英语人>词典>汉英 : 克拉河 的英文翻译,例句
克拉河 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Using Mesoscale ARPS model and its data analysis system ADAS, which were developed at the Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms, the University of Oklahoma, three Doppler radars cardinal data of Qihe of Jinan, Linyi and Lianyungang were assimilated and comparative experiments were conducted for the "428" squall line process.


Alvan Graham Clark (July 10, 1832 – June 9, 1897), born in Fall River, Massachusetts, was an American astronomer and telescope-maker.


THERE are, writes Robert Clark, two concepts of the legendary city on the banks of the Arno in northern Italy.


Neither of them are big rivers,but very large when joined together ,and yet larger when they are joined by a third river,which joins them near Clarendon Park ,about three miles below the city.


Neither of them are big rivers, but very large when joined together, and yet larger when they are joined by a third river, which joins them near Clarendon Park, about three miles below the city.


Development of a spa resort complex, on 35 acres of land at Milk River Clarendon, Jamaica, to complement the mineral bathhouse and pool.


The Russian army, supposing Napoleon would take the road to the right beyond the Dnieper—the only sensible course—turned also to the right, and came out on the high road at Krasnoe.


Two fishermen navigate the fog-fringed Clarence River near the town of Grafton in New South Wales, Australia.


There are 6 fly fishing rivers in this little Northern California town: The Smith River, The Klamath River, The Trinity River, The Mad River, The Eel River, and the Van Duzen River.


People drift through the arcades on Kramgasse, talking and stopping to buy linen or wristwatches or cinnamon; a group of eight-year-old boys, let out for morning recess from the grammar school on Kochergasse, follow their teacher in single file through the streets to the banks of the Aare; smoke rises lazily from a mill just over the river; water gurgles from the spouts of the Zahringer Fountain; the giant clock tower on Kramgasse strikes the quarter hour.


更多网络解释与克拉河相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


克伦特河 Current R. | 克黎 Currie | 克拉塔克 Currituck


南部的工业已有相当的发展,主要中心为克拉斯诺亚尔斯克、伊尔库次克(Irkutsk)和布拉茨克. 叶尼塞河及其主要支流安加拉河的水电潜力--在俄罗斯任何水系中均属最大--同时也得到了最大的开发. 自从1950年代以来,


该湖接纳众多河流,其中最大的是克拉尔(Klar)河,湖水流经约塔(Gota)河往西注入卡特加特海峡(Kattegat),约塔河是水力发电的主要资源. 除南岸外,湖滨四周多岩石和树林,南岸低平,有利于耕作. 该湖是构成约塔运河的主要环节,

Krishna River:克里希纳河

Krapina 克拉皮纳 | Krishna River 克里希纳河 | Kromdraai 克罗姆德拉伊


阿肯色河航行系统始于奥克拉荷马州的马斯科吉(Muskogee)东北8公里(5哩)处,即弗迪格里斯河口,然后进入阿肯色河,并通过该河到达密西西比河. 阿肯色河流域内建有许多水利工程,包括建在奥克拉荷马州麦卡莱斯特(McAlester)附近加拿大河上的尤福拉(Eufaula)多用水库.


沙帕达-杜韦阿代鲁斯国家公园的北方边界被圣安那(santana)和巴托洛梅(bartolomeu)河拦截阻断. 其他四方不断的溪流,如菲安得尼阿(Fiandeira),蒙特斯克拉鲁(Montes Claros)和莫克姆排水沟(Moquem drain)也同样被阻断.

Sauk R:索克河

索哲提斯 Saugerties | 索克河 Sauk R. | 索克拉匹兹 Sauk Rapids

Sauk Rapids:索克拉匹兹

索克河 Sauk R. | 索克拉匹兹 Sauk Rapids | 索卡提亚 Saukatia

TVA Tennessee Valley Authority:(田纳西州河流域管理局)

Tecumseh Utility Authority, Okahoma(俄克拉荷马州泰卡塞公用事业管理局... | TVA Tennessee Valley Authority (田纳西州河流域管理局) | WAPA Western Area Power Administration,US DOE(西部地区电力管理局,美国动力...

Tecumseh Utility Authority, Okahoma:(俄克拉荷马州泰卡塞公用事业管理局)

SUB Springfield Utility Board, Oregon(俄勒冈州斯普林菲尔德公用事业公司) | Tecumseh Utility Authority, Okahoma(俄克拉荷马州泰卡塞公用事业管理局) | TVA Tennessee Valley Authority (田纳西州河流域管理局...