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公理集合 的英文翻译、例句


axiomatic set theory
更多网络例句与公理集合相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For certain infinite sets ''X'', it is also possible to avoid the axiom of choice.


The problem then becomes constructing such an ordering, and it turns out that every set can be well-ordered if and only if the axiom of choice is true.


To take just one example, consider the set theorist's axiom of extensionality : For any sets A and B , if A and B have the same members, then A is the same set as B .


It has been proved in [2] that a normal fuzzy set structure is a kind of non-standard model of the axiomatic set theory with urelements.


The fuzzy set theory is a rapidly growing branch of applied mathematics whereas the Boolean-valued model is a nonstandard model of the axiomatic set theory.


The research on rough set axiomatic system plays an important role in the rough set theory and its applications.


As an application of the above proof, we obtain at once that there is an open and dense set in the set of Ω-stable systems such that every system in the set satisfies Axiom A and the no-cycle condition (Axiom A and the strong transversality condition, respectively).

作为上述方法的一个运用,马上可以得出在Ω稳定系统的集合中有一开稠集满足公理 A 和无环性条件(对应的,公理 A 和强横截性条件)。

The contents of the abstract of the short Communication is:"The paper gives a complete differential partition to a Euclidean straight line with a fixed frame, and three axioms for the integral of infinitesimals indexed by real numbers; proves in standard mathematics there are positive infinitesimals outside of real number set; Gives cosmic, macro and micro counterexamples to two axioms in Jordan, Carathéodory, and Lebesgue measure theory; transforms Weierstrass limit into Huang limit, Cantor continuum into Huang continuum, and Newton-Leibniz formula into Huang formula."


The contents of the abstract of the short Communication is:"The paper gives a complete differential partition to a Euclidean straight line with a fixed frame, and three axioms for the integral of infinitesimals indexed by real numbers; proves in standard mathematics there are positive infinitesimals outside of real number set; Gives cosmic, macro and micro counterexamples to two axioms in Jordan, Carathéodory, and Lebesgue measure theory; transforms Weierstrass limit into Huang limit, Cantor continuum into Huang continuum, and Newton-Leibniz formula into Huang formula."


更多网络解释与公理集合相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Boolean algebra:布尔代数

(2)布尔代数(Boolean Algebra)是代数系统中最为基础的部分,也是最核心的基本理论. 主要包括了集合的基本概念和运算,自对偶的公理系统. 是数据表示的重要基础. 相信大家都非常清晰他的重要性. (3)关系代数(Relational Algebra)应用也是极为广泛,

axiom of choice:选择公理

不过,有一个很重要的东西就不见得那么家喻户晓了--那就是"选择公理" (Axiom of Choice). 这个公理的意思是"任意的一群非空集合,一定可以从每个集合中各拿出一个元素. "--似乎是显然得不能再显然的命题. 不过,这个貌似平常 的公理却能演绎出一些比较奇怪的结论,

axiomatic set theory:公理集合

axiom | 公理 | axiomatic set theory | 公理集合 | axiomatic theory | 公理论, 公理法

Congregational Church:(基督教的)公理教会

congregation | 集合, 集会, 圣会 | Congregational Church | (基督教的)公理教会 | congregational | (教堂)会众的, 公理教会的


congregate 聚集 | congregation 集合 | Congregational Church 公理教会


congregation /会众的/公理教会的/公理教会/集合/ | congregational /会众的/公理教会的/ | congress /会议/大会/议会/国会/国会的开会期/协会/性交/

systematic selection:系统选择

在von Mises的理论中,这个公理是他的集合概念的定义的一部分:他要求一个集合中频率的极限一定要对任何种类的系统选择(systematic Selection)不敏感(他指出,赌博系统总是可被认为是一种系统选择.