英语人>词典>汉英 : 先进性 的英文翻译,例句
先进性 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与先进性相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Keeping the important function of the advance of the Party lies in that the advance of theParty is a life of the Party.


now Keeping the advance of Communist Party is in the progress. while studying this ,we must think other more. Many factors have influence on advance of Communist Party .


On this basis, the paper is divided into five chapters to analyze what is the issue of being advanced for a party and why a party in power should keep and effectuate its advancedness and how a party achieves its goal of being advanced when it holds power.


On this basis, the paper is divided into five chapters to analyze what is the issueof being advanced for a party and why a party in power should keep and effectuate itsadvancedness and how a party achieves its goal of being advanced when it holds power.


It is really an innovative breakthrough in the theory of party building to bind the strengthened construction of keeping the party advanced and the strengthened construction of the Party's governing competence because they both make up the important contents in party building,and the key for the achievement of the target of our party's efforts as well,due to their identities,namely,the identity of subjective connotation and the identity of the fundamental goal.


To maintain the Party's advancedness has to keep and reinforce the advancedness of the Party grass-root organization.


Building the advancedness of the Party is a systematic engineering composed of many aspects, among which institutional building is a key factor. The institutionalization of the Party is the pivotal, the effective form and the concentrating reflection for the establishment of an advanced party.


The advanced sex of advanced productivity and party is close and associated, the advanced sex that advanced productivity is a party bilks the corporeal foundation with generation, the concentration of the advanced sex that developing advanced productivity is a party is reflected, it is to maintain hold the basic requirement of advanced sex mixes the political party basic approach.


Furthermore,their personality and capability are important in their demonstrations and realization of their progress,and two important comprising elements,and two basic yardsticks .


Based on the analysis of present situation, this paper advances the approaches to maintaining advanced nature of the Party membership in colleges and universities: firstly, improving political awareness through persistent Party spirit education; secondly, improving the sense of honor and responsibility by cultivating campus culture; thirdly, providing the system safeguard by strengthening the evaluation mechanism; fourthly, innovating the carrier of advanced nature maintaining with the Image Improvement Program; fifthly, enhancing the selfdiscipline by implementing selfeducation, selfmanagement and selfsupervision.


更多网络解释与先进性相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Technical advancement:技术先进性

tear strength 撕裂强度 | Technical advancement 技术先进性 | Technical condition management of plant 设备技术状态管理

civil service's meritocracy:公共服务系统的先进性

civil service personnel establishment编制系统 | civil service's meritocracy公共服务系统的先进性 | civil society公民社会

socialist modernization:现代化建设

先进性:advanced characteristic | 现代化建设:Socialist modernization | 社会主义观:Socialist Concept


该车在技术方面的先进性及挑战性确实令人钦佩,但也有不足之处,而且本田还没有找到解决办法. 为了追求赏心悦目的外观并同时确保冲撞时的安全性能,便要保持车内较大的空间,其结果便是,前面A柱(pillar)产生的弯曲造成了车内的死角.

party's progressiveness:党的先进性

党的建设 party building | 党的先进性 party's progressiveness | 党和国家前途命运 the destiny of the party and state

Purposive sampling:有目的抽样

先进性实际上也含有前沿性而非典型性的意味,虽不能代表人民法庭的整体面貌,但至少代表了它们的发展方向,便于我们达到上文所述的研究目的,所以我们也可将其看作田野研究者常用的有目的抽样(Purposive Sampling),[2] (P179-180)以这些先进人民法庭为样本,


.一般来说,从主编的回信和审稿人(reviewer)的修回意见可看出文章录用的可能性有多大. 主编的回信会特别提到你的文章的科学先进性(scientific priority);审稿人对文章的总的评价中会提到对文章是否感兴趣(interesting)等;

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