英语人>词典>汉英 : 充分的数量 的英文翻译,例句
充分的数量 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
sufficiency  ·  sufficiencies

更多网络例句与充分的数量相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Being small and crude though, the business is booming. There was no table and the only facilities they had are a few petates and wooden stools. Quite a lot of customers are standing to eat during the peak time. Then let's see what makes this eatery seem crude: not saying other important appliances, those blue and gray looks twisted and impenetrably thickheaded.


They have vast markets (90 percent of British homes apparently have a dictionary, which is more than have a Bible or a recipe book), and there is ample research to show lexicographers why people use their dictionaries


They have vast markets 90 perct of British homes apparently have a dictionary , which is more than have a Bible or a recipe book , and there is ample research to show lexicographers why people use their dictionaries .


It is not enough for "Trow Theory" to use only quantity —— Gross Enrollment Ratio of Higher Education to measure development ; Whats more, it is misleading.


The NAR is full of it and will spin the numbers any way it can to keep up the pleasant fiction that all is well.


In the design of the compensators and supports of the piping line, th e amount and the recuperability of the fixed support s should be reduced as much as possible, and the distance between any two fixed support s should be enlarged as much as possible according to the features of the piping line, from which the economic benefit of the piping line can be fully embodied.


Private universities are supposed to use the number of leading gene and confining gene and the scientific management of quality to develop sequently in order to form the developed harmonious unification of private universities and "environment" and establish the living substance depending on each other.


Fruit weight was significantly increased by 33 g or 79 g through half-tree of three out of four flower cluster thinning,consequently fruit calcium concentration was decreased by 1.62 or 2.66 mg/100g fresh weight respectively,it means that fruit calcium concentration was significantly affected by the treatments that significantly altered fruit size.

苹果树疏除花序1/2或3/4的数量使苹果平均单果重比不疏花分别显著增加了33 g或79 g,而果实钙浓度每百克鲜重分别降低了1.62 mg或2.66 mg,充分说明当疏花显著地影响果实大小时,果实内钙浓度也会明显地发生相应的变化。

The number of tax leverage to leveraging stable development of the property market highway stone?


Secondly, there are many existing laws with the WTO rules or provisions inconsistent with the contents of inadequate places, the number of large, involving many departments, such as : involving quantitative import restrictions, trade balancing requirements, foreign exchange balancing requirements, local content requirements, priority products for the purchase of legal provisions should be amended; Tariff Law, Trademark Law, Copyright Law, and foreign investment legislation, in the light of WTO rules should be revised in light of China's commitment.


更多网络解释与充分的数量相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

liberal quantity:充分的数量

sufficient quantity 脚够的数量 | liberal quantity 充分的数量 | shipment quantity 够装运的数量







sufficient quantity:脚够的数量

further quantity 更多的数目 | sufficient quantity 脚够的数量 | liberal quantity 充分的数量

shipment quantity:够卸运的数量

liberal quantity 充分的数质 | shipment quantity 够卸运的数量 | equal quantity 等量


"足够"(sufficient)的通常含义是"对某一目的或目标充分的数量、程度或范围的". 该词是一个关系概念,要求在两个因素间存在足够的或充分的关系,在此处要求在卫生检疫措施和科学证据间有足够的或充分的证据. 在澳大利亚麻哈鱼案中,


当使用200-μg 数量的溶解产物时, 这个分析识别了在癌细胞中由多于3-折叠的"上-调节"(regulated)的58个斑点和由多于3-折叠的"下-调节"的107个斑点. 注意:Cy 涂料标记一个质-(mass-)活跃的过程和由涂料提供的104 到105动态范围或许对检测类似人类血清的样本中的低- abundance蛋白质是不充分的,

essential drugs:基本药物

药用基本药物(essential drugs)是满足人们医疗卫生优先需求的药物,其选择依据是,与公众健康密切相关的、疗效好、安全、相对费效比良好的药物. 在运转良好的卫生系统中,基本药物要随时都能以足够的数量、适当的剂型、有保证的质量、充分的信息、个人与社会可承受的价格满足供应.

adequately safeguarded disarmament:具有充分保障的裁军

adequate, predictable and sustainable level, an;足够、可以预测和可持续的数量;; | adequately safeguarded disarmament;具有充分保障的裁军;; | Adeturon;Adeturon辐射保护装置;;