英语人>词典>汉英 : 像空气一样 的英文翻译,例句
像空气一样 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与像空气一样相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Instead of spinning I want it to be clipped onto the car air vent like a car air freshener.


We should be eagles flying high in the sky, being argus-eyed with the great talent and bold vision to tower into the skies; we should be the ocean gathering all the flows together, bursting out as the ocean shows its power; we should be the earth opening its broad world, scouting widely around for talents of the world; we should be the air being low-key, serving quietly and sustainably year by year.


I boldly answered entered then My residence within A rapid , footless guest , To offer whom a chair Were as impossible as hand A sofa to the air .


Characterized by lightness and insubstantiality; as impalpable or intangible as air.


We do it wrong, being so majestical, to offer it the show of vioence, for it is , as the air, invulnerable.


Everything felt real about it, the fence felt like wood and even the air smelled different, it had a farm like, swampish smell about it.


Teach with compassion, O brahman, the Dhamma of seclusion so that I may know — so that I, unafflicted as space, may live right here, independent, at peace.


Take my sorrow and my sin I will run into your arms again Hold me father Once again my tears are dried By your perfect love that's river-wide Over-flowing As i stand on it's bank With my arms overhead I am overcome As i breathe The air of heaven Drawing in your fragrance When i breathe I feel your fullness come alive Inside of me You're the breath that i breathe Covered by the evening sky I turn my gaze to where your kingdom lies Deep inside me A silent whisper in my mind Sweet surrender to your love divine Peace enfolding In the stillness i empty my soul And your healing presence flows As i breathe The air of heaven Drawing in your fragrance When i breathe I feel your fullness come alive Inside of me You're the breath that i breathe It's taking hold It's second nature when i Savor... When i Savor...


True, I talk of dreams, which are the children of an idle brain, begot of nothing but vain fantasy, which is as thin of substance as the air and more inconstant than the wind, who wooes even now the frozen bosom of the north, and, being anger'd, puffs away from thence, turning his face to the dew-dropping south.


True,I talk of dreams,Which are the children of an idlebrain,Begot of nothing but vain fantasy,Which is as thin of substance as the air And more inconstant than the wind,who wooes Even now the frozen bosomof the north,And,being anger'd,puffs away from thence,Turning his face to the dew-dropping south.


更多网络解释与像空气一样相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


音波同时也是立体的,从纵的(Longitudinal)角度来看,音波在空气中的特性就像上述的例子一样. 当音波经过,那时微粒保持在它们平衡的位置上,在空气中前后振荡. 这些音波的微粒就好比是运动场上的人群,而形成音波的原理就像是人群在作站起和坐下的动作一样.


麦芬,又名玛芬,妙芙,都是英式松饼(muffin)的音译. 松饼(muffin)之有这么大的膨胀能力有个主要的因素: 湿面筋的烘焙特性 ,有产生层次能力的结构材料 我们知道面粉的面筋是由面粉加水和搅拌所产生的物质具有良好的伸展性和弹性它有像汽球一样的特性、可以保存空气并随著空气的胀力而膨大,


a:不对. 汽球又不胖,里面只是空气而已(It's just full of air). 你一pop它就又'瘦'(skinny)下来了,就像我一样!


早期的增压器都属于机械增压,被称作"超级增压器"(Supercharger),后来涡轮增压器发明了,就被称为了Turbocharger. 机械增压器就像空气压缩机 机械增压器就像发动机的附件转向助力泵一样安装在发动机上,并由发动机皮带驱动,

The moonlight caressed your silhouette:月光打出你的轮廓线

And the music was like wind in your hair 这音乐就像穿行于你发间的风 | The moonlight caressed your silhouette 月光打出你的轮廓线 | Kiss of ocean mist is in the air 海雾一样的吻在空气中飘

detonates... there's a calm at the center:引爆后... 炸点中心确是平静的

The air is being pushed out so fast...|空气被急剧地向外扩张... | detonates... there's a calm at the center...|引爆后... 炸点中心确是平静的 | Iike the eye of a tornado.|就像龙卷风的中心一样

It's like Of Mice and Men:就像是《人鼠之间》描写的一样

He's just getting a little air.|它只是呼吸点新鲜空气 | It's like Of Mice and Men.|就像是<<人鼠之间>>描写的一样 | - No, Marley- - Oh, John, please-|- 马利,别 - 约翰,快


自动外用去颤器 (defibrillator) 现在广泛运用于机场、购物中心和飞机等场所. 从空气中提取氧气对病患进行氧气治疗的便携式制氧机,现在可以像钱包一样挎在肩上. 所有这些设备都是依靠低功耗和小外形尺寸来实现的.

Spanish Moss:西班牙苔蘚

也可以在土壤表面覆以西班牙苔藓(Spanish moss)或砂砾. 植物并不是万能的,Wolverton 警告说"假如新房间有严重的空气污染问题,即使种植大量的植物也无济于事. " 不过就像膝上的猫儿一样,如果在你的"呼吸区间"--你周围的6到8立方英尺空间--有一盆植物的话,