英语人>词典>汉英 : 全对称性 的英文翻译,例句
全对称性 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与全对称性相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In fact, researching the symmetry property of the Coset graph is more significant than the Cayleygraph, because every vertex-transitive graph is always some Coset graph of its full automorphism group.


In fact, researching the symmetry of Sabidussi coset graphs has more general significance than doing so for the Cayley graph because every vertex-transitive graph is always some coset graph of its full automorphism group.


Their motion asymmetry supported the idea of close correlation between motion perception symmetry and binocularity.


By the circular current symmetry characteristic,on the basis of Biot-Savart law,the expression of the whole-space magnetic induction intensity distribution was deduced in the spherical coordinates system.


With the application of the symmetry of line and circularity, the speed of the generation of a whole compass screen is highly advanced.


An engineering approximately design method-equivlent circuit isalso introduced by equilent circuit of waveguide ET-junction and principle of symmetry and of multiplication of matrix.


RESULTS: The clinical manifestations and MRI information of 123 cases verse-type herniation, clinically manifested as symmetric incomplete as central canal syndrome and significantly decreased or lost motility of the ripheral-type herniation, manifested as nerve root pain of unilateral side as well as pain sensation and thermesthesia on the opposite side.


Symmetry, transitivity, equivalence relations; sets Venn diagrams, complements, Cartesian


With the application of the symmetry of line and circularity,the speed of the generation of a whole compass screen is highly advanced.

利用直线对称性和圆的对称性,提高了全罗盘画面的生成速度。标签走样 Bresenham算法对称性 aliasing arithmetic of bresenham symmetry

A new three-phase AC voltage-regulating AC circuit which use thyristor three-phase bridge controlled rectifier as three-phase symmetrical Y connection is presented.


更多网络解释与全对称性相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


holohedric 全对称的 | holohedrism 全对称性 | holohedron 全面体

incongruous hemianopia:非对称性同侧偏盲

incomplete hemianopia 不全偏盲 | incongruous hemianopia 非对称性同侧偏盲 | incontinence 失禁

Dictamnus angustifolius:{新疆白鲜}

全组染色体总长度是40.55m* . 按stebbins关于核型对称性标准,核型类型为3b型. 新疆白鲜的染色体数目,形态清晰,为进一步研究打下基础. 更多关于"新疆白鲜(Dictamnus angustifolius)染色体核型分析张玲 樊宪伟张霞 王绍明"的相关文章


hologynic /全雌的/ | holohedral /全对称晶形的/全面型的/ | holohedrism /全对称性/


holography 全息 | holohedric 全对称的 | holohedrism 全对称性


holohedrism 全对称性 | holohedron 全面体 | holohedry 全对称