英语人>词典>汉英 : 入学者 的英文翻译,例句
入学者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
enrollee  ·  intrant

更多网络例句与入学者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the European and American countries, the school only requests the intrant to provide the former immunity vaccination record and the medical history, does not request the separate physical examination.


The author in this paper considers that the coherence is a comprehensive concept, and any concept is just the description from one aspect. This paper carries on the analysis from the perspective of thought pattern at the cognitive level. According to the discussion on Kaplan"s viewpoint and the contrary arguments by the other scholars, the conclusion can be made as the contrastive analysis based on the texts parallel in register tends to be tendentious, sketchy and indefinite, so the contrary examples provided by other scholars illustrate that it is impossible for modern Chinese text structure to be influenced by the traditional text structure of "ba gu wen alluded to by Kaplan. This paper provides contrastive analysis on the basis of texts parallel in translation, which can present the most essential different characteristics of Chinese and English texts, and guide the development of every aspect in the translation process, and help to convey the meaning of source language faithfully as well as to construct the text structure in different ways which possess the characteristics of their own languages.


In order to protect Buddhism, Buddhism scholars introduced Li into Buddhism' s theory, changing the philosophy, ethics, religion preachment and regulations of India Buddhism.


GIS network path analysis is the hotspot of GIS research,while the shortest path is the most basic and the most pivotal problem,so the research on it was never interrupted.Based on the Dijkstra algorithm combined with the GIS its own chrematistics,a lot of improvement has been adopted compared with the traditional Dijkstra algorithm.


Now most doctors recommend that CAF should get early open reduction and internal fixation.But for the patients who were accompanied with colostomy,cystostomy,bedsore,contunding and infected skin near the approach,how to determine the indications,manage and win the opportunity of operation to improve the quality of life is a significant topic for study and discussion.


A series of complications may emerge in the course of therapy.Now most doctors recommend that CAF should get early open reduction and internal fixation.But for the patients who were accompanied with colostomy,cystostomy,bedsore,contunding and infected skin near the approach,how to determine the indications,manage and win the opportunity of operation to improve the quality of life is a significant topic for study and discussion.


Genetic factors,obesity, high salt consumption, and alcohol may be involved in the pathogenesis of essential hypertension. Jannetta et al. suggested that essential hypertension might be associated with vascular compression of the left rostral ventrolateral medulla and the root entry zone of cranial nerves Ⅸ and Ⅹ by ectatic loops of posterior fossa arteries,described as neurogenic hypertension.

原发性高血压的发生可能与遗传、肥胖、高盐饮食、饮酒等综合因素有关。1979年Jannetta等提出由于后颅窝异常血管袢压迫延髓左侧腹外侧、舌咽神经与迷走神经根入脑干区(Root entry zone, REZ)而引起高血压即神经源性高血压的假说以来,不少学者从临床及实验研究证实了Jannetta的假说。

This paper reviews A Flourishing Yin: Gender in China's History of Medicine, 960-1665 by Charlotte Furth, which has located the female body in the midst of complex discourse of China's medical history. This book focuses on the changes of historical records of female body. Through putting in male's body, dividing in work and the relationship between doctors and patients, the book reveals that the traditional gender system penetrates the medical discourse, and visa versa.


The scholars are the facilitators and should provide effective help for the development of teachers and schools.


Based on articles, prefaces, postscripts of the LRS anchors, its major publications as well as other scholars studies on this society, the thesis aims to reassess its literary and political pursuits, translation activities and contributions to modern Chinese literature so as to reveal possible cultural constraints in a historical and social frame.


更多网络解释与入学者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

epithelial cell:上皮细胞

2.1.3 上皮细胞(Epithelial cell)肠上皮细胞作为屏障的功能已经为人熟知,最近有学者推测它具有口服耐受和免疫成年人抑制介导的功能. 当大量的食物乳房、微生物和化学抗原拥入小肠时,必须降低免疫成年人反应来避免过分的报告炎症反应.


其临床特点为急性起病、发热、皮疹、淋巴结肿大、肝脾肿大和被恙螨幼虫叮咬处出现焦痂(eschar)等. 1927年日本学者取患者的血液注射入家兔的睾丸内,数日后见睾丸红肿,组织涂片经染色后镜检发现在细胞内有多形性小体. 这种多形性小体可传代感染,

And he's agreed to fit you into his schedule:他同意明天把你安排 进他的面 名单

to interview applicants for admission. 与申请入学者面... | And he's agreed to fit you into his schedule. 他同意明天把你安排 进他的面 名单 . | But I may not want to go to Michigan. 但是 我可能不去MMichi...

And he's agreed to fit you into his schedule:他同意明天把你安排进他的名单

to interview applicants for admission. 与申请入学者面谈.... | And he's agreed to fit you into his schedule. 他同意明天把你安排进他的名单 . | But I may not want to go to Michigan. 但是我可能不去Michiga...

And he's agreed to fit you into his schedule:他同意明天把你安排进他的面谈名单

to interview applicants for admission. 与申请入学者面... | And he's agreed to fit you into his schedule. 他同意明天把你安排进他的面谈名单 . | But I may not want to go to Michigan. 但是 我可能不去Michi...


intransitive 不及物的 | intransitively 不及物地 | intrant 入学者


intransitive /自动的/自动词/ | intransitively /自动地/ | intrant /入学者/加入的/


intransitively 不及物地 | intrant 入学者 | intraocular 眼内的


intramontane basin 山间盆地 | intrant 入学者;入会者;加入者;进入的 | intranuclear 核内的


intrant 入学者 | intrant 加入的 | intranuclear 核内的