英语人>词典>汉英 : 党代会 的英文翻译,例句
党代会 的英文翻译、例句


congress of party representatives
更多网络例句与党代会相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

GMC has successively communicated in terms of academic affairs with Columbia University, U.K. Royal College of General Practitioners, San Francisco State University and Université de Bretagne Occidentale, etc. These dozens of years have seen that over 50 groups of overseas scholars, who totaled over 80 person-times, have been invited to Guangzhou Medical College for the purpose of academic communication. And a long-term academic communication and cooperation between Guangzhou Medical College and foreign as well as Hongkong famous neuroscience research centers, for instance Institute of Neurosciences and Gereology of California University, School of Medicines of Indiana University, Neuroscience Center of University of Memphis in Tennessee, School of Medicines of London University, Hongkong University, Hongkong Chinese University and Hongkong University of Science and Technology, etc., is bridged.


Information shows that a set of two first-day cover is issued for the convening of the 12th Congress of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of CPC, and the "Red Boat" in South Lake is in one of the first-day cover.


Intraparty democracy was a centerpiece of Hu's keynote address to the CCP's 17th Party Congress last fall.


Mr. Zhang Gaoli, the sectary of Tianjin Municipal Party committee, puts forward "Developing vocational education, reforming the national vocational education region and training more qualified practical personnel".


In practise of course, the baggage of Stalinism and 'Mao Zedong Thought' ceased to have any real impact on government policy years ago.


Poster presented at: 17th Congress of European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology; 2008 September 17-21; Paris, France.

海报提交:第17届党代会欧洲皮肤性病学学院; 2008年9月17号至二十一日,法国巴黎。

He let virtually all Fatah's delegates attend the congress (a courtesy Hamas did not extend) and in private was generally well-disposed towards its outcome.

Mr Netanyahu在实际上让所有的法塔赫代表参加了党代会,私下对大会的结果大体上是满意的。

Instead of a congress, Raúl Castro convoked a "national conference" to elect new party leaders.


Instead of a congress, Raúl Castro convoked a "national conference" to elect new party leaders.


But the thousands of Chinese politicos are descending on Beijing in advance of a change in power in 2012, when the Communist Party's once-in-five-years congress is held.


更多网络解释与党代会相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

single cropping:单一种植

单一经济one sided economy; single product economy | 单一种植single cropping | 党代会congress of party representatives

diplomatic offices:外交办公室

部长级会议 ministerial meeting | 外交办公室 diplomatic offices | 党代会 congress of party representative


1956年,赫鲁晓夫(Khrushchev)在苏共第二十次党代会上发表了著名的报告,之后,这一危机变得更加严重了. 当时,由于认识到政治镇压是法西斯主义的预演,美国共产党实际上已转入了地下,因此,相对地说,美国激进青年多未受到这一事件的影响.