英语人>词典>汉英 : 全形性 的英文翻译,例句
全形性 的英文翻译、例句


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更多网络例句与全形性相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

With its dual capsule design and unique three-pattern switch (cardioid, cardioid with -10dB pad and omni), the Snowball can handle everything from soft vocals to the loudest garage band and it's ideal for podcasting.


The vines is medium growth tendency and easy to set fruit. The fruit is white and shape is round. The skin is white,sleek and lucency. The central soluble solid content is 14%-17%. Hardrind and easy to store. Yield of 2 350 kg/667 m2. This variety is resistant to disease and moisture. The adaptabilities is good, espe...


Finally, the four-unit cylindrically conformal microstrip antenna array is processed and tested. Testing results indicate that, the input VSWR of the antenna array in the vicinity of 1.575GHz is less than 2, the omni-directional performance good, 3dB bandwidth is about 90 degree on axial plane, right-hand circularly polarization good. Overall performance of the antenna array satisfies the design requirements.


Through the assimilating and analyzing the construction materials and the design of reinforced concrete arch bridges with long span from both domestic and abroad, the thesis studies the effect of the arch axis geometry, rise-span ratio, arch ring section and spandrel structures, as well as the ultimate bearing capacity and stability of the entire bridge on the design of reinforced concrete arch bridge. In addition, in consideration of construction, the thesis also studies the applicability of different construction methods such as cable crane system, stiffened skeleton system, swing construction system and cantilever construction system and correspoindingly economica spans and their applications of the reinforced concrete arch bridges.


The obtained result shows that the initial backlash of modification of equidistance is small and symmetrical in no tie bar cycloidal pair, cycloidal gear is smoothly running in pin wheel, and the sealing performance improves.


The results indicate seawater concentration has no effect on absorbency, pH, relative density, dry matter and water contents in Aloe vera leaves. While, seawater stress causes increased MDA and membrane penetration, decreased phytochroms, prolines and NO_3~--N. It is beneficial to plant growth when irrigation was done with 10% seawater, because of higher ratio of K~+/Na~+ and lower ratio of Na~+/Ca~(2+). In addition, the polysaccharide contents in Aloe vera leaves increase twice and triplication under 25% and 50% seawater irrigation respectively, the barbaloin contents increase over triplication in var. 75% seawater and over twice in var. 50% seawater and var. 100% seawater. However, when seawater concentration exceeds 25% the growth of plant was inhibited, biomass decreased, flowering time was deferred, Ca~(2+) content decreased caused by Na~+ accumulation in leaves.


The correlation coefficient between the fractal dimension of soil water-stable aggregates in Beibei Karst mountains and organic matter, total N, total K, total P, available N and P and K, total exchangeable base and pH are:-0.617,-0.532, 0.798〓, 0.450,-0.550, 0.724〓, 0.652〓,-0.489, 0.781 (〓: correlation is significant at the 0.01 level,〓: correlation is significant at the 0.05 level) respectively.


更多网络解释与全形性相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


不全寄生胎,大小头联胎 heteropagus | 对抗治疗,反应性异常 heteropathy,allopathy | 同质异形 heterophany

microcephy-mental retardationspastic diplegia syndrome:小头-精神发育不全-痉挛性双侧瘫痪综合征

Madida syndrome 马迪达综合征 | microcephy-mental retardationspastic diplegia syndrome 小头-精神发育不全-痉挛性双侧瘫痪综合征 | microellipto poikilocytic anemia syndrome 小椭圆形异形红细胞性贫血综合...


耳廓,面颊及肢端.见于还4.黄染(stained yellow) 黄染是皮肤呈黄色,主要见于黄疸,早期或轻微时5.色素沉着(pigmentation) 色素沉着是由于表皮基底层的黑色素增多所致的部分或全(1)白癜(vitiligo) 为多形性大小不等的色素脱失斑片,

Towne's view:汤氏位摄片

汗泌运动神经支配 sudomotor innervation | 汤氏位摄片 Towne's view | 异形性肌张力不全 dystonia musculorum deformans

Anacardium occidentale:{腰果}

腰果 腰果(Anacardium occidentalie Linn) 腰果(Anacardium occidentale)又名槚如树. 漆树科. 常绿乔木,高可达12米,具乳汁. 单叶,互生,长圆状卵形或倒卵形,革质,全缘,长10~20厘米,宽5~10厘米,无毛. 大形圆锥花序,被锈色毛. 花黄色,杂性,心皮1,


科 名: 天南星科(Araceae)火鹤花属(Anthurium)形 态: 多年生宿根花卉,全株直立成有茎,或无茎或有攀绕性等,植株高约1 - 2公尺,地下茎是繗茎,由短茎生出长长的叶柄及巨大叶片,是属於根出叶型,根是气生根,叶片每年萌出3- 4枚,

costophrenic angle:肋膈角

肋膈角(costophrenic angle)是指胸部X光片中,横膈膜上方两侧,靠近胸廓边缘处,与肋骨内缘围成的锐角形的地方. 这个部位的肺野在正常的情况下,应该很干净呈透X光性很好的全黑色,与白色的围在外缘的肋骨及围在下缘的横膈呈强烈对比,


龟背竹属(蓬莱蕉属)(Monstera)植物有20余种,原产美洲热带. 茎伸长后呈蔓性,能附生他物成长. 叶呈心形或歪斜长卵形,全缘或羽状裂叶,叶身有不规则孔洞,酷似人工剪饰美化而成,极为奇特可爱. 成株开花佛焰花序,花后亦能结浆果.

panchromatic emulsions:全色性乳剂

pancake winding ==> 扁平绕组,扁平型绕组,盘形绕组 | panchromatic emulsions ==> 全色性乳剂 | panchromatic film ==> 全色薄膜,全色胶片

Spindle-celled sarcoma; Fusciculated sarcoma; Fusciculated cancer; Recurrent fibroid:梭形细胞肉瘤; 成束性肉瘤

Spindle-cell carcinoma 梭形细胞癌 | Spindle-celled sarcoma; Fusciculated sarcoma; Fusciculated cancer; Recurrent fibroid 梭形细胞肉瘤; 成束性肉瘤 | Spindle-shaped hair 串珠形发成形不全; 串珠形毛发