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Cat's Eye Diopside is mainly mined in India .
Druse crystals were produced in palisade cells under all light conditions but crystal diameter changed, being greatest at 100 E m^(-2) s^(-1) and decreasing with higher light.
在所有之测试的光强度下,栅状叶肉细胞内均会产生晶簇状的草酸钙晶体,但所形成晶体的直径并不相同,在100E m^(-2) s^(-1)光强度下其直径最大,而在光线较强时,晶体的直径则减小。
Each photosynthetic palisade cell in the leaves of shade-adapted Peperomia glabella contains a druse calcium oxalate crystal which we hypothesize is involved in dispersing light to the chloroplasts.
Most point-and-shoot cameras have a simple exposure override facility, normally allowing you to overexpose or underexpose your picture. So if the subject is predominantly dark, experiment by overexposing to compensate. If the subject is predominantly light, then underexposure is the way to go. Try taking a test picture, look at it on the screen on the back of your camera, check the histogram, and adjust your exposure compensation. Don't be afraid to shoot four or five versions, as the LCD screen is not always accurate. You can delete the bad pictures later.
Leaves spirally arranged, spreading radially, or directed forward on upper side of branchlets and spreading on lower side, each inserted on a petiolelike pulvinus, linear, straight or curved, quadrangular, broadly rhombic, or flattened in cross section, stomatal lines adaxial or on each surface, vascular bundle 1, resin canals 2, sometimes small and discontinuous. Pollen cones solitary in leaf axils, rarely terminal, ellipsoid or cylindric; pollen 2-saccate.
Please select the appropriate location for decorative use, such as in the visual light of a corner or corners, to block or strip of layout is appropriate, avoid the same area of the shape of the mirror 22 relative, as people will feel uncomfortable .
First firing of raw materials are usually basic glaze frit, in the process of production need to add metal oxides, metal ions is also a special color of the enamel glaze color, or as a gel, or suspension-like particles of the dispersion or absorption of light and color, for example, cobalt oxide blue or purple, blue green copper oxide, cobalt oxide copper oxide mixture is significant blue, red cuprous oxide, nickel oxide in the potassium content of the glaze was red, in the sodium yellow glaze of green, if used alone was brown iron oxide, cobalt oxide and manganese dioxide are combined black or dark brown.
I'll describe a shot from the Exterior Brookfield sequence of an exterior of a row apartment on fire with an explosion blasting out the third story windows. The shot was composited on an Inferno by Bob Wiatr. We started with a live plate of the street scene. Our first task was to remove a foreground chainlink fence and camera crew. We recreated the fg matching the flashing ambulance lights. To create a snowy, misty look we used a number of logic ops of the bg with a mist plate which was basically the bg heavily blurred and multiplied back onto itself, graduating to create a sense of dimensionality. Glows were added around lights and flames using Sapphire plug-ins and light beams were added to streetlights. Four or five layers of 3d particle snow created in Maya were combined with practical elements varying in size and focus depending on distance from the camera.A miniature explosion element was incorporated into the comp, also with added glows, interactivity with the building, and rotoscoping of foreground objects. The entire comp was then time warped for editorial matching with the subsequent cut.
我可以描述一个Exterior Bookfield的几个镜头,那是一排的公寓着火,在三楼窗户引起爆炸,这个镜头是Bob Wiatr用Inferno合成的,我们用一个现场的街道镜头开始,我们的第一个任务是删除一个在前景中的链条状的篱笆和摄像人员,我们重新制作了前景以期与前景中的闪烁的救护车灯匹配,为了制作一个下雪的雾蒙蒙的效果,我们用了大量的logic ops,用了一个雾层,这个层基本上就是把背景尽量模糊然后再把它重新加到背景上面,渐变式的制作出一个层次感,自发光用Sapphire插件加在灯光和火焰的周围,而光线被加到路灯上,在maya中制作的四到五层的三维的粒子雪用来和不同大小的真实的素材混合在一起,焦距则依赖镜头的景深,同时在楼房爆炸的地方加入了一个缩小了的爆炸素材,以及爆炸的辉光效果,和重新放置的前景物体,整个的镜头接着匹配时间用来做最后的剪辑制作。
It was the day of our swearing in, and we had been in the Old Senate Chamber, a dark, ornate place dominated by a large, gargoyle-like eagle that stretched out over the presiding officer's chair from an awning of dark, bloodred velvet.
It was the day of our swearing in, and we had been in the Old Senate Chamber, a dark, ornate place dominated by a large, gargoyle-like eagle that stretched out over the presiding officer's chair from an awning of dark, bloodred velvet.
- 更多网络解释与光线状的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
photonic crystals:光子晶体
英国一项最新的研究结果显示在研制发光二极管(LED)方面科学家远远落在了自然造化的后面.科学家发现非洲燕尾蝶漂亮的双翅处理光线的原理竟然与数码显示器的原理相类似.蝴蝶翅膀上的鳞状覆盖物内包含着一些被称为"光子晶体"(Photonic Crystals)的微小结构而这和发
黑沙漠其实是一片黄沙上散布著大大小小的黑色玄武岩,是远古时候火山爆发(eruption)留下的遗迹,远看彷佛黄色大地覆盖著一层黑色薄纱. 而白沙漠中矗立著大大小小因长年风蚀而呈香菇状的奇岩,灰白的岩石及遍地的白色细沙随著夕阳光线变化,
Kerr effect:克尔效应
日本物质材料研究机构(NIMS)现已开发出一种新型薄膜状透明磁性半导体(图1),如果采用多现了很强的法拉第效应(Faraday Effect)及克尔效应(Kerr Effect).光线偏振面发生旋转的现象,现已应用于光纤通信使用的光隔离器(Optical Isolator)等领域.
liquid crystal display:液晶显示器
液晶显示器(Liquid Crystal Display) 的缩写字为LCD,而一般使用者也多以此来称呼,液晶显示器在两片平行的玻璃平面当中放置液态的晶体,而在这两片玻璃中间则有许多垂直和水平的细小电线,透过通电与不通电的动作,来控制杆状水晶分子改变方向将光线折射来产生并显示的画面.
曝光过度(OVEREXPOSURE)景深概念与计算 先介绍几个概念: 1 、焦点(focus) 与光轴平行的光线射入凸透镜时,理想的镜头应该是所有的光线聚集在一点后,再以锥状的扩散开来,这个聚集所有
杆状细胞(rods) 视觉感受器,对光线的敏感度比锥细胞要敏感数百倍. 它们产生无色视觉,使人可以在昏暗的光线下看清对象的一般轮廓. 三分法(rule of thirds) 该规则表示将图像中的兴趣中心放在网格的一个交叉点上.
通常愈通透的红蓝宝石价值愈高,但星彩宝石却少有透明的,因为它的六线星芒来自于内部被称为"结绸"(Silk)的微细针状细纹. "结绸"整齐地排列在宝石正中央,在光线照射下转动宝石时,星彩也会随之颤动. 若是仿制的星芒会十分明显,
clinohypersthene | 斜紫苏辉石 | clinoid | 鞍突状的 | clinoklase | 光线矿
radial 光线的 | radialization 辐射 | radialized 辐射状的