英语人>词典>汉英 : 公牛 的英文翻译,例句
公牛 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
bull  ·  ox  ·  oxen  ·  toro  ·  bulled  ·  bulls  ·  Oxen

更多网络例句与公牛相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The new trainer is Marc Boff, who spent the last four seasons as the Chicago Bulls' assistant trainer.


Bring the bull to the front of the Tent of Meeting, and Aaron and his sons shall lay their hands on its head.


Some of the prominent ones are Pit Bull Rescue Central, Bay Area Dog-lovers Responsible About Pit Bulls, Pit Bull Project, etc. These organizations advertise their Pit Bulls online along with whatever information they might have of their past histories and their traits.


The Bull Moose by Alden Nowlan Down from the purple mist of trees on the mountain, lurching through forests of white spruce and cedar, stumbling through tamarack swamps, came the bull moose to be stopped at last by a pole-fenced pasture.

由奥尔登Nowlan公牛驼鹿低于树木的山上紫色雾气, lurching通过白云杉和雪松森林,通过落叶松沼泽障碍,来到公牛驼鹿要停止在最后的一极,草原围栏。

In fact, a series of bull shark attacks on the Jersey Shore in 1916 is said to have inspired the 1970s movie thriller Jaws, which wound up featuring a great white instead of a bull shark.

事实上,对公牛鲨鱼袭击系列泽西岸 1916年,据说灵感来自70年代电影惊悚片大白鲨,其中配备了一个伟大的伤口,而不是一个白色的公牛鲨鱼。

BULL'S HORNS \ 愤怒的公牛 Colombian bullfighter Luis Bolivar was gored during a bullfight at the Malagueta bullring in Malaga, Spain, Thursday.

上周四,哥伦比亚斗牛士Luis Bolivar在西班牙马拉加斗牛场举行的一场斗牛赛中,被公牛顶起。

Chicago Bulls: If first-year coach Vinny Del Negro had an idea of what type of team he was trying to turn the Bulls into, that tiny dip in winning percentage (.419 to .402) might be easier to embrace.

芝加哥公牛:如果第一年的教练Vinny Del Negro头脑清醒的知道他要公牛朝什么方向发展,那么公牛本赛季胜率小小的下降(41.9%→40.2%)似乎更容易被接受。

The breeding values of 12 dairy bull, were evaluated by BLUP method, and the parameters μ, h_i, g_i, S_(jk were obtained by using computer. Comparing this evaluation with thnt of not using relationship matrix, there are some difference between them. In the calculation, A~(1-)should be added to the elements of bull, effect on the diagonal of matrix.


Ahead of them are the runners, who try to stay close to the bulls without falling over or being gored.


You will be engaged in a brutal fight acting as a matador, a word making you energetic and excited, in conditions of extraordinary disparity with several giant bulls in this game. In stead of sharp swords, only a red provocative cloth is in your hands when the crazy bulls stamp towards you. You can do nothing but to evade a succession of violent jostles in the tiny place by virtue of your wisdom and artful paces.


更多网络解释与公牛相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Baal, Molech:公牛神巴爾、莫洛克

Astomi, Apple-smellers 義為沒有嘴巴,全身毛髮,以嗅覺維生,尤愛蘋果氣味(58) | Baal, Molech 公牛神巴爾、莫洛克(74) | Basilisk, Cockatrice 巴西里斯克(39)

Royal Promenade Bull And Bear:皇家步行街商家 ( 店名 : 公牛與熊 )

Royal Promenade 皇家步行街 | Royal Promenade Bull And Bear 皇家步行街商家 ( 店名 : 公牛與熊 ) | Royal Promenade Bull And Bear 皇家步行街商家 ( 店名 : 公牛與熊 )

overlooking Bull Bay:俯临公牛湾

1. quite a gathering 不小的人群 | 2. overlooking Bull Bay 俯临公牛湾 | 3. for a start 首先

bull trout:公牛斑鲑

\\"贪食症\\",\\"bulimia\\" | \\"公牛斑鲑\\",\\"bull trout\\" | \\"筛骨泡\\",\\"bulla ethmoidaea\\"

bullocky:小公牛似的 与放牛有关的

bullock | 阉牛, 一岁半以下的小公牛 | bullocky | 小公牛似的 与放牛有关的 | bullous emphysema | 大泡性肺气肿

Chris Jefferies:猛龙/公牛猛龙

25. Frank Williams 纽约/纽约/公牛/+ | 27. Chris Jefferies 猛龙/公牛猛龙/+/+ | 28. Dan Dickau 老鹰/老鹰开拓者/小牛黄蜂/凯尔特人


ox 公牛 | oxen (复数)公牛 | oxygen 氧


智利与秘鲁在第2次太平洋战争中各有一艘名叫"公牛"(Toro)的舰艇,智利与秘鲁在第2次太平洋战争中各有一艘名叫"公牛"(Toro)的舰艇,Kh-23 是星辰设计局(ZvezdaOKB)在 1965 年所研制的短距遥控制导空对地导弹,属于较早期的俄制战术空对地武器.

bull tother:公牛系绳

\\"公牛鼻环\\",\\"bull ring\\" | \\"公牛系绳\\",\\"bull tother\\" | \\"大水疱,大疱,水疱\\",\\"bulla\\"


显然,克莱恩为球队命名为"公牛(Bulls)"是个明智决定. 不过另一种说法是,芝加哥是畜牧业非常发达的地区,当地的NFL球队是芝加哥熊,此外MLB中还有芝加哥小熊,于是,NBA球队成为了同样以动物命名的公牛.