英语人>词典>汉英 : 全球化 的英文翻译,例句
全球化 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
globalisation  ·  globalization

更多网络例句与全球化相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

With the distinction between "internationalization" and "globalization" as a referential test, it can be said that advocates against "globalization of law" and the "hyperglobalizers" among researchers with a positive attitude towards it are actually in the same level of "legal monists" related to "denationalization"; the difference between the two groups of scholars lies in the fact that the former hold a monist view of state law while the latter that of non-state law.


There is no systematic connection between globalization and the free market. It is no more essentially friendly to liberal capitalism than to central planning or East Asian dirigisme. Driven by technological changes that occur in many regimes, the process of globalization is more powerful than any of them. This is a truth that Friedman—as an avowed technological determinist—should accept readily enough. If he does not, it is because it shows how baseless are the utopian hopes he attaches to a process that abounds in conflicts and contradictions.


Before the industrial revolution, is the stage of embryogeny; from the end of 18~ century to the end of the Second World War, the stage of formation; and from the 1960s to present, the stage of profound expansion.


As they develop both domestic and foreign markets, Disney and other huge media corporate entities keep amalgamating and integrating various media companies. In the globalization process, they do have been taught hard lessons such as Euro Disney, and then effective adjustments were made according to the lessons.


But in fact, economic globalization, on the one hand, in the process of promoting the global expansion of economic activities, has developed a market without boundaries and a global production network, revealed the inapplicability of the current international economic order and whetted the appetite for the liberalization of trade and investment.


Technique development, basic facilities improvement and cost decline make "globalization" communication possible. 4. Globalization of communication technique aggravates the "unfairness" of international communication and leads to its different layers, classes and unbalanced distribution. 5. The end of "cold war" deconstructs the opposite between the East and the West, but not ends the difference between the South and the North and the "civilization conflict". 6. The population redistribution makes the traditional nations and countries in the relevant areas unstable and influences the original national cultural identity. 7."Globalization" communication deepens the alertness of national elite intellectuals, which makes them strengthen their sense of mission to keep and guard the spiritual home of national traditional culture (including traditional belief, value, cultural pattern and so on) that will be possibly subverted and maliciously remade. 8. The combination of "direction" and "strategy", or the speciousness makes big trans-national media corporations sweep away all obstacles and occupy the markets in the developing countries, in which have appeared the phenomenon of "narrations of traditional cultures tending to similarities". 9."Global village": myth or reality? 10. The difference of culture and ideology often causes the different understanding and value judgement to the contents of trans-national communication.


Globalization and the Clash of Value English Summary The paper has discussed conflict of value and produced springhead in Globalization from essential, cause of formation and development trend.


The paper discusses on the unlikeness of economy globalization and culture globalization from the definition of the economy globalization and the characteristics of the culture,however,the law culture will be multiplied for the differences of nations on the background of the economy globalization.


The author mainly discusses the relationship between the two culture phenomena: culture identification and culture uniform tendency, describes the culture identification in the minds of people in the period of culture globalization, detailedly traces the historical evolvement of culture identification, and expatiates the theory of cultural nationalism 3identification, strong culture identification and entirely westernization identification, at last objectively gives some opinions on the realistic function of western culture in the development of modern society. Meanwhile, the author does not echo what other says, and entirely opposes the what is called culture imperialism or western culture intimidation, on the contrary, the author impersonally analyses some other voices which is arisen with deconstructionism, reminds people must start from national practice, recognize the predominance and shortcoming of one's own national culture, neither narcissism nor self-humiliation.


The writer think: Globalization offers non-governmental organizations more and more power, the result of which is the fact that some leading powers and leading power groups take control of these organizations to interfere in the sovereignty of other countries. So, from the above, we can observe the impacts upon the political stability in China. Second, during the process of China"s melting into globalization, the sharp competition between foreign enterprises and native ones is inevitable. Weshould not be overoptimistic to the relative employment increase brought byinglobalization. Third, the western developed powers headed by US strengthen their exploitation upon developing countries by means of economic globalization, it cause and aggravate world economic development disequilibrium, wealth is distributed unfairly among countries, the social environment of Chinese economic development have been worsened, the "common rich of goal is not realization.


更多网络解释与全球化相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Corporation's globalized operation:中国公司的全球化运营

领导能力和团队精神 China Leadership and Team Spirit | 中国公司的全球化运营 Corporation's globalized operation | 选 修 课 Optional Courses


"全球重建"(Global Reconstructing)是一个崭新的概念,它不同于"全球化"(Globalisation)和"全球化过程"(the Process of Globalisation). 全球化只是一种政治、经济及文化现象,全球重建则是世界经济秩序和国际生产分配系统的重组.


Gini coefficient 坚尼系数;基尼系数 | globalism 全球化;一体化 | globalisation 全球化

Globalism: Ideology of Globalization:[全球主义:全球化的意识形态]

5. Multifaceted Aspects of Globalization [全球化的多个层面] | 6. Globalism: Ideology of Globalization [全球主义:全球化的意识形态] | 7. The Dark Side of Globalization [全球化的阴暗面]


[关键词]全球化/文化全球化/全球化文化/英语 [正文] 一、众说纷纭"全球化" "全球化"(globalization)一词,是80 年代在西方报纸上出现的. 90年代以后,联合国秘书长加利宣布"世界进入了全球化时代". "全球化"一词被广泛地引用到各个领域,

economic globalization:经济全球化

大多数人或许主要是从"经济全球化"(Economic Globalization)来了解发展的状况. 事实上,越来越多的有识之士更加担心"文化的全球化"(Cultural Globalization)给人类所带来的隐忧. 不过,大多数人或许也因此忽略了一个关键问题,

Financial Globalization:金融全球化

而金融全球化(Financial Globalization)又是全球化进程中最令人目眩神迷的部分. 如果说国际贸易是从产品交换体现国家间的经济联系,那么金融则是从要素配置领域体现了国际联系. 因此,经合组织前首席经济学家弗郎索瓦.沙斯奈就指出,

ACP Solidarity in a Globalised World:非加太国家在全球化世界中团结一致

polarography;极谱法;极谱分析;... | ACP Solidarity in a Globalised World;非加太国家在全球化世界中团结一致;; | Nadi Declaration: ACP Solidarity in a Globalised World;楠迪宣言:非加太国家在全球化世界中团结...

Nadi Declaration: ACP Solidarity in a Globalised World:楠迪宣言:非加太国家在全球化世界中团结一致

ACP Solidarity in a Globalised World;非加太国家在全球化世界中团结一致;; | Nadi Declaration: ACP Solidarity in a Globalised World;楠迪宣言:非加太国家在全球化世界中团结一致;; | Water Academy;水学会;;

J.P. Warnier:著,吳錫德譯,《文化全球化》,麥田文化,台北

[53]James L.Watson主編,<<飲食全球化>>,早安財經,台北,2007 | [54]J.P. Warnier著,吳錫德譯,<<文化全球化>>,麥田文化,台北,2003 | [55]Lisa Taylor等著,簡妙如等譯,<<大眾傳播媒體新論>>,韋伯,台北,2000