英语人>词典>汉英 : 免疫系统 的英文翻译,例句
免疫系统 的英文翻译、例句


immune system · immunologic system
更多网络例句与免疫系统相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There is a type of immune infertility where the woman produces antibodies to her partner's sperm. It's a kind of isoimmunization. Another type of immuni infertility is autoimmunization where the man produces antibodies to his own sperm or the woman produces antibodies to her own ovum.


This is the website of the international ImMunoGeneTics information system, which is a high-quality integrated knowledge resource specializing in immunoglobulins, T cell receptors, major histocompatibility complex and related proteins of the immune system of human and other vertebrate species.


Description: This is the website of the international ImMunoGeneTics information system, which is a high-quality integrated knowledge resource specializing in immunoglobulins, T cell receptors, major histocompatibility complex and related proteins of the immune system of human and other vertebrate species.


The fact that catching a cold gives the immunity to only the virus that lead the cold but not other virus can not substantiate that only through strength immure system can prevent from catching cold.

3, 作者说免疫系统可以战胜一些新病毒,可是没有说明免疫系统可以战胜所有新病毒,这说明免疫系统不是能预防所有类型病毒的感冒。

It includes four parts: 1 Part I, it introduces the basic knowledge of computer viruses such as computer virus definition, history and important viruses events, features, behavior phenomena, difference with computer software and hardware troubles, damage behavior and capability, classification, naming, future trend, etc; 2 Part II, it introduces the corresponding knowledge of computer systems related to computer viruses such as the composing of software and hardware of the computer system, storage media and its working mechanism, interrupt technologies,.com/.exe/.pe file formats and their working mechanism, etc; 3 Part III, it introduces computer virus mechanism and theory such as computer virus structure, work flow, working mechanism of key modules, typical technologies used to design computer viruses including the corresponding traditional technologies (interrupt filching, memory resident, etc.), the corresponding new routine technologies (self-encrypting, Mutation Engine, etc.), and the corresponding new technologies used by some prevalence computer viruses such as macro viruses, e-mail viruses, worm, hacker, Trojan, mobile phone viruses, the working mechanism analysis of some kinds of typical and prevalence computer viruses such as file-type viruses, macro viruses, e-mail viruses, worm viruses, hacker, Trojan, mobile phone viruses, the analysis of some typical and prevalence computer viruses examples including BALL viruses, WORD macro viruses, WantJob viruses, Code Red viruses, BO Trojan, etc; 4 Part IV, it introduces the defense and killing technologies of computer viruses such as the aim and criterion of computer viruses defense and killing, prevention methods and corresponding technologies, detection technologies (comparison method, character code scanning method, behavior inspecting method, analysis method, etc.), manual and automatic killing technologies, immunity technologies such as IBM digital immunity system, new anti-viruses technology trends (real-time anti-viruses technologies, 32 kernel technologies, active kernel technologies, etc.), some typical virus defense and killing softwares (Symantec AntiVirus product, PC-Cillin AntiVirus product, etc.), the defense and killing method analysis of some kinds of typical and prevalence computer viruses (file-type viruses, macro viruses, worm viruses, hacker, etc.), for example, firewall and intrusion detection technologies for anti-hacker, the defense and killing of some typical and prevalence computer viruses examples including WORD macro viruses, Code Red viruses, BO Trojan, etc.


RESULTS:After pinealectomized mice was irradiated WBI with 75 mGy X-rays,we found levels of plasma corticosterone increased obviously,and the effects of the proliferative reaction of splenocytes to ConA and spontaneous proliferation of thymocytes was found to be decrease. But injecting melatonin into pinealectomized mice or putting melatonin in the cultured cell,its immune functions might renew the enhancement.CONCLUSION:Melatonin of pineal gland might regulate the immunoenhancement induced by low dose radiation.MeSH Pineal body; Melatonin; Radiation; Corticosterone; Immunity,cellular

低剂量辐射(low dose radiation,LDR)全身照射(whole body irradiation,WBI)可引起免疫系统的兴奋效应,主要表现在以T淋巴细胞功能激活为主的细胞免疫和体液免疫功能的增强并可提高机体的抗瘤作用[4,5],在LDR诱发免疫功能增强的同时伴有下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺皮质系统功能下调等神经内分泌功能的改变,神经内分泌对免疫系统的调节可能是LDR免疫兴奋效应发生的必要条件,松果腺MLT与辐射免疫兴奋效应的关系值得研究。

The slow and constant HBV infection has distinct connection with the identification, responsion and endurance of HBV antigen by human immune systems.


After biology immunity mechanism is thoroughly analyzed, diploid immune algorithm is put forward based on the integration of biology immunity principle and biology genetic theory.


Construction of public emergency immune system.The emergency management agencies system and practices of typical countries are analyzed and compared,based on which a concept of biomimetic system for emergency management is put forth.Besides,the author studies the way to realize "activation" mechanism within the public emergency immune system.(3) Procedures of pre-emergency management.


One key feature of research on the avian immune system has been the seminal contributions it made on the key role of lymphocytes in adaptive immunity, graft-versus-host responses, deline ation of the two major lymphocyte lineages – B cells and T cells – and gene conversion for devel oping the immunoglobulin repertoire.


更多网络解释与免疫系统相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

the body's immune system:人体免疫系统

4. break down 毁坏;使...瓦解;分裂 | 5. the body's immune system 人体免疫系统 | 6. leave a person defenseless against 使人无法防御...

Immune System:免疫系统

(马志章) 免疫系统 免疫系统(immune system)是机体保护自身的防御性结构,主要由淋巴器官(胸腺、淋巴结、脾、扁桃体)、其它器官内的淋巴组织和全身各处的淋巴细胞、抗原呈递细胞等组成;广义上也包括血液中其它白细胞及结缔组织中的浆细胞和肥大细胞.

Immune System:第十章 免疫系统




Improve Immune System:增强免疫系统

27.Prevent Anti-Tumor and Cancer 抗肿瘤与癌症 | 28.Improve Immune System 增强免疫系统 | 29.Prevent Glaucoma 预防青光眼

digital immune system:数字免疫系统

数字免疫系统(Digital Immune System)是IBM公司和赛门铁克(Symantec)公司提出的新概念. 数字免疫系统主要是为企业级的信息系统服务的,它所"预防治疗"的病症很广泛,既包括计算机病毒,也包括影响企业信息系统正常运行的诸多因素,

Computer Immune System:计算机免疫系统

微机监控系统:Computer control system | 计算机免疫系统:Computer Immune System | 数控系统(CNC):Computer Numerical Control System

immunize system only:只免疫系统

immediate action 立即动作 | immunize system only 只免疫系统 | impact 击打;冲击

affinity maturation:亲和力成熟[见于体液免疫系统的发育]

affinity ligand亲和配体 | affinity maturation亲和力成熟[见于体液免疫系统的发育] | affinity partitioning亲和分配

radiation obliterated his immune system:放射治疗破坏了他的免疫系统

How long do we have?|我们还有多久? | radiation obliterated his immune system.|放射治疗破坏了他的免疫系统 | Even in a clean room,he's only got.|就算在无菌室里