Bindings 约束关税 / 关税约束承诺 | tariff classification 关税分类