英语人>词典>汉英 : 像皮的 的英文翻译,例句
像皮的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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They fall from giving shade above, To make one texture of faded brown And fit the earth like a leather glove.


"Polly I love you.You are the whole world to me,and the moon and the stars and the constellations of outer space.Please,my darling,say that you will go steady with me,for if you will not,life will be meaningless.I will languish.I will refuse my meals.I will wander the face of the earth,a shambling,hollow-eyed hulk."-"Ad Misericordiam."-"Well,Polly,you certainly have learn your fallacies."-"You're darn right."-"And who taught them to you,Polly?"-"You did."-"That's right,So you do owe me sth,don't you,my dear?If I hadn't come along you never would have learned about fallacies."-"Hypothesis Contrary to Fact."-"Polly,you mustn't take things so literally.I mean this is just classroom stuff,You know that the things you learn in school don't have anything to do with life."


His skin was smooth and tight as a drum; his cheekbones were shiny hillocks, like the crisp skin of a grilled fish.


It is hour-glass shaped with two heads, made from either a goat, lizard or fish skin, and tuned by straps that connect the heads with each other.


Wearing a lupine skin, they can run as wolves, free as moonlight in thenight.


Clearly, true love knows no bounds as the pipit does everything she can for her offspring, including going without food while she sits on her nest to look after her chicks.


Don't ask me, I forgot totally about the what kind of melons is that already. Its appearance is like watermelon, however, its pulp is just like winter melon.


It is currently fashionable to consider atopic dermatitis, like other inflammatory dermatoses, as immunologic in pathogenesis ("inside-outside" hypothesis)....


It is currently fashionable to consider atopic dermatitis, like other inflammatory dermatoses, as immunologic in pathogenesis ("inside-outside" hypothesis)....


Said from the Collection of the best education from the beginning, so that the level of mine and skin are Lianji As you increase in level of strange places and a little bit of increase, unlike the latter part of scholarship, as are basically high - levels of high-grade ore and the skin, caused by mining can not.


更多网络解释与像皮的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


西班牙马曾经是欧洲主要的马,为许多君王和领袖所喜爱. 在16世纪初西班牙马被征服者带到美洲,当时所建立的品种一值繁衍到现在. 另外像西班牙的安达卢西亚马(Andalusian)、葡萄牙的卢西塔诺马(Lusitano)以及维也纳西班牙马术学校的利皮札马(Lipizzaner)也都是它的后代.

Gastropoda, arthropoda, echinoderma:似腹足纲, 节足动物门, 棘皮类

$ Anthozoa, ctenophora, bryozoas, three $|珊瑚虫类, 栉水母类, 苔藓虫门, 三... | $ Gastropoda, arthropoda, echinoderma $|似腹足纲, 节足动物门, 棘皮类 | $ And some fish like you and me $|还有像你还像我的...

calf leather:小牛皮

正版 Gucci 皮質的部份都係用野豬皮(Wild Boar Skin)製,而野豬皮的"皮味"較其他皮料如牛皮(Cow Hide),小牛皮(Calf Leather)或土鴕鳥皮(Emu Skin)來得濃烈,而冒牌貨用的人造皮(Synthetic Leather)聞起來就像塑膠味.

filmy:薄皮的, 像软片的, 薄的

speculative思索性的, 暝想性的, 推理的; 冒险的 | filmy薄皮的, 像软片的, 薄的 | snugly舒适地, 整洁干净地, 情况极好地

Shar Pei:沙皮犬

沙皮犬(Shar Pei)名称来自其强韧的被毛,"沙皮"中国语为鲨鱼皮或沙纸的意思. 是世界上最珍贵之犬种之一. 皮皱而下垂,性情愉快且温和,一点也不像"中国的斗犬". 与其它狗的决斗时,常常取得胜处,因为此犬有不容易被咬破的宽松皮肤.

Like a spider monkey! Go on:像蜘蛛猿一样!继续说

Chip, I'm gonna come at you like a spider monkey.|怯皮, 我会像蜘蛛猿一样爬向你 | Like a spider monkey! Go on.|像蜘蛛猿一样!继续说 | Chip, you brought this on.|怯皮,这是你自找的

Chip, I'm gonna come at you like a spider monkey:怯皮, 我会像蜘蛛猿一样爬向你

I'm 1 0 years old, but I'll beat your ass.|虽然我才10岁了,但也会打你的... | Chip, I'm gonna come at you like a spider monkey.|怯皮, 我会像蜘蛛猿一样爬向你 | Like a spider monkey! Go on.|像蜘蛛猿一样!继续...

synthetic leather:人造皮

正版 Gucci 皮质的部份都系用野猪皮(Wild Boar Skin)制,而野猪皮的"皮味"较其他皮料如牛皮(Cow Hide),小牛皮(Calf Leather)或土鸵鸟皮(Emu Skin)来得浓烈,而冒牌货用的人造皮(Synthetic Leather)闻起来就像塑胶味.

flaxy:像亚麻的 (形)

flaxseed 亚麻籽 (名) | flaxy 像亚麻的 (形) | flay 剥皮; 抢夺; 去皮 (动)

squeaked like leather:像走在皮草上发出吱吱的声响

I walked on a snow-bank that 我走在皑皑的雪岸 | squeaked like leather, 像走在皮草上发出吱吱的声响 | Or two wooden spoons that you 又像是你用两支木勺