英语人>词典>汉英 : 共产主义制度 的英文翻译,例句
共产主义制度 的英文翻译、例句


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Stolypin was assassinated, Nicholas II murdered by the Bolsheviks—and Russia plunged into 73 years of communism.


I thought they were going to come to blows.


This is a historical thing in China. It's not just under Communism.


Their passionate reassertion of the greatness of past dynasties has both entranced and baffled Western observers, because it does not fit the model of an "evolving communist system."


At the same time, this paper believes that the communist society wouldnt be an unrealizable dream with the institution perfecting and the reducing difference between the goals of individual and society.


Historically in the communist movement, economism has meant focusing the attention of the working class on its own immediate conditions and struggles as the "most widely applicable means" of winning them, some day, to socialism and communism—an approach which Lenin thoroughly exposed and refuted in his famous work What Is To Be Done?


But over time, cracks formed in the communist system, says political analyst Jochen Staadt of Berlin's Free University.


Over the years, the Chinese government has stoked nationalism as a way to legitimatize itself amid a diminishing communist system.


I told him he had never been under a completely Communist system like Russia's, where the farms themselves were collectivized.


And, despite all the vicissitudes of its history, because it is already the bearer of these values, which are already realized in the organizations and practices of the workers' struggle, proletarian ideology prefigures part of that which the ideological state apparatuses of socialist transition will be, and thereby also prefigures something of the abolition of the state and of the abolition of the ideological state apparatuses under communism.


更多网络解释与共产主义制度相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Eastern Europe:东欧

该进程帮助东欧(Eastern Europe)国家推翻了共产主义统治",是"赫尔辛基进程加速柏林墙倒塌和共产主义制度崩溃. "(见下附文). 美国国务院国际信息局(IIP)>Jim Fisher-Thompson从华盛顿报道,1975年8月1日,

state socialism:国家社会主义

研究转型的国际知名学者埃尔斯特和奥菲也指出,后共产主义国家多重制度共时性转型的特征表明,传统的"国家社会主义"(state socialism)体制已经彻底瓦解,更为重要的是通过分阶段、有顺序的综合性制度设计(包括制度瓦解、重新定位和制度巩固

The basic structure of society:社会基本结构

国际共产主义运动:leading the adaptation between religions and socialist society positively. | 社会基本结构:The basic structure of society | 社会基本制度:basic institution of the society

truck system:实物工资制

所以经济公社要能获得后备基金,就只有暴露自己实行的是最广阔的共产主义基础上的"高贵的"实物工资制(注:实物工资制(truck system)是英国人的说法,在德国也为人所熟知,在这种制度下,工厂主自己开设店铺,强迫工人在这些店铺中购买商品.

die Kommunistische Ordnung:共产主义制度

共产主义 Kommunismus m. / | 共产主义制度 die Kommunistische Ordnung / | 股份 Aktienanteil, Aktie f. /

Eastern Europe:东欧

该进程帮助东欧(Eastern Europe)国家推翻了共产主义统治",是"赫尔辛基进程加速柏林墙倒塌和共产主义制度崩溃. "(见下附文). 美国国务院国际信息局(IIP)<<美国参考>>Jim Fisher-Thompson从华盛顿报道,1975年8月1日,

Scientific Socialism and International Communist Movement:科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动

中外政治制度 Chinese and Foreign Polit... | 科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动 Scientific Socialism and International Communist Movement | 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育 Education of Marxist Theory and Educa...

Harold Laski:拉斯基

英国部队在北非被迫临时退却时,拉斯基(Harold Laski)教授这位社会主义的最激进的倡导者迅速宣称资本主义的最终失败. 但他却并没有一以贯之地把德国对乌克兰的征服视为俄罗斯共产主义的最终失败. 他的国家战争胜利后他也没有撤销对英国制度的诅咒.